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Egelia Solidarity Campaign

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:50 pm
by Aquinas
February 3560

Curro Cabello MP, Leader of Hacia Casa in the Republic of Dranland:

Today, the cause of unificación is stronger than at any time since the illegal Dranish occupation began back in 2177. Dranianos are realising they are not just Dranianos, but also Egelians, and that they do not belong to the pseudo-nation known as the "Republic of Dranland", but to the great nation of Egelia which exists spiritually and deserves to exist politically too. At the 3558 General Election, more than 6.5 million eastern Egelians showed their love for Egelia by voting for Hacia Casa, the only political party in Dranish-Occupied Eastern Egelia with the courage to offer nationhood to the Egelian people. Just a year later, western Egelia - the Coronada República de Egelion - took the historic step of committing itself to the restoration of the Egelian nation.

Six months ago, Egelian patriots from all over Egelia, and our friends from all over Terra, converged on the great City of Castellón for one of the greatest events in modern history, the International Conference on Eastern Egelia. There we shared our experiences of suffering and oppression at the hands of our Dranish oppressors, and dared to share our dreams of a free and united Egelia. The political momentum we built up from that conference was such that we were able to defeat the government's proposals to humiliate Egelian children by forcing them to sing the national anthem of their Dranish occupiers at the beginning of every school day. Those of us languishing under Dranish tyranny could not have achieved this stunning victory without the support of our friends in western Egelia and all over Terra who have come to the aid of our children at their time of need. I wish to pay special thanks to the Global Peacekeeping Organisation and the Deltarian Human Rights Commission for the work they have done on our behalf.

To keep the momentum rolling, I am delighted to announce the foundation of the Egelia Solidarity Campaign, which I hope all of our supporters, in Egelia and beyond, will join. Together, we can win our freedom! Together, we can make Egelia a nation once more!