Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:55 pm

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

The Grand Conservative Party of Majatra votes AYE to the constitutional amendment
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:56 pm

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

The Majatran Liberal Socialist Party votes AYE to this constitutional amendment.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:51 pm

Aldrkai Dnkrsrmo, leader of the Monarchist Union of Majatra (MUM)

The Monarchists vote AYE.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:37 am

Herlkai Bókkatéz, Leader of the Majatran Reform Party (MRP):

The MRP votes AYE to this amendment.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:23 am

The required votes are in and constitutional amendment 1 shall be send to the president for its signing


NOTE: The president has signed and Constitutional Amendment 1 has been enacted
Last edited by Rogue on Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:29 pm


The populations of the 7 full member states were allowed to vote in this election, observer state members will all receive 1 observer seat

Population eligible to vote: 506.999.101

Total voter turnout: 58%

Total voters: 294.059.479

Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)
84.451.553 votes

129 seats obtained in the Grand Assembly +45 seats

Majatran Federalist Movement (MFM)
7.225.371 votes

11 seats obtained in the Grand Assembly -13 seats

Majatran Reform Party (MRP)
74.361.326 votes

114 seats obtained in the Grand Assembly +37 seats

Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)
92.192.520 votes

141 seats obtained in the Grand Assembly +103 seats

Grand Progressive Party of Majatra (GPPM)
14.438.461 votes

22 seats obtained in the Grand Assembly -90 seats

Monarchist Union of Majatra (MUM)
21.360.248 votes

33 seats obtained in the Grand Assembly -79 seats

4 seats will be redistributed as followed:

1 seat from the GCPM will be given to Kalopia as a observer seat

1 seat from the MLS will be given to Corbura as a observer seat

1 seat from the MRP will be given to Selucia as a observer seat

1 seat from the MLS will be given to Solentia as a observer seat


OOC: Keep in mind this channel is from now on only meant for RP between the MUN parties and proposing laws by those parties, for member states a seperate executive meeting room with the president as speaker has been created. Players can request RP owners of parties if they can join the party as a politician. The current leaders of the parties are:

Moderator CM: MFM Party

sisyphus: MRF Party

Mr.God: GCPM Party

Servant of Equality: MLS Party

Axxell: GPPM Party

Kubrick: MUM party
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Axxell » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:24 am

Hussain Mudarak, Grand Progressive Party of Majatra

Sorry for the long silence by part of the GPPM firs of all, being formed currently mainly by two Istalian Party, we had to heavily debate in Istalia the popular movement arose in recent years against the MUN.
I will talk, now, as istalian citizens and representative: Istalia suffered greatly the financial crack of Romula (Black Thursday) and only recently we are seeing a little recovering from that crisis. Despite personally I think that the measures adopted by the MUN helped many nations, Istalia too, to overcome this crisis, many citizens feels the MUN as the main cause of this situation, rightly or wrongly.

Many members of the MUN expressed their concerns about a new economic and financial apocalypse after an Istalexit and personally I agree, but I think that the organization and this Assembly, as well as its Executive, should show finally to Istalia and Istalian citizens, probably very attached to the Majatran Alliance, a veritable committment to integrate and not replace the Alliance systems with the MUN.

I think that after the elections and the referendum (which it's not binding), the new Istalian Government will be ready to open a serious debate with the MUN. First of all, I can already announce that probably the Istalian Government will push for a different conception of the MEN. Are we really sure that a veritable common currency, used as commodity money, could be really implemented in Majatra? The GPPM proposes that the MEN would be used like the MACU under the Majatran Alliance, namely as a unit of account in the form of a basket of the currencies, at least for an initial period of ten years so to harmonize the currency system into the MUN economic system. The experience of the MACU was excellent and all the members and previous members of the Alliance for a century have benefited of a great financial stability, large foreign and internal investments and so on.

Instead than test the currency in little areas, why not test the currency as Unit of account so to paved the way for future development? First of all let's try harmonize the monetary system of the MUN members and then we could think to adopt the MEN also as commodity money. It is a proposal to assure not now, but in the future, the success of a common integrated currency.

We hope to be able to debate deeply this matter and to have open a costructive debate into the MUNGA.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Sat Aug 25, 2018 12:59 pm

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

I believe that the MUN should be willing to consider the GPPM's proposal for a MACU-like Majatran Economic Net. If such an proposal could prevent another Black Thursday I am sure we should openly consider it.

If we should shelve the use of a common currency until the economies of the member nations are more synchronized, the effectiveness of such a common currency would be greatly increased in the long term. Besides this, if this unit of account is effective enough, we can use it in a gradual shift to a common currency, which hopefully by the time it is fully implemented fears and doubts about such a currency would be allayed.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:06 pm

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

While i understand the resentment that may be feld by the Istalian people over losing the Istalian dominated MA i have my concerns. First of all, why does a MUNGA party give us the impression they are closely alligned to either Istalia or Istalian parties? This assembly is here as an objective body without any conflicts of interests at hand. I understand 2 istalian parties created the GPPM but the constitution clearly states that MUNGA parties should strive to be non partisan and objective.

Secondly i am not feeling comfortable with the current situation and i shall explain why, the MUN was created following the MA's lack of activity and strength during the Jelbanian crisis and because of a loss of confidence in the Alliance as a whole. The MUN would right the wrongs and make sure that no majatran nation should fear for their integrity or peace and could strive to become something more then a wartorn nation. The fact that Istalia is trying to blame the "Black Thursday" crisis on this organization is laughable at best, the reason for the crisis is that Istalia decided to abandon the MA and join the new MUN causing massive uncertainty on the continent and stock markets and directly leading to the economic crisis that followed. When Istalia joins an organization like ours and by doing so causes a continental crisis they CANNOT blame the organization for it, under no circumstances.

And there we arrive at my main point. While we forgave Istalia and helped them and the rest of the continent to recover from the economic crisis that they mainly caused they are now blaming US for causing it? And even threatening to leave our organization while they know every majatran economy is still sensitive and such a move could bring our continent in deep recession once more? Well honorouble representatives i do not know about you, but i am NOT willing to be blamed for something our organization desperatly tries to prevent, i am NOT willing to bow for Istalian threats just so they can reassert their egocentric control over Majatra.

Istalia is holding a knife against the throat of majatra and by doing so they will only gain infamy.

The MUN has ALWAYS been open to negotiation and discussion, that is why this Assembly was created in the first place, but me and my party are not willing to negotiate while the finger is on the trigger.
Honourable representative of the GPPM. The GCPM will hereby petition the president and the other parties of this assembly to only start negotiations when Istalia backs down its threats of leaving for at least the duration of negotiations. This is a reasonable request and i hope you will see sense in it.
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