Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby Farsun » Tue May 03, 2016 5:30 pm

OOC: Oh, this just got interesting.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby colonelvesica » Tue May 03, 2016 5:37 pm

Numerous Hutorian organizations, corporations and entities are interested in the EDO with official government support to follow, following debate in the Senate.

The House of Steuart-Adelia will be investing 4 billion LOD into the EDO, 75% into the General Fund and 25% into the Loan Funds.

Lion Capital, Hutori's largest hedge fund will also pledge 4.5 Billion LOD. 3 Billion into the General Fund, 1 Billion into the Loan and 500 million into the Grant Fund.

Horizon Technology Corporation will be considering making a sizeable investment and donation though it's currently being ironed out what they will be offering.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed May 04, 2016 2:08 pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you all very much for your contributions.

I believe that we should listen to the Dorvish Foreign Economic Council's proposal and consider it. The nations of the former colonies are certainly in dire need of development and should be our first priority. The DEC's proposal will most certainly target the root of the problem: infrastructure, in addition to allowing Temania to begin establishing credit for the future.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby Farsun » Wed May 04, 2016 2:31 pm

Ebner AG, a Dorvish Telecommunications corporation would be willing to pay the 250m DDO up front to start the project and do the work while promising that 75% of the workers will be from Temanian countries, that 75% of the project will be trained and hired by Ebner AG and given advanced training following the completion of the project.

We submit this bid with the approval and backing of the FEC.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed May 04, 2016 4:36 pm

Horizon Technology Corporation will be investing 7.5 billion LOD into the EDO. 4 Billion into the General Fund, 2 Billion in the Loan Funds and 1.5 Billion into the Grand Fund.

Furthermore HTC offers to partner with Ebner AG and assist in shouldering the costs at a split to be decided between the two companies and agreeing to the same Terms that Ebner had already offered


The Government of Hutori will be, as of October of 4023 be making a 1b LOD annual injection into the EDO via their recently created Hutorian Eastern Development Corporation. 100 million of it is a donation directly into the Grant Fund. The other 900 million will be divided 500m into the General and 400m into the Loan Fund.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby Autokrator15 » Sat May 07, 2016 1:23 pm

On behalf of the Confederation we invest this years foreign affairs budget minus the money we need to pay for diplomatic expenses. The money should be divided over the three funds equaly.

We wish to invest in total NED ((ooc:No idea how to convert this into LOD)) om behalf of the Confederation of New Endralon, Kizenia and Kuzaki.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby sotearchann » Tue May 10, 2016 5:51 pm

Imperial Republic of Chann makes the following investments:

$10 Billion Dragons from the Foreign Affairs Fund
$10 Billion Dragons from the Budget Surplus

Bank of Chann makes the following investments

$30 Billion Dragons as a joint investment from Chann National Corporation and all of its subsidiaries and affiliates
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby toro42 » Wed May 11, 2016 8:00 pm

The government of Lourenne will contribute 15 billion LFR to be distributed across the funds where it is needed most.

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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby Zongxian » Wed May 25, 2016 3:54 pm

The Great Kyo Empire, via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Dankuk International Cooperation Agency, will contribute 13.5 billion LOD (50/50) to the General and Loan Funds.
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Re: Eastern Development Organization (EDO)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed May 25, 2016 9:49 pm

The commitment of the Hutorian Eastern Development Corporation now stands at 11 billion LOD Total. The splits are currently:

1.1 Billion LOD in donations to the Grant Fund and 5.5 Billion LOD into the General Fund and 4.4 Billion into the Loan Fund as investments.
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