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Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:16 am
by Siggon Kristov
Moderation should accept some volunteer assistance to help with the routine tasks.
This is not the first that this is being suggested, and someone else was just talking to me about it (They will reveal their own identity if they choose to, but I won't do it unless they specifically give permission).

Real moderators can continue to handle the more delicate duties and enforcement of rules, but what's wrong with a volunteer, or 2, handling the routine duties and simple technical tasks?
Since I came, It was Reiko and Urien, then Reiko messed up and got replaced by Vald, then it was Vald and Urien, then Vald by himself, then Holdit came. Holdit failed. Now Rapax is here with Vald, and what's funny is that the first thing Rapax did was to lock the Final Draft Approval thread for new laws that players make up. I thought he would help Moderation to be more active, not less.

Want to send me some hate mail? Want to suck up to the moderators by flaming on me in this thread?
I don't mind. I really don't mind if you all dislike me for saying these things, or the way I say them.

There are willing players, who are volunteering to be a part of an active team, and Moderation responds like this:
Valdštejn wrote:there have been very few applications, and even fewer acceptable ones

I can guarantee the community that some of the persons who sent applications, that aren't considered the most "acceptable" by the current mods, would probably do a better job.

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:24 am
by Afrocentric

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:30 am
by Siggon Kristov
Just an additional remark... this suggestion is to have assistants doing routine work, instead of giving someone the full responsibility or authority of being a "moderator"

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:45 am
by catparty
What tasks would you suggest that these hypothetical Lesser-Moderators be delegated?

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:04 am
by Siggon Kristov
catparty wrote:What tasks would you suggest that these hypothetical Lesser-Moderators be delegated?

Renaming places, deactivating inactive players, bill clear-out requests, reactivation requests, deactivating multis, etc.

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:03 pm
by SelucianCrusader
I agree with you Siggon. There are plenty of very suitable candidates on this forum, some who would probably behave in a more benign and loving way than certain moderators have done in the past. I see no reason for not getting on with this soon.

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:51 pm
by Aquinas
Our friend Siggon does not always express himself in the best way. On behalf of myself and (I am sure) many others, I apologise to Mods past and present for his attitude.

Nevertheless, looking beyond the negative grumbling etc., I wonder whether Siggon's suggestion has something going for it. Some of the duties of the Mods require tact, sensitivity, diplomacy and a real understanding of the game. Others may require a lot of technical skill. I don't really know because I've never been a Mod...but is it possible that *some* of the routine duties that need doing (eg. inactivating inactive parties, clearing out Bills) could be allocated to a volunteer? Such a person need not necessarily be designated as a "Moderator". They need not be seen as some sort of "Lesser-Moderators" either. Most of us in the Particracy community, myself included, would be very grateful to them for the time and effort they put in to the game.

I appreciate that it is possible, of course, that I am either overlooking or unaware of other considerations which would make this suggestion impractical.

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:24 pm
by Afrocentric
I could be a mod. Then again, I have so much other stuff right now with school, music, defending Rutania from socialism, Sim City know what, some one else should apply to be a mod.


Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:30 pm
by Siggon Kristov
Afrocentric wrote:I could be a mod. Then again, I have so much other stuff right now with school, music, defending Rutania from socialism, Sim City know what, some one else should apply to be a mod.


I'd volunteer to help with technical tasks, even if I'm not trusted of being capable with the more sensitive ones.

Re: Volunteer Assistance

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:34 pm
by Siggon Kristov
Rapax is back! :D