Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Postby Aquinas » Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:24 pm

OOC: The Deltarian Human Rights Commission (DHRC) is a Čachtice-based agency established by the Deltarian government. It is not, of course, in the slightest bit concerned by the many egregious crimes against humanity taking place in Deltaria on a daily basis. Rather, it busies itself countering criticisms of Deltaria's human rights record by making all sorts of human rights allegations against other governments that are critical of Deltaria. Please make allowance for the fact that the DHRC is not always an impartial reporter of the truth :).


Dranland executes celebrated Dranianos civil rights champion
by Verica Dragovic
September 3510

Zacarías Feras Quesada RIP

The despotic government of the Republic of Dranland has plunged to a new low by murdering the revered civil rights campaigner Zacarias Feras Quesada. Following a gruelling 48 hour interrogation during which he was denied access to food and water, humiliatingly forced to sing nursery rhymes at the point of a gun and tortured repeatedly, he was executed by firing squad at a secret location in Ulbrach Province. His body has still not been handed over to his family for burial, which has intensified their devastation at his loss.

Quesada, founder of the internationally respected Exalted Phalanx for National Renewal, struggled for many years against the persecution of Dranland's native Dranianos people by the Draddwyr and Kyo-dominated government. A passionate exponent of non-violence, he tried to achieve political change through constitutional means until 3494, when his party was arbitrarily banned by the government, and he and his supporters had to flee to the Dranish Autonomous Zone for refuge. Here, the refugees were constantly on the run from bloodthirsty government forces, which assaulted and harassed them continually.

We at the Deltarian Human Rights Commission call for very swift and very firm action to be taken against Dranland for their despicable and racist treatment of Quesada and the Dranianos people he struggled all his life on behalf of. Unless that government commits itself to radical democratic change, respect for civil rights and a full investigation into this injustice, stern economic and diplomatic sanctions must surely follow. The Dranish government ought also to be induced, by whatever means are necessary, to open dialogue with the remaining elements of the Exalted Phalanx for National Renewal and listen to their demands.
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Re: Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:07 am

Selucia slaughters Deltarian peacekeepers
November 3512

by Verica Dragovic

An artist's impression of Deltarian peacekeepers on duty in the city of Argona

Brave Deltarian peacekeepers dispatched to Selucia to keep the warring sides apart and protect innocent civilians have been savagely put to death without any trial by government forces. The international community is lamenting the loss of some of its most highly-trained peacekeepers, who are renowned across Terra for their skill at resolving conflict situations without resort to force.

We at the Deltarian Human Rights Commission denounce the government of Selucia for its outrageous disregard of civilised values and international law. Crimes such as this must not go unpunished, so it is imperative that the international community responds quickly by imposing sanctions, demanding urgent reforms and insisting on the admission of international human rights monitors into the country.
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Re: Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:22 pm

Imperialists steal food and medicine from children
May 3513

by Verica Dragovic

The victims of imperialist sanctions against Deltaria

The government of Jelbania is pursuing a ruthless policy of economic and humitarian warfare against Deltarian children, leaving many of them unable to access basic necessities such as food, clothes and medicine. Baltusia and Hobrazia are shamefully plotting to following suit. It seems that the three nations are hoping to weaken Deltaria to the point where it becomes possible for them to pursue their imperialist agenda of invading the nation and sharing the spoils of its resources amongst themselves.

How long will the international community remain silent in the face of this despicable aggression against the suffering Deltarian people? How many little ones must die in vain until the conscience of Terra is pricked?
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Re: Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Postby Dynastia » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:42 pm

Genocide in Cobura?

The true face of Cobura ; but not white enough for government, apparantly

Disturbing allegations have come to light about the clear and prolonged political suppression of the ethnic minorities in Cobura. For centuries, the Irkawan, Mallan, and Majatran people in Cobura have been ignored, their rights trampled underfoot but the single-party dictatorship of the laughably named "People's Representative Party". Which People do they represent? Why, white people, of course. Their ranks are clearly made up of the fair-skinned Augustani and Tokundians, and when pro-minority movements managed to band together and release a manifesto detailing the specifics of their oppression and ill-treatment and requesting an end to the oppressive regime of the Coburan Patriarchal Church, the PRP immediately launched a campaign of terror and misinformation against them, branding them as being "dictatorial", clearly attempting to use fear and lies to encourage the ethnic majority to take things into their own hands and, as they've been heard to say in Cobura, "lynch some darkies"
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Re: Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Postby Aquinas » Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:24 pm

Curro Cabello MP, Leader of Hacia Casa from the Republic of Dranland:

The illegitimate Dranish government is introducing authoritarian legislation to force Egelian boys and girls to sing the nation anthem of their occupiers. On behalf of the Egelian people living in eastern Egelia, I plead with the Deltarian Human Rights Commission to investigate this matter fully and do everything in its power to protect the human rights of our children.
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Re: Deltarian Human Rights Commission

Postby Aquinas » Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:59 pm

OOC: Posted with permission from Polites.

DHRC sends fact-finding mission to Dranland
May 3513

by Verica Dragovic

Following a stream of shocking reports of human rights abuses by the Dranish government against the oppressed Egelian minority, the Deltarian Human Rights Commission is sending a high-powered fact-finding mission to visit the country and establish what the state of affairs is there. The DHRC has also contacted members of the Dranish Parliament, urging them in the strongest terms to vote down proposals to force Egelian children to sing the Dranish national anthem. In a statement, the DHRC commented:

Forcing children to sing the national anthem of a foreign occupying country is a gross and humiliating abuse of human rights. It is despicable that the Dranish government could even consider treating Egelian children in such a way.
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