Requests: Cultural Protocols - CPs

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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:40 pm

Auditorii wrote:
Auditorii wrote:
neoliberalbad wrote:As per the request of Wublixi ( ... tyid=42715); here's his proposal for Dankuk's new cultural protocols. I do not claim authorship of this proposal. ... lid=652317

I will review this and let you know when the 48 hour timer will start.

I have some questions here:

(1) Is there any sort of RP to support the decline in the other populations compared to the Kyo population?

(2) Is there any sort of RP to support the "absorption" of religious groups into Sindo-Daenism?

(3) Is there any sort of RP to support the decline of other religions compared to the others?

I'll forward these questions to Wublixi and copy and paste his responses. In the meantime; I'll try to field these as another player who's been in the nation to offer my perspective.

1. The CSL is literally a Kyo Supremacist party and have declared Dankuk a Kyo nation-state much to my party's chagrin ( ... lid=650113); however this doesn't necessarily equate to ethnic composition. The CSL's whole idea is kind of similar to Zhonghua Minzu; basically while there isn't mass murder perpetrated against Dradwyr and Draniano, they're being completely culturally assimilated - forced to speak Kyo, to read it, and effectively to become a part of the "Kyo people" themselves. The CSL also encourages the intermarriage of minorities with ethnic Kyo - however; this could actually just be creating more people who would be racially if not culturally Draniano. Additionally, whenever opposition governments have taken power (like the CPRU-BFP coalition one rn) they've reversed the assimilationist policies and promoted multi-culturalism and autonomy. In short; the past decades have undoubtedly turned Dankuk into a very Kyo-dominated culture and society; but the Draniano and Draddwyr haven't been significantly mowed down in terms of actual racial population - at least to my knowledge. In addition; multiple opposition parties have taken on pro-Draddwyr/Draniano identities ( ... tyid=41860), meaning that they certainly aren't being too silenced. Because of this, I would disagree with the scale of the changes taking place demographically - the Draniano are at least racially if not culturally still very much present; even in reduced numbers.

The demographics and culture of Dankuk make it a bit difficult to assess the Draniano population due to their dual mixed race and cultural status - are they decided by blood or culture? If it's merely the former, then Wublixi's policies may have actually increased the Draniano population. But if we go with the latter definition, then I would agree that the Draniano have suffered severe setbacks. I would assess that there definitely have been significant decreases in Draddwyr populations in addition.

2. Wublixi has turned Sindo Daenism into the state religion ( ... lid=650117), and sort of a mass front for conservatives and the religious. At the top of my head I can't pull out an individual instance of significant merging of religions or conformity, it's just generally been accepted by the players in Dankuk (namely me, the BFP player, and Wublixi himself) that the Sindo Daenists have been gobbling up smaller sects. I can't pull up concrete instances or documentation of this actually happening though, so this point could be up to debate.

3. From what I believe it's more of an inferral decline. Nobody in Dankuk for the past couple of centuries, at least to my knowledge, has actively been playing a religious group besides Wublixi and his Sindo-Daenists. There have been very atheist movements (like my party), and secular but religious freedom-supporting movements (like Ryouta's now-defunct party); but there's never been a substantially long-ruling and impactful enough Hosianist or really any non Sindo-Daenist religious party for that matter. Wublixi's is the only one in recent memory to reach these levels of zealotry. Given the CSL's usual level of support and the fact that it has ingrained Sindo-Daenism as the state religion of Dankuk as a nation itself for decades at this point; even I would probably admit that at this point other religions and even atheism have probably been in substantial decline. In short; atheism and Sindo-Daenism are the 2 major religious camps that have presented themselves in Dankuk for the last decades; and given the absence of alternatives, the theocratic nature of the current regime, and the lack of any players to RP another religious movement it's being inferred that non-Sindo Daenist religions and to a lesser extent atheism have taken significant blows.

These are just my thoughts; and once Wublixi responds we'll have definitive answers.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:20 pm

Auditorii wrote:
Auditorii wrote:
neoliberalbad wrote:As per the request of Wublixi ( ... tyid=42715); here's his proposal for Dankuk's new cultural protocols. I do not claim authorship of this proposal. ... lid=652317

I will review this and let you know when the 48 hour timer will start.

I have some questions here:

(1) Is there any sort of RP to support the decline in the other populations compared to the Kyo population?

(2) Is there any sort of RP to support the "absorption" of religious groups into Sindo-Daenism?

(3) Is there any sort of RP to support the decline of other religions compared to the others?

Wublixi has got back to me; he's replied as follows, and also agrees with the points I made in the initial response post:

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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:17 pm

I'll review this information and get back to you both.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby imperialpearl » Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:58 am ... lid=652954

I'm requesting that Rutania be granted cultural open status.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:24 am

In relation to the Dankuk CP, I'm going to deny it on the basis that links have not been totally provided and some points have been made that don't quite support the cultural and religious shifts. I'll allow that the Kyo population has grown but perhaps not at the rate that is being proposed, I also don't quite think that all the religious groups would have totally disappeared such as the other Pagan beliefs (notably those from entirely different cultures) and the merger of everything under the branch of Daenism into Sindo-Daenism. I think that they can be reduced but not totally reduced to none or completely absorbed, especially without significant RP justification.

In relation to Rutania, I will permit the nation to become culturally open however I want a Cultural Protocol passed as soon as possible and I will review to determine if we will remove the old CP entirely.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby neoliberalbad » Sun Jan 16, 2022 4:07 am

Auditorii wrote:In relation to the Dankuk CP, I'm going to deny it on the basis that links have not been totally provided and some points have been made that don't quite support the cultural and religious shifts. I'll allow that the Kyo population has grown but perhaps not at the rate that is being proposed, I also don't quite think that all the religious groups would have totally disappeared such as the other Pagan beliefs (notably those from entirely different cultures) and the merger of everything under the branch of Daenism into Sindo-Daenism. I think that they can be reduced but not totally reduced to none or completely absorbed, especially without significant RP justification.

Got it, will let Wubilixi know
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Polites » Mon Jan 17, 2022 2:13 pm

Auditorii wrote:
Culto wrote:New Cultural Protocol I hope that get passed ... 5&vote=yes

I don't really see how you can claim the things you're claiming in the Cultural Protocol especially without any sort of basis in RP and overall lack of RP in the country overall. Where did the "cultural influences" of Greco-Roman come especially when there was no sort of direct rule over Solentia by Kalopians, who iirc, were not wholly independent.

If I may jump in for a bit, it was me who suggested Culto to add the Kalopians to Solentia, on account of the proximity of Kalopia and a lot of common history between the two nations. I think the links Culto shared are strong evidence of at least "Greco-" if not also "Roman" influence in Solentia, in addition to its Arab majority.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Culto » Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:39 pm

Polites wrote:
Auditorii wrote:
Culto wrote:New Cultural Protocol I hope that get passed ... 5&vote=yes

I don't really see how you can claim the things you're claiming in the Cultural Protocol especially without any sort of basis in RP and overall lack of RP in the country overall. Where did the "cultural influences" of Greco-Roman come especially when there was no sort of direct rule over Solentia by Kalopians, who iirc, were not wholly independent.

If I may jump in for a bit, it was me who suggested Culto to add the Kalopians to Solentia, on account of the proximity of Kalopia and a lot of common history between the two nations. I think the links Culto shared are strong evidence of at least "Greco-" if not also "Roman" influence in Solentia, in addition to its Arab majority.

Of course and additionally of that is an evidence of the presence of istalians and luthorians in the country, these are part of the cultural richness of the country and my party in its roleplay tries to preserve and give importance to this richness.
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jan 18, 2022 1:10 am

In reference to Solentia, I think that it needs to be cleaned up significantly. I'm not sure what the difference is between "50 % Majatran (OCC Arabic) -50 Southern Majatran/Solentian -10 Majatran (OCC Arabic)" while "Majatran" has traditionally defined the Arabic equivalent in-game, I'm not sure what "Southern Majatran/Solentian" is nor is it defined in OOC notes. I don't quite think that Kalopian should make up 20% of the population, I think it should be significantly smaller. My recommendation would be to merge all the other Majatran ethnicities (Kalopian, Istalian, etc.) under one branch and define them underneath that branch.

I also would petition if the discussion should be had about it retaining its Arabic culture or shifting to the former Afghani culture that had been started prior. I know Polites has worked extensively on cultures and would value his opinion here.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Cultural Protocol Queries (Approvals/Violations/Open)

Postby Culto » Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:59 am

Auditorii wrote:In reference to Solentia, I think that it needs to be cleaned up significantly. I'm not sure what the difference is between "50 % Majatran (OCC Arabic) -50 Southern Majatran/Solentian -10 Majatran (OCC Arabic)" while "Majatran" has traditionally defined the Arabic equivalent in-game, I'm not sure what "Southern Majatran/Solentian" is nor is it defined in OOC notes. I don't quite think that Kalopian should make up 20% of the population, I think it should be significantly smaller. My recommendation would be to merge all the other Majatran ethnicities (Kalopian, Istalian, etc.) under one branch and define them underneath that branch.

I also would petition if the discussion should be had about it retaining its Arabic culture or shifting to the former Afghani culture that had been started prior. I know Polites has worked extensively on cultures and would value his opinion here.

If you see the links that I put and the wiki and the story of Solentia you will knwe that the southern Majatra are the Solentian Majatrans that are the mix between the people that was living in Soelentia and the Majatran people, they are Majatran but they are speacilly different from the others majatrans, and that is beacause Solentia has undergone a process of majatrisation, is like in real life we have some OCC: arabe country that are not 100% arabes, for example the north african countries or Sudan etc, the arabes maghrebies are the arabe of north africa that have arabic ascendence and berber ascendance, something like that happen in Solentia but I am not telling that are the equivalent in game of maghrebies is just an example to explain the context.

Sorry but how you can agree to shift 180º the nation of solentia from the arabic culture to a afgani culture that dont have anithing related with the arabic culture just like that and reject the hole story of solentia? that dont make sense.
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