Black Guard People's Defence

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Black Guard People's Defence

Postby RedReaper » Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:38 pm

Black Guard People's Defence
'To The Barricades!'

Official Flag of the Black Guard People's Defence

The Black Guard People's Defence is the official paramilitary organisation of the Luthori Anarchist Federation. It's founding aims are to defend the working class against reactionary and counter revolutionary forces, aswell as provide humanitarian aid and support abroad to workers in need.
They have an estimated full time membership of 5000 trained fighters split up into hundreds of different decentralised cadres, although; due to the secrecy of the organisation and the voluntary and decentralised nature of the cadres themselves; it is hard to make an accurate estimate of their total strength.

Current Deployments:
Luthori Republic

Future Deployments:

Bianjie-Utembo border region as a component of the Luthori contingent of the World Congress Mission to Dovani
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