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Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:58 am
by JuliaAJA
Mr.Yankees wrote:
Jessaveryja wrote:
Mr.Yankees wrote:OOC: I honestly can't tell where you are right now. You migrate too many times. Where are you right now? Depending on where you are I can tell you whether your vote counts.

OOC: Barmenistan, I am on tour with Emunim. After this I don't know yet, I go where I am invited.

OOC:Are they even ratifiers? It's kind of late, so I can't think clearly. If they are ratifiers, I'll allow you to comment but not vote. If you are not a ratifier, please try to comment only on the important things you know about. Internal stuff is for members only.

OOC: I just looked and no, they've not ratified. Sorry.

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:20 pm
by GreekIdiot
Many of the GPO members are friends or either members of the NATO organization. I just wonder if we could begin some discussions about a potential, and a rather updated alliance between the two organizations.

Egoist Virginatos

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:57 pm
by Mr.Yankees
We have tried so before and it failed. While we admire the goals of the GPO, we are very worried about its lack of neutrality on issues. Therefore, we will not consider such alliance at this moment. Of course, we will keep cooperating with you and other organizations to ensure peace and security is achieved across Terra.


Roland Lincoln
Vice President of the United Republics of Lodamun
Chairman of the Council of NATO

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:02 pm
by GreekIdiot
One can only wonder my dear comrade how will you be able to achieve peace and maintain security with just the forces of debate and neutrality. Never in history has neutrality achieved anything. You either align with the bad guys or support the good cause, no matter what the cost, in the name of true peace and stability. Sacrifices must be made.

I am afraid this is the part where our organizations have disagreement issues.

Egoist Virginatos (Pornidious will die soon so consider Egoist the official Grand Secretariat of the GPO)

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:52 pm
by Mr.Yankees
With all due respect to the gentleman from the GPO, our methods are not to be questioned. They have worked for us and we will continue using them. Our goal is to use neutrality to promote peace and security throughout Terra. We admire the efforts by the GPO but as you have stated yourself, we have clear disagreements in this issue. Neither your methods nor ours are better than one another, they are simply different.

Thank you,

Roland Lincoln
Vice President of the United Republics of Lodamun
Chairman of the Council of NATO

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:19 pm
by GreekIdiot
Of course, we are no better than the other, we share the same view with you. But it's an unfortunate pity that we have such problems, despite our main goals and dreams. We shall keep cooperating with you, nonetheless, and will willingly discuss with you about potential future issues, if you share the same wish with us. May new and bright days lighten your path!

Egoist Virginatos

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:07 am
by Mr.Yankees

This is a new organizational group that has just being created ( ... ionid=1995 ).

All members are REQUIRED to join. Updates will be made there instead of here the majority of the time. Only MEMBERS will be allowed to join. Council members MUST join as this will be your main source of information.

Thank you!

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:20 pm
by rep
The Commonwealth of Rutania started the ratification process of the NATO treaty. We hope that our intention to adhere is welcomed by the NATO member-states.

Lord Klausenburg
President of Rutania

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:58 am
by Opakidabar
Egelion delegation:

As the oldest NATO member state Egelion expresses concern that this organization is ruled by nation (Lodamun) where constant silencing of opposition occurs.
Among the violations to democracy there are:
Calling for new elections every year, despite electoral term being 6 years. The reason is to get elections before opposition can gain any visibility and explain its point of view to citizens.
Low proposal quotas, the lowest on Terra - so that opposition has no chance to explain or participate in legislation process.
Both of these activities are against the major principle of democracy - competitive elections where everyone has a chance to explain their point of view to the public. Thus ensuring public needs are best served.
When are the next elections for the chairman?

Re: Northern Area Treaty Organization (NATO)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:39 am
by Mr.Yankees
Opakidabar wrote:Egelion delegation:

As the oldest NATO member state Egelion expresses concern that this organization is ruled by nation (Lodamun) where constant silencing of opposition occurs.
Among the violations to democracy there are:
Calling for new elections every year, despite electoral term being 6 years. The reason is to get elections before opposition can gain any visibility and explain its point of view to citizens.
Low proposal quotas, the lowest on Terra - so that opposition has no chance to explain or participate in legislation process.
Both of these activities are against the major principle of democracy - competitive elections where everyone has a chance to explain their point of view to the public. Thus ensuring public needs are best served.
When are the next elections for the chairman?

OOC: First of all Opakidabar, keep IC and OOC separated. Visibility is not an IC issue. It's game mechanics. In real life, parties that have been in a country for a long time, have expressed their views already. So, I ask you to refrain from making that kind of statement. If you want to argue against my policies in Lodamun, I don't care. Just do it in a fair way. Second, and most importantly, we discuss these matters at our regular meetings, not here.