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Platform Passings

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:29 pm
by CanadianEh
So recently,

A Communist Party in Rutania passed this Bill: ... lid=439244

It was a platform bill and it would have messed up others ideologies if it were not to have passed (my vote would have not counted). I proposed my platform and told the Parliament explicitly that if it does not get enough opposition I will abstain and it will fail. The Communists did not do that and just blamed it on people not voting. Are there moderation rules agaibst this? Or do players just have to live with it?

If there isn't it would be nice yo impliment some rules based on this.

Re: Platform Passings

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:40 pm
by Aquinas
This is a good question, and one that has been asked ever since Particracy first opened for business a decade ago. The answer is that there is no rule against parties putting forward Bills with large numbers of Articles. Such a rule would probably be too time-consuming and difficult to enforce in practice. The only solution to the issues you've described that I can think of would be an actual coding solution which, say, restricted the number of Articles a player can add to any single Bill. But further coding on the game is, I understand, unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future.

An option you can also consider is limiting the quota of proposals allowed to parties in your nation. That would limit the "Mega-Bills" (as I call them...).

In my personal experience as a player, players can usually be persuaded to limit the amount of Articles they include in a Bill if you approach them in the right way. Persuasion and negotiation, though, are the only real tools at your command here.

Re: Platform Passings

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:49 pm
by Darkylightytwo
Well, sorry it passed, I did not believe it would, but it has, (not that Rutania has any way to implant these change right now.)

on your plateform, we had to sacrifice our ideology ... lid=439767
We were in favour of Articles 2, 5 and 9,
That is 33% of your bill, we were in favour and we had to vote no.

Note, even if your party abstain, that does not matter to pass a bill, if the majority of the parliament vote in favour, in with you voting against your own bill, it will pass.

Yeah, My goal was simply dividing forces of others parties, but did not except any of them to abstain. So the bill was defeated, and in my mind, the President was only speaking to his troops, to motive them into voting the next candidates as president and giving us more seats. This kind of speech would not be seen in parliament, I was speaking to my partisan, so I had a ultra partisan speech, with ultra partisan action. We can't abstain. you say this does not matter, but abstaining destroy your visibility regardless.

I never heard it was agaisnt the game to put very large bill in the parliament, even if those bill would destroy others ideologies.

What you said was
Date 05:07:53, June 18, 2015 CET
From Rutanian Democratic Party
To Debating the Democratic Platform
Message OOC: If no one is able to oppose, I will abstain and it will fail.

as I said, you can abstain on your own bill, but that does not prevent the parliament from adopting or defeating them.

I fail to see how I did very different then you, the only difference where the difference of our seats, which made the bill when it should never had, because it would never had been presented to the parliament, but to the electors. And like Aquinas, said, I don't believe there will any new coding to the games, which would permit us to present a electoral plateform, (this way, others parties would not have to vote on it, and would not have to vote yes or no. Only your party would vote on gain visibility from your electoral plateform though. but that are as if.... )

Re: Platform Passings

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:54 pm
by Aquinas
Darkylightytwo wrote:I never heard it was agaisnt the game to put very large bill in the parliament, even if those bill would destroy others ideologies.

Just to make clear again, there is no rule against Bills with large numbers of Articles, although many players find it considerate/helpful if players limit the number of Articles they attach to any single Bill. That's all.

Also, we shouldn't be sharing private messages on the forum (though I don't think you had any malice or anything there, Darkylighty).

Re: Platform Passings

PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:04 pm
by CanadianEh
Let's just be clear, mine was 9 articles, yours was 30! It didn't matter wether or not you voted against because your own platform corrected the wrong ideologies. That is why you started voting on it then, rather than when you created it prior.

@Aquinas: Rutania has a 12 proposal cap, but once it re-generates, you are able to propose as much as you want. He waited.

Re: Platform Passings

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:47 pm
by Polites
Omnibus bills are rude, but not illegal. And in case of platforms and manifestos and such, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed.