Aurorian Patriarchal Church

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Martinulus » Sun Dec 17, 2017 4:40 pm

Quirinus XIII: All totalitarianism is abhorrent

Recently returned to Selucia from Ville-des-Saints, the Arch-Patriarch condemned all totalitarianism, singling out Fascism as well as violent forms of Communism

Empyrean City - Recently returned to Selucia after what the Church strongly denies is anything else than a routine visit to Ville-des-Saints, the Arch-Patriarch used his first Angelus homily after his return home to strongly criticise all totalitarian ideology, slamming Fascist regimes like the one that dared to invade the Empyrean to take him prisoner as well as violent exponents of Communism. Prominently, he refused to endorse the Anti-Communist League, which was supported by parties which had recently committed violence against Communist sympathisers: "The freedom of though is essential to the existence of faith. Without the privacy of the mind and of the conscience, faith cannot grow. It would be like the grain of wheat which was sown but left uncovered so it could be looked at. The regime in Selucia - thank God it has been ousted - had the hubris to attack the sacred ground of the Empyrean because I dared to question their wicked actions. I dare not wish it on anyone."

"Any ideology that extends so deeply that it seeks to rewrite all aspects of personal life is against the will of God," the pontiff argued. "For if man cannot decide freely upon his deeply-held values, he cannot discover and follow the call of the Lord. If a man must watch over his shoulder constantly, he cannot see His Revelation. However similar the end such ideologies propose might sound to the Annunciation, they are anathema if they involve along the way any infringement on the basic dignity and free will of human beings. Beloved brothers and sisters, there is no need for pain or violence or punishment to attain such ends! Our Lord has gone to hell and back and let all that be done to Him for the sake of that world. He has both enabled us to build that world in perfect joy and given us a perfect example of the kind of charity that is necessary to build God's Kingdom step by step. The end never justifies the means, certainly not while Our Lord has justified us through His grace. Therefore, let us respect the basic dignity and free will of all human beings, of whatever beliefs, as the bit of spirit put in all of us by God, willing us to maintain what is good and reject what is evil." He called on regimes which had committed acts of violence against Communists for being Communists to desist immediately, addressing Deltaria immediately: "I know you have been led astray by the anti-Hosios in Cachtiche with his pagan Gods. But if you are who you claim you are, a follower of Our Lord, you will stop condoning this violence, for He told even Michael to sheathe his sword."

The Empyrean denied it was purposely siding against the Terran Patriarchal "Church", which it regards as un-Hosian, in the Arch-Patriarch's stance against Anti-Communist violence.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Aethan » Sun May 19, 2019 4:29 pm

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby XanderOne » Sat May 25, 2019 6:45 pm

Patriarchs of Canrille and of Istalia, Solentia and Quanzar express their formal protest to Selucia while Ville de Saints says to be ready to welcome the Arch-Patriarch

Following the beginning of the debate in Selucia regarding the permanence of Arch-Patriarch and the entire Aurorian Curia in the Empyrean Temple, in Auroria, the titular bishops of the two major Patriarchates of the Aurorian Church, the one of Canrille and the one of Istalia, Solentia and Quanzar made a formal protest against the demands of the regional and political leaders of Selucia.

The two patriarchs were then joined by the international press to which they gave several interviews and statements. This from the east Majatran Patriarch Matthias VI reached in Metapontum (Solentia):

The lack of respect and sensitivity shown by the various political leaders of Selucia is truly unsettling. But I am not referring to the lack of respect for the Holy Father or the Aurorian Church, rather for the more than 600 million believers around the world, who could see their spiritual leader being evicted from the Selucian Government by what is his legitime episcopal see.
A lack of respect also towards the Selucians themselves and to their history and culture, since the Aurorian Church is part of the history and culture of Selucia! For almost 1300 years the Bishop of Auroria was the Head of the Original Aurorian Church, for almost 1500 years Auroria was the seat of the Selucian Patriarchal Church and for almost 1000 years it has remained the seat of the new Aurorian Universal Church. For almost 5000 years the Bishop of Auroria has been universally recognized as the leader of these incarnations of the Patriarchal Apostolic faith, precisely because he is the Bishop of this diocese and as such is where the central organs of the Aurorian Church have always been, close to our Holy Father.
If Selucia continues on this road, we will risk seeing the greatest religion in the world guided by a Bishop of Auroria in exile! What do they want to show in Selucia? What do they want to do?
Depriving the Rightful Primate of the Aurorian Church of his diocese and his episcopal seat, despite the justification of the freedom and fairness of worship advocated by the Selucian authorities, would represent a pure and simple discrimination, a repression against the principles and traditions and of the Faith itself of the Aurorian Church which was born there and took its name from there.
It is not the ahmadism that founded its spiritual center in Auroria, nor is it Daenism or the Geraja faith, but Aurorianism.
It almost seems that the politicians of Selucia want to blame after 5,000 years all the more than 600 million Aurorians around the world.
Why then only the Bishop of Auroria? It is not Selucia the headquarters of the Cultus Deorum too? In order to pursue their idea of ​​fairness in the religion, why do they don't dwmand to go in exile to the leaders of the Cultus Deorum too?
The Aurorianism has equal importance and presence in the history of Selucia as much as the original pagan cults, but the Selucian politicians seem to be considering the spiritual center of the Aurorian Church and its leader as invaders arrived there the day before. But they are wrong! The Aurorian Church has been in Selucia for much longer than the modern Selucian nation itself.
This decision would have nothing to do with freedom of worship, nothing, because if they really wanted to respect freedom of worship, they would not be proposing to driveaway the only legitime head of the Aurorian Church out of his diocese.
What will they ask tomorrow? That the entire Aurorian church changes its laws, its history, its very profession of faith by choosing another bishop of any kind as leader of the Church?
The Bishop of Auroria and only him he is the rightfull successor of Michael, only the Bishop of Auroria is the only legitimate Vicar of Eliyahu the Hosioi.
If the Selucian politicians think that a religion is an organization whose rules, traditions and dogmatic principles can be changed with a trivial vote, they are very wrong!
And then, if the Holy Father and his collaborators wanted to refuse to leave the holiest of the places of Aurorianism? Their rightfull and legitime see? Would Selucia chase them away with violence? I don't think so, but the Aurorian church has already known the persecution in Selucia, where its first incarnation was barbarously demolished but there it was also always reborn.
I conclude by advising them to reflect very well in making themselves the one who make the largest religion in the world evicted of his rightfull leader, in making themself responsible for the expulsion into exile, far from his legal diocese, chosen as such well before any Selucian republic was founded, of the spiritual leader of the largest religion in the world.

From Ville De Saints, instead, the Patriarch of Canrille Francois X did not address a public message to the Selucian government, to which he privately communicated his protests, very similar to the ones by his east Majatran colleague, but publicly wished to address the Holy Father and the Curia:

Ville De Saints, like all Canrille and his faithfuls, can only express all his sadness and closeness to the Holy Father in this moment of uncertainty and real threat hanging over the same Faith and the Dogmas of the Holy Apostolic Church.
A bishop in Auroria unable to reside in his diocese, the most holy and sacred of our Church, would really be a terrible tragedy for all his children.
We would never like to see such a future realized, but we cannot fail to assure our Holy Father a safe asylum: Ville De Saints is ready to welcome him together with the whole Curia in case the Selucian Government should decide in favor of such a blow to the deepest principles and dogmas of our faith.
A safe asylum, which, however, is not and will never can't be a new Auroria, an asylum for an exiled bishop of Auroria, just this. And we really hope that in the future the compassion and peaceful stance of the Aurorian Church will not become angry and resentement.
As bishops of the Church, like the Holy Father, we cannot but forgive those who want lay hands on us, but the history learn us that the same forgiveness may not always be shared by all the faithful.
May the God Lord have mercy, because they know not what they do.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Aethan » Sat May 25, 2019 10:22 pm

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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby XanderOne » Thu May 30, 2019 8:49 am

Aurorian Arch-Patriarch agrees with the idea of a city-state of the Empyrean Temple
A drawing showing the area and the buildings to be included within the City-State of Empyrean Temple

After long debates within the Aurorian Curia and the whole Aurorian world, the Arch Patriarch Paulius l officially enthrusted the Cardinal Administrator of the Empyrean Temple, Monsignor Eusebius Collatinus, to handle the negotiations with the Selucian Government to make Empyrean Temple an indipendent state within the municipal territory of Auroria.

The proposal presented by Gala Furbia, mediator appointed by the Selucian Government to face the crisis opened with the Aurorian Church, was thus accepted by the highest hierarchy of the largest Hosian denomination of Terra, which could modify the status of the headquarter of the Church in a similar way to the one of Ville De Saints, See of the Patriarch of Canrille and once Holy See of the Theognosian Church, which as per agreement with Kanjor and Rildanor, is an indipendent state on the border between the two Canrillaise Countries.

Satellite photo of the Empyrean Temple with the area to be included in the city-state highlighted

Monsignor Collatinus, Cardinal Administrator of the Empyrean Temple

Monsignor Collatinus, however, from internal sources of the Church, has been described as one of the most determined opposants to the Selucian demands. Despite the Selucian's mediator proposal has been welcomed with interest also by Monsignor Collatinus, he remains one of the most important leading politicians of the Aurorian Curia and it is sure that he will try to grab the best deal to the Selucian Government.
Monsignor Collatinus already stated that the City State of the Holy See shall includes all Empyrean Temple buildings and annexed grounds within the ancient Remigian Walls: the Most Holy Archbasilica of St. Michael and the Square in front, the Holy Apostolic Palaces, the Convent of the Most Venerable Daughters of Sarae, the Empyeran Temple Rail Station, the Empyrean Gardens with all the artistic and architectural structures whitin and the Justus III Audience Hall.
Furthermore, Monsignor Collatinus will demand also the extraterritorial status over the Empyrean Radio Transmitting Facility, 6 important Palaces in Auroria housing several Holy See's Institution and on the 3 Major Basilicas of Auroria. Over 500 properties all over the municipality of Auroria owned by the Holy See will be not included within the extraterritorial areas, but they will remain as private properties owned by a foreign governments, as well as, many others within the Selucian national territory.
The Empyrean Temple City State will be a fully indipendent sovereign State with fully equal status as any other indipendent sovereign nation-state. The Security and Defensive Services of the City State will be enthrusted to a specialized Corps of Holy Apostolic Guard, formed by 450 members of not selucian origins.

The official requests of the Holy See has been alredy submitted to the Selucian Government and now the Holy See is waiting for an answer.
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby jamescfm » Sun May 31, 2020 7:34 pm

Aurorian Archbishop of Modalin criticises anti-Hosian reglulations
Archbishop takes aim at new regulations in Malivia that would make it illegal to convert a person through "force, inducement or dishonest means"

22 July 4764

The most senior figure of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church within Malivia, the Archbishop of Modalin Roodra Shrivastav has voiced his opposition to a proposed change to the law in the country that would make it a criminal offence to attempt to convert a person from their religious faith "through the use of force, inducement or dishonest means". Expected to be passed by the government in the coming months, the new regulation has been accused of targeting Hosian citizens in the country, who are often unfairly accused of using underhand methods to convert Gerajans to the faith.
Above: The current Archbishop of Modalin Roodra Shrivastav is among the longest-serving bishops in Artania, having been first ordained over sixty years ago

Shrivastav's intervention into the debate surrounding the legislation marks an unusual instance of agreement between the Aurorian Church and the dominant Luthorian Church in Malivia. Leaders from both communities have expressed their oppposition to the current proposals. While the legislation does not explicitly single out Hosian citizens, the wording echoes accusations from some conservative Gerajan figures known to accuse Hosians of using coercion and other illicit tactics to convert Gerajans to the faith. Despite the position of Hosianism as the largest religious group in Malivia, many political institutions are dominated by Gerajans, including the judicial system.

Speaking to a local television station in the capital, Archbishop Shrivastav said "The government should suspend this legislation, until adequate consideration is given to all the human aspects related to it, so as to protect the good of the entire human community residing in our country, they must accept that people of all faiths and beliefs are Malivians". Later in the interview, he reaffirmed comments from other Hosian leaders that the faith does not permit forced conversion and shared a quotation from the writings of Arch-Patriarch Justus XI, "Faith without which it is impossible to please God must be the perfectly free homage of intellect and will".
The Aurorian Patriarchal Church is the largest Hosian church as well as the largest single religious institution in the world, led by the Arch-Patriarch and Bishop of Auroria
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby jamescfm » Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:27 pm


               Arch-Patriarch rejects restrictive Selucian legislation

In a short public address this morning, the Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church ended weeks of speculation by confirming that he would not acquiesce to the Selucian government's attempts to "seize control of the structures of the Church" by swearing a solemn oath to the Republic. The announcement is a response to the introduction of the "Constitution of the Clergy" legislation, which would make sweeping changes to Selucia's religious laws including seizing all of the property owned by the Church within the country.

Throughout the prepared statement Arch-Patriarch Benedictus X appeared visibly despondent in front of a large crowd of Hosians from Auroria and further afield. After clarifying the Church's official stance on the legislation, which is set to be passed next year, the Arch-Patriarch affirmed his support for bishops and priests across the country and urged them to stand defiant against what he described as the "dictates of an authoritarian administration".

Despite signals of support from high-rankings figures within the Church, some have expressed concern that the words of the Arch-Patriarch might inflame tensions with the government and risk further escalating the standoff between the military administration and the Church leadership. At the moment it is not clear how the Hosian population of the country, which constitutes the largest single religious group, will respond to the new legislation.

Political and religious figures from outside Selucia have taken to criticising the proposed legislation too, among them the Archbishop of Atyr in Kanjor who referred to the legislation as "the hallmark of a totalitarian regime" and even the Mufti of Sonat in Jakania, who remarked that "attempts to suppress and subjugate a faith will only strengthen the belief of the faithful."
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Re: Aurorian Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Tue Aug 04, 2020 11:45 am

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