Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Postby silentline » Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:34 am

Kizenia Independent News Network
Volume 1 Issue 1

Kizenia Revolutionary Party calls for continued Demonstrations over Cabinet Proposal

After 8 years of continued dismissal by the current bi-party system that runs the Republic of Kizenia Government the KRP is calling for demonstrations to continue against the Government in hopes of forcing a change. Not soon after the first elections took place in which the Kizenian Liberal Socialists lost the Majority to the Peoples Party of Kizenia and was replaced by the KRP as second largest party the KPP and the KLS made a backroom deal that solidified a cabinet that bypassed the KRP in the Cabinet. The KRP feels that "democratic process" was removed in favor of a Cabinet that reflected the idea that two Communist Parties should maintain control of the nation of Kizenia.

As part of the demonstrations the KRP has called on all its affiliations, organizations, and related groups to oppose this form of anti democracy by holding walk outs, sit ins, and walks in order to bring the Communist Government to justice. Several Democratic Workers Council's affiliated with the KRP have announced that they will be preforming nationwide strikes in order to bring the KPP and KLS to the table.

Kizenia Revolutionary Party could see great changes in internal structure

In recent months the KRP has underwent several internal reviews and private investigations in order to see where its core values lay with regards to its party members. This internal investigation has led to the idea that some internal changes will soon be taking place. The current Chairman of the KRP Issac Van Riebeck was recently announced to be given the only position within the party that will remain in his hands until he retires or hands it over to someone else. This announcement comes along with the news that a "Internal Security Committee" was formed in order to poll members of the party as well as other citizens of what they would like to see the KRP turn into as it gets older.

There are rumors that the KRP may be changing its name and some key values but that overall it will remain active and in touch with its key ideals of National Socialism.
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Re: Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Postby silentline » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:29 pm

Kizenia Independent News Network
Volume 1 Issue 2

Corrupt Communist Government spins Democracy their way

A recent bill proposed by the Kizenia Revolutionary Party on Governmental Procedures dealing with how the nations Government handled its debating affairs as well as the current lack of a full term of members before "Early Election Calls" have been made were put into question by the KRP. The bill on the floor currently under debate has met with opposition from the currently ruling Communist affiliated party of the Kizenian Liberal Socialist and the Peoples Party of Kizenia both of which have illustrated their deep Communist roots.

The KRP believes that the bi-party system has allowed the Communist to usurp control and Democracy away from the nation by letting them continually pass bill without any form of debate then to call for an early election prior to bills from the KRP to take effect shoving the KRP out of the light politically. The KLS claims that such things are not true but has of yet provided any real proof that is the case. The KRP believes that the only way the nation can truly become democratic is to have the bill passed in which a sense of protocol would be established protecting all parties and the minority.
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Re: Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Postby silentline » Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:02 am

Kizenia Independent News Network
Volume 1 Issue 3

KRP to undergo power change in comeing election year

Founder and current Party Chairman of the Kizenia Revolutionary Party annouced that the party would soon be shifting its internal power structure to a new agenda that was recently ratified in the Part's Internal Affairs Committee. While a great deal of what was voted on and what excatly would change has been witheld from the public until the legal matters are cleared what was released was that no positions within the current structure would change until the Party Elections in 3336 when the 2nd Kizenia Revolutionary Party is to be formed.

"We are not currently able to annouce many of the changes to come in our party but we are working hard to create a party that embodies many great ideals and hopes and dreams that we can all agree is for the betterment of our people and for the nation of Kizenia." stated Issac Von Riebeck Party Chairman of KRP.

Despite the unconfirmed reports rumors of a new party name and new agenda has surfaced but as to what the new name will be and how it will be different from the current party agenda and platform has yet to be speculated on.

Early Election leads to a possible "Lame Duck Government"

An early election called by the Communist ran Government led to a surprising result when the Kizenia Revoltionary Party gained Majority seats in the Government. The sudden change in power has led to a non active government as of late as the KRP is still arguing over the Governmental Procedure Bill that will hopefully be passed soon. There are two other bills currently being voted on and a bill on hold by the KLS (Kizenian Liberal Socalists) about a change in the cabinet. However more then that there has been little to no bills introduced or voted upon in the pass few months. Their are some that believe that since the sudden change of power did not go so well for the KLS or the KPP that they are inadvertently creating a lame duck government to distablise the KRP in order to sway votes back to them in the upcoming election year. However despite this thought there is no proof of it and until such is found some are saying that it could even be a ploy by the KRP to drum up sympathy votes.
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Re: Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Postby silentline » Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:00 pm

Kizenia Independent News Network
Volume 1 Issue 4

KCNP responds to questions about Governmental Procedure Bill

Several years back in 3334 the former KRP now currently called the KCNP (Kizenia Christian Nationalist Party) proposed a bill that when passed would require modest changes to the way the Government handled its day to day business in regards to bills. It sat a time frame limit on how long a bill was to remain in debate before they were to be brought up to vote allowing all parties time to debate the issues and make changes if decided on. The bill also set Protocol on how to address members of the Government when debating to bring a sense of civil respect among parties to the debate floor which can get pretty heated at times. The bill's final section also put in place a safe guard that a party could not call for an Early Election unless absolutely necessary. In the past the KLS has called for multiple Early elections that came soon after their bills had passed. Even though the current term is 36 months most times only after 12 months to 24 months does the KLS call for early elections. This bill would require guidelines to where no party could call for early elections unless such an options was needed.

The bill was proposed and voted upon, the KRP voted in favor of the bill and at that time held the Majority in the Government. The Kizenia Liberal Socialist and the Peoples Party of Kizenia refused to vote and abstained. Due to the current voting criteria an abstained vote regards as a removal therefor placing the 2/3 majority in the hands of those that are voting. With only 1 of the 3 parties even voting the 2/3 majority rule was applied to the remaining party.

The KRP passed the bill while the other 2 parties remained Abstained. The bill while having no effect on the civilian population but only sought to ensure the Government followed Democratic Protocol has begun being contested by the KLS after they called for another early election as well as continued to put bills up for vote without following the standing regulations, as well as not adhering to the standards when speaking in the debate.

"Continued violations and constant disrespect is not something that as a nation and as a people we should tolerate. We can look past the continued lack of sense and ethics in the debate arena, but the Early Election vote went too far." stated Anki Van Der Straaten, head of the KCNP Culture Committee.

KCNP denounces KLS led "Coalition Government"

The KCNP Chairman Issac Van Riebeck announced his disapproval of the "Coalition Government" by denouncing them as well as releasing a statement that reads as follows,

"The Coalition Government has continued to downplay the KRP and now the KCNP. The Communist led Government seeks to control the people and to do so they will quash all parties that seek changes and they will try to crush the KCNP for speaking out against them. But we will not let them win so easily thus I condemn this Communist Government and seek changes. I will making concessions with allies across Terra in hopes of stopping that which is coming if the Communist Government does not let go of our nation. The KCNP seeks a true Government were all parties matter...not just those who are Communist driven. If they continue down this path we will seek action."

Following that announcement to party members Issac Van Riebeck and key members of the KCNP are said to have went underground for the time being for fear of being arrested or worse by the current Communist Government of Kizenia.
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Re: Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Postby silentline » Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:52 am

Kizenia Independent News Network
Issue 1 Volume 5

Demonstrations across Kizenia by Christian Zyldavs


Beginning this month the KCNP in response by the continued efforts of the Communist Coalition Government in portraying the KCNP as "dictatorship driven nationalist" has begun holding mass nationwide demonstrations in the hopes of opening the Government up to allowing democracy to take place. The Kizenia Liberal Socialists and the PPK have again faltered against the Governmental Procedure bill and called for votes on bills without waiting for the deadline. To show that the KCNP is willing to work with the Government however Issac Van Riebeck called each member of the KCNP in Government and required them to go ahead and vote on the issue but also stated that continued efforts like this that go against the bill passed in 3334 would not be tolerated and that drastic action would be taken against the "Communist Government" if they did not seek to follow the passed bill.

KCNP seeks talks with foreign powers over Democracy incident

Rumors are abound of possible talks between parties of other nations and the KCNP in an attempt to reach an agreement between the current divide between the KCNP and the KLS and PPK. Information given by the PR Department within the KCNP has only stated that while nothing has been completely locked down that the Chairman of the KCNP is seeking outside help in order to bring calm to a continuing problem within the nation.

"The continued efforts by the current Coalition in Government has only sought to bar us from our rights and allow us into a Government that while we may not share ALL the same ideas we have supported many times in the past on many different bills. Despite this however we are treated as 2nd class citizens and a 3rd rate party. This form of treatment goes against the very Democracy we seek and undermines the current Government even more so." stated Issac Van Riebeck in an address to the PR Department.

War of Words continue between KLS and KCNP

With the KINN reporting on the incident from the eyes of the KCNP another News Agency has been reporting the unfolding events from the prospective of the KLS. The KCNP and KLS while not exactly seeing eye to eye on many issues the KCNP has had a history of supporting the popular bills of the KLS and PPK without much debate. However when finally the KRP changed to the KCNP and began to write more bills and gain influence the KLS with assistance of the PPk sought to bar the KCNP rights and instead begin a war of words, claiming that they KCNP were seeking to pass bills that would turn the nation into a Nationalist Despotism of sorts ruled by a Religious order.

The KCNP admits to calling the KLS and PPK a "Communist Coalition" but the key issue starting this whole war of words was the passing of Governmental Procedure which passed in 3334. Since the passing of that bill by the KCNP with the KLS and PPK Abstaining the KLS and PPK has openly defied the bill time after time. The KCNP has asked repeatedly that the two parties abide by the rules put in place and they have declined and even went against the KCNP in a quest to dominate the nation through "fabricated tales of Democracy" when in reality they keep their power through simple misuse of the right to call Early Elections at points they know that they can gain the most votes.

The War of Words however have been known to lead to much more destructive problems for nations before therefore we hope an agreement can be made soon.
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Re: Kizenia Independent News Network (KINN)

Postby silentline » Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:36 am

Kizenia Independent News Network
Volume 2 Issue 1

Transitional Committee takes command of KCNP

Founder and Chairman Issac Van Riebeck of the Kizenia Christian Nationalist Party was removed from his Chairmanship and placed on Administrative leave by the Transitional Committee which was called to form by General Pieter Van Heutz and was voted in by the KCNP Internal Affairs Committee. Upon its ratification the new committee took over all powers of the party Chairman and delegated it out to the Transitional Committee to run until a Internal Review could produce an effective measure and restructuring of the power base for the party. The news was released late in December of 3339 followed by the removal of Issac Van Riebeck.

Under the new Transitional Committee the KCNP name was removed, a new set of ministers within the party are expected to be changed, and finally the goals of the party are also undergoing review. It is expected that by February 3340 that the Transitional Government will have restructured the party platform and finished its process to getting new party structure in place.

Issac Van Riebeck was removed as Chairman after General Pieter Van Heutz of the KCNP Security Committee called for a vote on the Transitional Committee which was allowed under the KCNP Bi-laws. Issac Van Riebeck was removed by vote of the Committee on grounds of insubordination, failure to comply with Party rules and regulations, failure to comply with code of conduct, illegal use of Party Funds, and fraud of party based elections.

Issac Van Riebeck is currently not answering any questions.

Transitional Committee seeks Compromise

General Pieter Van Heutz at PR Conference for the Transitional Committee

Under the current Transitional Committee of the former KCNP General Pieter Van Heutz has announced what he calls "A Coalition of Compromise". Taking control of the former KCNP militia's that were in the middle of protecting protesters of the former KCNP Chairman Issac Van Riebeck, General Pieter Van Heutz with backing of the Transitional Committee announced that he would reopen the roads into Nueva Cubita as a sign of good faith between himself and the current ruling Coalition in power.

"I have ordered the militia's and the demonstrators to go home and wait. We seek to work with the Coalition Government of the Kizenian Liberal Socialist and the Peoples Party of Kizenia, however they have chosen not to work with us. I hope that one show of good faith will in turn gain a show of good faith from them as well. This sign of good faith that we ask for, is the sign of allowing us to hold one spot in the current Cabinet. We seek to work together when possible to ensure our country remains strong. We hope they are willing to make Compromises with us to secure not just our nation but our honor as well." stated General Pieter Van Heutz to KINN.

The Transitional Committee is seeking other goals as well but hope that through a mutual cooperative agreement that the Government will begin to open up. Some of their goals are, a single seat in the Cabinet (preferably the role of Department of Defense), the creation of a cooperative agreement between all parties over rules and regulations over Governmental Procedure, (with a vote after a compromise is made), and lastly a cooperative agreement between all parties on the creation of a Coalition system that would help the passing of bills at times they are really needed.
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