"Phantom party"

Threads from before the Dec 15, 2023 migration.

"Phantom party"

Postby MalasRally » Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:35 pm


I requested early elections for my nation earlier since I've set up a new Kalopian party, and got them. However, there's another party in my country (http://classic.particracy.net/viewparty ... tyid=26700), that won the election. Which would normally be fine, except it's one of those parties that never votes, replies to messages or even has a name/color (I've seen some players call them "phantom parties"). Since it won, I can't really pass anything for the next 4 days until it inactivates. Is it possible for you Mods to remove it?

Thank you! :)
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Re: "Phantom party"

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:53 pm

MalasRally wrote:Hi,

I requested early elections for my nation earlier since I've set up a new Kalopian party, and got them. However, there's another party in my country (http://classic.particracy.net/viewparty ... tyid=26700), that won the election. Which would normally be fine, except it's one of those parties that never votes, replies to messages or even has a name/color (I've seen some players call them "phantom parties"). Since it won, I can't really pass anything for the next 4 days until it inactivates. Is it possible for you Mods to remove it?

Thank you! :)

I appreciate the frustration in this situation, but since the player concerned only created his party a short while ago, it would be fair to give him some time to log in, create his party identity and so on before considering inactivation.

Despite not having the majority of seats, you still have the opportunity to propose bills - and regular legislative bills will pass (provided the other player doesn't log in and vote them down). Once you have raised your Visibility levels, you will stand a better chance at the next election.
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Re: "Phantom party"

Postby MalasRally » Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:08 am

Yeah okay, you're probably right. And even if he won't be active, 4 days waiting isn't the end of the world, haha.
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Re: "Phantom party"

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:16 am

Unfortunately, we do not have any rule in place to cover this specific situation, but on closer consideration, given the circumstances, I do not think it would be too unfair to improvise with the rules a little, as it were. If the party does not log in within the next 24 hours, I will subject it to a seat reset. In other words, it will remain in the nation, but all of its seats will be taken away.

In the meantime, my advice would be to pass as many bills as you can so as to raise your Visibility levels. That way, you will not risk the same thing happening again.
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Re: "Phantom party"

Postby MalasRally » Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:16 pm

Thank you, that's nice of you! :)
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