Privacy International

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Privacy International

Postby Aquinas » Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:13 pm

The case of Double Z

by Fflur Morris, Chief Executive of Privacy International
Iglesia Mayor, Dranland

March 3521

In December last year, the Deltarian media ran vague reports about a "massive and controversial spying program". Privacy International is now able to present more information about this to the Terran public, although for obvious reasons, the need to protect our sources from retribution means we cannot share all of the details we have.

We ascertain without doubt that an espionage mastermind known only as "Double Z" has for many years been running a covert surveillance operation of unprecedented scale in every country in Terra. Governments and political parties have had their offices bugged, phones tapped, letters intercepted and email accounts hacked into. Double Z's methods are so sophisticated our analysts describe him as "practically omniscient". It was initially thought he could only be working for a government or a series of governments, but our investigations have so far failed to establish such a link. According to one of our experts, "Double Z could be working for a shadowy and elitist Illuminati-style organisation which tries to control Terra from behind the scenes".

Double Z only become known to us because several of his former agents began leaking his secrets after discovering his ambitious plans for Terra domination. These agents are now fleeing for their lives, terrified of the vengeance Double Z might wreak upon them.

Privacy invasion is the great scourge of the modern age, undermining trust and destabilising democratic systems. Privacy International implores the governments of Terra to do everything they can to combat it, and to co-operate fully in bringing unscrupulous rogues like Double Z to justice.
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Re: Privacy International

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:35 pm

The Selucian government would like to expess its concerns about this rumors and wants to investigate this further together with other nations and int. organizations.

Selucian government
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