Organisations involving national governments as members.


Postby RedReaper » Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:23 pm

Journal Of The Union Of Revolutionary Socialist Republics
Workers Of All Nations, Unite!

Révolution Rouge - Lourenne
Front Gauche (FG) - Aldurie
Revolutionary Anarcho-communist Party - Baltusia
People's Radical Revolutionary Party - Beluzia
Sofuoglu Partisi - Jakania
The Metzist-Leonidist Party of Kirlawa - Kirlawa

INTERNATIONAL - Journal Of The Union Of Revolutionary Socialist Republics is an international communist journal and the official paper of the General Assembly of the URSR. Its main aims are to inform readers of present news and events occuring in the Revolutionary Union, specifically the General Assembly, aswell as on a national and international level.
Last edited by RedReaper on Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby RedReaper » Sat Aug 12, 2017 3:28 pm

Journal Of The Union Of Revolutionary Socialist Republics
Workers Of All Nations, Unite!

CATASTROPHE IN BADARA : Government Overthrow Leads To Months Of Turmoil

Pro URSR Protesters In Revolutionary Square - Dar as-Salam, Badara

The recent end of the Badaran Civil War has sent ripples through the International working class, as the first member state of the URSR has been taken over by a violent and extreme reactionary force; with the leader of al-Aitihad sent into exile. The course of events is shocking and tragic, and we send solidarity to our comrades still in Badara and the thousands who have since fled the country out of fear of reprisal from the new regime. We cannot as an organisation forget the Badaran people or the al-Aitihad government; we must strive to return Badara to socialist hands as soon as it is possible to do. But we must also look at the events of the Badaran Conflict and its aftermath and see what we can learn, in order to prevent such a horrendous event from occuring again.
The Badaran Civil War began in 2246 after a mercenary force funded by the Badaran ex-capitalist class and supplied by foreign imperialist powers began a campaign of terrorism and violence, rejecting the democratically elected Socialist government. As the conflict escalated it became more and more obvious that the 'Coalition' forces were funded by outside organisations and governments, who had supplied the rebels tanks and high tech weaponry, aswell as supporting them with intelligence and special forces. This government was soon to be revealed in the form of Beitenyu, who's direct military involvement in the war was uncovered by media sources. This intervention, although contrary to World Congress resolutions concerning the conflict, was not mentioned much if ever by members of the world congress and security council, which were far more open to discussing conspiracies involving the Istalian humanitarian workers which were there at the request of al-Aitihad.
The conflict, unsurprisingly, began to quickly turn in the Coalition's favour; almost certainly due to the massive foreign support that they had received and the incapable nature of the World Congress to do anything about it ( that is even if they wanted to, which is highly debatable). Soon the Badaran Government, out of desparation turned to the URSR to send military support, which was graciously supplied; to the abject horror of the World Congress who had prior to that turned a blind eye to Beitenyese and Gaduridos military involvement, but now suddenly wanted to enforce its own resolutions with military force. Abdul Amari, Delegate Leader of the Republic of Badara, fearing intervention by capitalist forces against the Revolutionary Union, asked Kafuristan, the main contributor to the URSR task force and the only member state involved which the SC could attack, to delay intervention, instead turning to peaceful solutions to the conflict.
But it was already to late. The Coalition, having at this point superior weapons and armor of Beitenyese origin, was able to break through the Badaran Military's front line and seize the Revolutionary Delegate Assembly hall. The United Conservative Forces, political wing of the Coalition, took power, and al-Aitihad was forced into exile.
Now what can be learned from this conflict, in order to aid future revolutionary action in Terra, and to prevent reactionary attacks.

1. Do Not Rely On The World Congress
The World Congress is in many ways a positive force in Terra, preventing conflict and punishing high level crimes. But we must not forget that their main motivation is to maintain the status quo of International Capitalism. They will eventually become the URSR's enemies if we continue to strive for our end goals. Indeed many of the governments of the World Congress remained highly supportive of the Coalition, even after the Nov/48 attacks, and have recently accepted the new regime in Badara with open arms, an organisation which used violence and terror to overthrow a democratic government. Their hypocrisy is blatant, and they do not deserve our trust.

2. Prevent The Formation Of An Ex-Capitalist Class
The Badaran Government made a grave mistake by accepting market socialism and not eliminating the Badaran Currency and market quicker. The Ex-Capitalists in the Badaran Conservative Union; the main supporters of the Coalition, still maintained the wealth they had gained via the extraction of surplus value under capitalism. As this wealth still maintained its value on the Badaran and International markets, the Ex-Capitalist Class were able to fund the Reactionary armies in an attempt to regain their monopoly on the means of production. This cannot be tolerated if the future revolutions are to be more successful than the Badaran one.

3. Do Not Rely Solely On Peaceful Means To End Conflicts
The Badaran government's attempts to prevent war between the SC and the URSR put the final nail in their coffin, forcing the government to rely on the good will and support of an organisation which had so far failed to stop the conflict, let alone stop supporting the Coalition. The URSR cannot cater to the whims of the Neo-Liberal Capitalist establishment, who are willing to declare war on democratically elected governments and turn a blind eye to the actions of Fascist Regimes and Terrorist Forces.


The Badaran Conflict was a case in point of how far the Capitalist Class are willing to go to defend their interests and their capital against labour. We cannot let the Badaran Civil War's disasterous conclusion hamper our hopes of achieving International Communism. We must not let our comrades die in vain.

Solidarity With Badara!

Workers Of All Nations, Unite!

INTERNATIONAL - Journal Of The URSR Editorial Collective
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