The Jelbanian Inquirer

Organisations involving national governments as members.

The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby LordStephen » Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:04 am

GNP to defend the Monarchy


Baofluz - Former Prime Minister John Stephen said that the Grand Nationalists Party will continue to defend the Monarchy, saying, "The Crown is an integral part of Jelbania, one which represents the unity, the resilience and the future of the Jelbanian people." This comes midst calls by the LGBT party to abolish the monarchy and institute a ceremonial and elective presidency in place.

Stephen, the Leader of the GNP, is also related to the Imperial family. Stephen is in fact a cousin of the Emperor, and should have been accorded a Dukedom, but declined peerage to be able to serve in government.

"It was a choice a had to make. I mean, there was some opposition from some members of my family, but in the end they supported my choice, and I thank them for that."

Stephen, who now heads the Opposition in Parliament, meanwhile dispelled fears that the GNP is facing political extinction. He said that the moves by the LGBT where 'violative' of the will of the people, and is nothing more than a coup to be able to pass 'ludicrous, abusive and destructive' measures in Parliament. He says that while they (LGBT) may control the coalition currently in power, the USJ continues to see pass politics and know that the GNP is still the right choice for government.

"I'm not afraid. In fact, they should be the ones afraid and ashamed of what they did. The GNP still holds the largest number of seats in parliament, is still the de jure majority in parliament. This only reflects that the people still trust and support us. That could never be denied."
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Re: The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby LordStephen » Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:37 pm

Stephen calls for a new coalition


Grand Nationalists maintained control over Parliament on Friday, all but ensuring that a chamber that has been the primary accelerator of former LGBT party's liberal agenda will instead begin crafting legislation that would seek to undo it.

The GNP easily retook up the 71 seats it needed to take power and secure a total of 282 seats of Parliament. Fueled by frustration over political maneuvering by the liberals, voters backed the conservatives after a campaign that focused on promoting the economy and rolling back the LGBT's signature republican policies.

The Grand Nationalists Party's most far-reaching initiatives will still face significant uphill battles; John Stephen's new Nationalists majority was expected to be smaller than the bloc he previously led past two terms. Stephen and the GNP are expected to hurdle potential political gridlock, with the party only commanding 40% of Parliament.

Analysts say that with the Democratic Font expected to be the functional opposition for this term, the Freedom Party will play a key role in delivering the much needed 50 plus percent of votes needed to pass legislation.

"I'm confident that this term will see our hard efforts bear fruition. We made a promise to the Jelbanians, a promise of new leadership for peace and progress. It's a promise I'm keen on keeping. Together, we can overcome the great challenges that we are to face." Stephen said in a statement.
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Re: The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby LordStephen » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:52 pm



Rilmos Governor Harry Watson, the lone GNP governor, was released from hospital on Friday evening after undergoing tests for breathing difficulties. Watson, 46, who has asthma, was given "routine tests as a precautionary measure," spokesman Ryan Milograd said in a statement earlier on Friday.

"I feel great now," Watson told reporters outside Woodbury Memorial Hospital in Woodburygrad, Rilmos. "Now I'm hoping to go home, get a little sleep and I'll be back to work tomorrow."

Watson was admitted to hospital on Thursday morning after experiencing shortness of breath and lightheadedness on the way to an event. He underwent a "battery of tests" which came back normal, Watson said, adding he would follow up with his doctor next week. He has no public events scheduled for Saturday.

The Governor has been a rising GNP star since taking office in 3379, beating the former Freedom Party Governor who held the post for more than four consecutive terms. He defeated the Dominion Party's candidate by a wide margin, commanding 99.71% of the total votes cast for the region. Watson is in fact the only Grand Nationalists Party member holding an elected executive post to be successfully re-elected for a second consecutive term, since the party came back to power.
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Re: The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:05 am

Current Dominion Party Leadership Polls
Dr. Woodbury has lead

Dr. Thomas Woodbury

Governor Catherine MacInnis

Minister Ryan Kelly

Thomas Woodbury - 66%
Catherine MacInnis - 14%
Ryan Kelly - 9%
Undecided - 11%

Thomas Woodbury - 29%
Catherine MacInnis - 47%
Ryan Kelly - 9%
Undecided - 15%

Thomas Woodbury - 24%
Catherine MacInnis - 30%
Ryan Kelly - 28%
Undecided - 14%

Thomas Woodbury - 20%
Catherine MacInnis - 17%
Ryan Kelly - 19%
Undecided - 44%

Thomas Woodbury - 24%
Catherine MacInnis - 20%
Ryan Kelly - 43%
Undecided - 13%

Average Polls
Thomas Woodbury - 32.6%
Catherine MacInnis - 25.6%
Ryan Kelly - 21.6%
Undecided - 19.4%

The polls from from the race for control of the Dominion Party's top job has opened up today with a strong following and showing from each state showing how the leaders are stacking up. On the nationside poll Thomas Woodbury has a lead of seven percentage over his closest rival, with a commanding 32.6 precent nationwide. Catherine MacInnis is in second with 25.6 percent with Ryan Kelly coming up in last with 21.6 percent with 19.4 percent as of yet undecided.

The only way to win the leadership is to obtain the commanding vote in three out of five states from the Dominion Party delegates and membership, so although Woodbury current has a commanding seven percent lead Governor MacInnis' lead in two states gives her a stronger lead as of right now, though the undecided votes can help sway the lead one way or the other.

From the current poll showings Rilmos and Perimor will be the main battleground states with the most undecided voters, able to turn it one way or another, with the other members lead in their respective states almost unbeatable.
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Re: The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby LordStephen » Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:42 pm

Crown releases Honours List
Sterling to be created Earl

Governor-General Sterling

The Ascension Anniversary honours list has been released, offering people across the Dominion Empire of Jelbania knighthoods and honorary "gongs." Emperor Bryan I normally releases two honours lists per yer, one on New Year's Day and one on his Ascension Anniversary.

The 3397 honours list recognizes famous people and private citizens in public service, the arts, music, politics, business and more. Perhaps two of the highest-profile recepients of honours will be Governor-General Jonathan Sterling who will be created Earl of Ainlings and Dominion Party Leader Abigail Woodbury who will be created Baroness Woordbury.

While there will surely be plenty of delight at the awards list this year, Ferdinand Sotto, who was made a Companion of the Order of the Jelbanian Empire, said a statement that surely expresses the sentiment most eloquently: "I take this as more of an appreciation for the gentle turning of the years for someone who's enormously grateful for being able to breathe more or less freely in a totally insane world."
United New Jelbania

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Re: The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:40 pm

Election Predictions
GNP expected to hold on with smaller majority

Political analysts have been observing the volatile climate of Jelbanian politics over the past term with many predicting the GNP will likely secure victory in the first elections for the Dominion in the 35th century, if only by the skin of their teeth.

The GNP has become the dominant power in the Dominion and their hold on the traditionalist factions of the Empire who comprise a large bloc of the electorate which in turn translates into votes and victory for them. The fundamental similarities between the Dominion Party and the GNP also in a way aid the GNP as many voters likely see it as a choice between two musicians singing the same song at slightly different tunes. My guess is that the GNP will take victory in both Parliament and the Governor General elections, though their apparent laziness over the past term may mean the Dominion Party will pick up quite a few seats, maybe ALMOST enough to take Parliament from their dissatisfied base, in addition to voters who voted for the JNP in the election. Though whose going to honestly win is anyone's guess.

That was from Steven Wilson, Thomas Woodbury's chief political strategist and Chief of Staff. Wilson is directly responsible for Thomas Woodbury's rise to the head of the Dominion Party, planning his leadership campaign and has been in charge of the Dominion Party Chief's agenda ever since.

Dominion Political Strategist and Thomas Woodbury's Chief of Staff Steven Wilson

Inquirers Predictions

Governor General

GNP - 55% - 65%
Dominon - 35% - 45%

The Governor General race is expected to either be a landslide or close match depending on the candidates though most agree that if the GNP run incumbent Earl Jonathan Sterling again, he'll take it handily. He has a close and personal relationship with the Royal Family who while politically neutral would likely give their unofficial endorsement. The Dominion Party's only hope rests on either the GNP picking a weak candidate or a blackhorse candidate from their own party coming from behind to steal it. The Dominion Party have been testing out different candidates in every Governor General election thus far, without success. It's the hope that this time, with the JNP not stealing from of the vote the a strong Dominion candidate could finally take the election. The strongest candidate would likely be Baroness Abigail Woodbury, the Dominion Party's original Founder. Baroness Woodbury, while retired from Parliament, wasn't opposed to her nomination within the Dominion Primaries saying that
I may not be willing to personally duke it out on the floor, but politics run in my blood and likely always will.
Baroness Woodbury still has a lot of great personal popularity within the electorate, knows the Royal Family personally, and is liked by both sides of the political game, making her a great Speaker in the sometimes explosive Dominion Parliament.

State Governorships

Turadrad - GNP Hold 52%, Dominion Win 47%

Turadrad has been becoming a key battleground state in recent years, as the GNP and Dominion Party have been fighting for dominance of it since the introduction of Bill D-1. During the 3389 and 3394 elections the Dominion Party steadily gained seats on the GNP and only during the last election did the GNP manage to firmly hold onto its current seat count, though with only a 3 seat lead and less then a 3% lead in the popular vote. This time many analysts are predicting either the GNP will hold its ground with the loss of perhaps one seat though the odds of the Dominion picking up an additional seat to steal the state isn't a foreign idea. The JNP didn't have a large impact in the last election making this purely a battleground between Dominion and GNP Governor candidates.

Rilmos - 99% GNP hold

Outside of a complete and utter GNP collapse of the state Rilmos is widely considered to remain a strict GNP stronghold with Governor Watson holding onto the Governor's Mansion in Woodburygrad for a fifth straight term being considered the rule, not the exception. The Dominion party is rumored to be only running candidates in the city of Woodburygrad itself as its only source of support though even Dominion Chief of Staff Steven Wilson stated that he wasn't expecting any seats from Rilmos to go the way of the Dominion Party

Rilmos may be the birth place of the Woodbury family, but even Kyle Woodbury himself would be hard pressed to take that state back from the GNP. They took it in 3379 and I doubt they'll ever let it go. We received less then one percent of the vote in the last election and I doubt we'll see more. It's staunchly socially and morally conservative and purely in favor of the Royal Family and the values the GNP holds dea. Unless the Father of the Dominion himself or Baroness Woodbury were running for the State Governorship I think its safe to say the GNP have the state locked down tight.

Nemawar - 38% Dominion Win, 33% GNP hold, 25% Undecided

Nemawar is expected to become a crucial and hotly contested battleground state with the JNP having collapsed last year from internal party conflicts. In the 3399 elections the JNP was able to gain the most seats and take the Governorship, though the State Legislature was a minority JNP government, something that rarely occurs in Jelbania in recent years. With almost a full third of the seats up for grabs the GNP is expected to dump millions in campaign funding to try and retake it from what was once a Dominion state. The Dominion Party has held onto a single seat lead in both the 3389 and 3394 elections, so the potential for the GNP to take the state is there though some analysts point out strong Dominion roots might gave the Dominion a well established lead from former JNP voters.

Baniray - 81% Dominion Hold, GNP win 18%

Baniray to the Dominion Party is what Rilmos is to the GNP. Governor Kevin Mitchell has been able to take four straight elections there with ease and should he fail to recieve the nomination for Governor General easily take a fifth. Although the GNP have made inroads in the state in the 3399 elections, this election, considering the JNP recieved almost little support amongst the Undecided voters, is expected to hand the state handily back to the Dominion Party has their primary base of support. Baniray's state capital at Pittsway Cove its the headquarters of the Dominion Party itself, and many think its unlikely that the Dominion will lose in their own base of operations. With both the Dominion Headquarters and the headquarters of the Imperial Dominion Navy, long loyal Dominion Party voters present, its expected either the GNP will lose seats they have, or hold what they've got, though no one questions Governor Mitchell's ability to keep the Governor Mansion for a fifth straight term.

Perimor - Dominion Party hold 59%, GNP win 40%

Perimor is widely considered to be THE battleground state of this election, with both sides out for blood. The Dominion Party currently hold custodianship of the Governor's mansion in lieu of the JNP collapse and don't seem to want to give it up; they haven't held the Governor's Mansion since 3384 before that. In the last elections the GNP lost a colossal 30 seats, over 80% of their stake in the state, which is widely seen as the loss of one of their key support beams. With the GNP now down to 7 seats they need to make a run for no less then 27 of the 38 available seats open in the State Legislature. Perimor was the headquarters of the JNP and was a state they held a majority government in with the Dominion Party and rump GNP presence able only to protest against the Governor's edicts within the JNP dominated state. Sarah Belliveau, the state's Dominion Party head is hoping that the Dominion Party will have a much easier time grabbing 13 seats compared to the almost double the GNP needs to gain the majority and to hold onto Domura. The taking of Domura and the state is also widely considered a massive symbolic victory for any political party because the city of Baofluz, the national capital and home of the Royal Family is also within the state.

Parliamentary Elections

GNP - 165 - 175
Dominion - 160 - 170

The GNP is expected to reclaim Parliament in a majority government, though the lead they will have according to chief Dominion Party strategists will be slim.

The GNP has been an unfortunately lazy party on which the Dominion Party is capitalizing. By introducing key legislation right before an election, especially one thats popular amongst pro-military supporters, will be a Dominion party victory either way. If the GNP support it then they are also supporting the passing of a Dominion Bill and if they vote against it they vote against something the Military is in favor of, regardless of the way they vote the Dominion Party will achieve a political victory. That victory may be enough to tip the Dominion Party over the top.

Quoting Steven Wilson, Thomas Woodbury's Chief of Staff

The battle for Parliament is expected to be close with either side able to take it, though we will only be able to truly know next November.
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Re: The Jelbanian Inquirer

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:54 am

Election Results

As most analysts on both sides of the fence have predicted the Grand Nationalists Party has come out on top again, earning a fourth straight term in power. Having won in all categories, taking the Governor General slot, the majority in Parliament and most of the State Governorships, most are claiming a complete GNP victory though many from the Dominion Party and even GNP insiders are pointing out the closeness has jittered some within the GNP inner circle. The election was also tainted by a lower then usual voter turn out, with only just under 39 million votes being cast total

GNP Insider
Although we have indeed won, it was a slim win, and something that isn't being overlooked by both the Governor General, the Prime Minister or his office. The Dominion Party has been steadily gaining on us for the past several elections and many believe if it wasn't for the JNP in the 3399 elections the Dominion Party may have held the initiative to actually take Parliament. This victory was great but we understand now more then ever that the Dominion Party will be close behind us.

Governor General Results

Earl Jonathan Sterling (GNP)- 21,811,537 - 56.9%
Baroness Abigail Woodbury (DoP- 16,508,858 - 43.1%

As many were expecting Earl Jonathan Sterling, who was riding on the Grand Nationalists ticket for a fourth straight term, took victory last night with a commanding near twenty two million votes, attaining just under 57% of the popular vote. Baroness Woodbury gave a cordial and humble concession speech congratulating the Governor General on his fourth straight victory. Most GNP analysts had hoped that Earl Sterling would have a greater victory with more of the popular vote further proving the heat between the two candidates though other blame the lower then usual voter turn out.

Dominion Party Analyst
Though Sterling won, it was a smaller win, and well within what most of our own strategists believed he would get. Obtaining 57% of the vote means a victory margin of 16 percent but in the grand scheme of things considering he got over twenty eight million votes in the last election its proving the voters are sick of seeing the same candidate; it doesn't matter how popular someone is, if we see the same face, or hear the same song too much we'll want to change. We're hoping in the next election a change will aid us in finally taking the position we helped established.

Earl Jonathan Sterling has occupied the post of Governor General since its creation under the Imperial Dominion Act in 3386, in the first Governor General elections of 3389 and has won it easily ever since, though the margin of his victory has shrunk every election since.

State Governorships

Perimor - Dominion (33/67) GNP (34/67)

Result - GNP Win

By a mere 102,926 votes or 1.4% of the vote the Grand Nationalists Party stole the election in Perimor and narrowly retook the state claiming the exact 27 seats they required to take the seat in likely the closest race of the election. Although many analysts had expected the Dominion Party to take the state the GNP dumped millions in campaign funding in the final weeks before the election for the heroic push to grab the necessary seats Perimor is considered the greatest symbolic victory of the election for the GNP as they have literally retaken Baofluz, the national capital, with the bulk of the seats the GNP earned were from the seats surrounding the Greater Baofluz Metropolitan Area and Domura, with the Dominion Party focusing in other areas.

Baniray - Dominion (60/67) GNP (7/67)

Result - Dominion Hold

In one of two results that everyone was expecting the Dominion Party held onto Baniray with ease, and picked up nine seats securing an even steeper lead in the State legislature and allowing Baniray Governor Kevin Mitchell a fifth straight term. Baniray has been widely seen as the most secure Dominion Party state, and is seen as the lynchpin of the Dominion Party's ability to be elected. Although there was some hope from some GNP strategists that the inroads made in the last election would be able to translate into more seats it was not meant to be. Thomas Woodbury, the Freedom Party's chief easily retook the seats in Pittsway Cove Centre. The only seats the GNP held onto were near Perimor where the GNP spent the bulk of their campaign funds in the state.

Rilmos - Dominion (0/67) GNP (67/67)

Result - GNP Hold

In the other unsurprising result of the night the GNP completely took the state of Rilmos from the ground on up and delivered Governor Harry Watson his sixth straight term, making him the longest serving current elective official in the Dominion Government. According to Dominion Party insiders the leadership had pulled most of the candidates from the states and only ran a few in Woodburygrad where the entirety of the Dominion Party's 14,000 votes came from. Ironically GNP supporters also turned out in droves in the state, with over ten million votes being registered in the state, over two million more then any other state. Thomas Woodbury's Chief of Staff Steven Wilson had this to say.

Steven Wilson; Thomas Woodbury Chief of Staff
This was the point I was making a few weeks ago, the GNP OWN this state. There was almost contest and yet they still showed up by the legion to ensure that Governor Watson was re-elected. If the Dominion Party has won last night no one in Rilmos was going to be able to claim it was because the GNP supporters didn't show up to vote. This is the sort of grassroots movement that political parties need in Jelbania to order to get elected, and in this case it paid off for the GNP. Rilmos accounts for 40% of all of their seats and as long as they've got the state, I have a feeling they'll continue to be elected.

Turadrad - Dominion (36/67) GNP (31/67)

Result - Dominion Win

The Dominion Party managed to pull the one true upset of the night by taking Turadrad by a surprising margin, claiming over 500,000 more votes then the GNP. The Dominion Party had been campaigning hard in the state in recent years and the results were what Dominion Party leadership had hoped for and GNP feared.

Steven Wilson; Thomas Woodbury's Chief of Staff and the Dominion Party's top political strategist
We've been fighting to take control of Turadrad for numerous years and this is what we've been aiming for. Although we only took four seats in the state its still a victory in that we managed to take the Governor's Mansion. It proves the Dominion Party is getting stronger and the GNP's influence is waning. If we can keep this up it'll only be a couple of years before we start taking seats even in staunch Rilmos.

GNP Insider
This is something we've been watching and believe me its not lost on us either. Over the last two terms the GNP hasn't done much and its costing us. We won, and but really what have we won? Territory we already had already claimed? No this time the Dominion Party won, because they got something they didn't have before. We're hoping that this lights a fire underneath our leadership to encourage them to do something quick so that we can actually continue to govern otherwise what happens in Turadrad might happen elsewhere.

Turadrad was the most contested state in this election, as only the GNP and Dominion Party had stakes inside of it with the bulk of their campaign spending being spent totally in this state, which was ironic as Turadrad had the lowest voter turnout of any state in the election. Newly elected Governor James Murphy, the Dominion Party's head in the state was "ecstatic" over his election and "looked forward to working in the state and with Baofluz to continue the rise of the Empire and the Dominion."

Nemawar - Dominion (32/67) GNP (35/67)

Results - GNP win

Nemawar flipped over to the GNP, after a stint under the JNP, being the final GNP victory of the night. Nemawar was hotly contested and a state that was truly thought to be "up for grabs" with almost a full third of voters having been considered "undecided". Although Dominion strategists had hoped the Dominion former hold in it would allow them to take the state again, the damage the JNP did to them in the 3399 elections in combination with the sheer amount of money the GNP dumped in the state allowed them to come over the top and take it. Although disappointed Dominion Party insiders were still optimistic.

Nigel Brown; Nemawar State Dominion Party Leader
We lost here, but it was close, it well done, and as many have said, there is always next time. Hopefully we'll have it, and last I checked overall, we didn't lose anything... just gained. Next time is our time until then, we'll keep up what we do best.

Parliamentary Results

Dominion - 161/335 seats (+41)
GNP - 174/335 seats (+25)

GNP Majority

Exactly as was expected by most the GNP maintained control of Parliament and with a 25 seat pick up obtained a slim six seat majority. In a post-election analysis Steven Wilson had this to say on the election.

This election just proved the waning power of "old politics". We had a smaller voter turn out despite more money spent, for an election result that didn't much change the former status quo. The Jelbanian people are getting tired of the same old thing and even though the GNP does have its majority, unless it does something in Parliament with it, the people will continue seeing it an the Dominion Party merely sitting on their laurels and not getting anything done. Something drastic is going to have to happen within Jelbanian politics, either from a new radical party emerging or the old party's trying something completely unexpected. I guess the only thing to do now is wait and see what happens.
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