RP Law Query/Organization Thread: Partition of Kazulia

Threads from before the Dec 15, 2023 migration.

RP Law Query/Organization Thread: Partition of Kazulia

Postby MedwedianPresident » Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:46 pm

I and another user living in Kazulia (Borgersammenføring), both dominating the country through a coalition, have decided to split up the country through a "Devolution and Partition Act" that will turn Kazulia into an union of two main "subnational entities" united by the Kazulian Monarchy in personal union but with only limited "federal" governmental powers. Eventually, our plan is for the countries to diverge and formally declare independence, the first part ("North Kazulia") turning into a BSF-dominated/democratic capitalist republic and serving as the "successor" of current Kazulia while the second part ("South Kazulia") turns into a totalitarian fascist dictatorship ruled by Theodor Lynden Frankenstein and his National Purity Congress, maybe even joining the Dovani Axis.

Seeing the current discourse about country split scenarios and the fact that one such scenario could already be successfully conducted in Jelbania, I hereby desire to reach out to all moderators and interested players to debate on the technical and RP framework of Kazulia's separation.

Our questions are:

How can this be legal (if at all) or be made legal under the RP rules (especially the novel rules that are being developed)?

How can such a split be simulated technically, especially concerning the differences in laws that will result?

We have agreed that the (democratically elected) "Head of Government" position will symbolize the president of North Kazulia and the (hereditary) "Head of State" position will just be renamed from "king" to whatever title the dictator of the South will have.

What will be the status concerning the World Congress?
I guess it would be not such a problem for the WC seat to be "split into two" and that the Security Council seat will depend on who will have the nuclear weapons/stronger economy in the end.
Posts: 41
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:05 pm

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