Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:32 am

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

The MLS Is in agreement with the MRP and seconds their motion to vote. We wish the MUN didn't have to considered such moves to pressure Kalopia: however, the actions taken by Kazulia to strengthen their position on our continent through Kalopia has necessitated a harder response.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Sisyphus » Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:32 pm

Herlkai Bókkatéz, Leader of the Majatran Reform Party (MRP):

Thank you Mr Laski for seconding the proposal.

Mr Speaker, can the motion re Kalopia please be moved to vote?
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Polites » Wed Aug 08, 2018 3:28 pm

Carolus Priscus, Selucian Ambassador to the MUN:

Honored delegates,

I was empowered by the Selucian government and by Consul Iennifer Vinicia Opis to present the views of the Republic of Selucia regarding the potential membership of Kalopia as an observer state. We find the attitude of several officials of the MUN towards Kalopia to be deeply troubling and a cause for many in Selucia to question our own status as an observer state. We note that there is nothing in the treaty regulating the rights and responsibilities of observer states that touches even remotely on military or foreign policy, and there is no requirement for observers to have the same friends and enemies as the Majatran Union of Nations. Since it is the sovereign right of Kalopia, as a free and independent nation, to determine its own military and security policies, we find the use of economic pressure to force Kalopia to close the Kazulian military base on its territory, a base that long precedes this organization, to be a form of economic imperialism and a threat to the sovereignty of the Kalopian people. However misguided and potentially dangerous Kalopian policy towards Kazulia may be, it is the right of the Kalopian people and not the MUN to determine what foreign power is allowed to establish a base on its territory. We must strongly object to this illegal attempt at refusing membership to a state on account of its foreign policy, and we fear that continuing down this path may jeopardize our own own status as observer. We do, of course, condemn the imperialistic attitude of the Northern Council towards the nations of Majatra, but we find the use of economic pressure to force an independent sovereign state to modify its freely-determined security policies to be no less imperialistic and a greater threat to Kalopian self-determination. We are deeply concerned with the manner in which weaker independent states are treated by the Majatran Union of Nations, and what we find particularly disturbing is the expectation from the MUN that small nations, like Selucia or Kalopia, obey the Union's every whim even when not mandated by treaty to do so. This extends not only to the appalling attitude of the MUN towards Kalopia. We also find much cause of concern in the comments of General Mrjkai Trmékez, who seems to suggest that the Majatran Sea Guard is in some way responsible for the presence of Northern Council forces in the Majatran Sea. Honorable delegates, Selucia is many things, but we are not your gatekeepers. If we ever go to war against the Northern Council or any other power, it will be because the people of Selucia have willed it, not because we wish to shed our blood for the defense of foreign nations. We will not start the Second Terran War on the MUN's behalf, and any attempt at integrating the Majatran Sea Guard into the military structure of the MUN must respect this fact.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:15 pm

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

As an observer state of the MUN, the Selucian nation does not have to follow article 3, the article establishing the principle of mutual defense. This fact means that the Selucian people do not have to participate in wars that they choose not to join. The MUN observing states are given the opportunity of economic ties without deep political and military ties to the MUN and shouldn't feel pressured to establish them. I would like to personally apologize if the Selucian government felt pressured is such a way.

However, Kalopia desires a special relationship beyond basic observation status and MEZ membership, while not taking part in the MAA. Seeing as how that form of relationship has not been formally conceived, we should assume that it should only be created with observing nations that the MUN particularly favor. Kalopia does not meet this criteria due to foreign policies held by the Kalopian government. Having close economic and military ties to Northern Council states, the greatest threat and source of competition to the MUN, is a threat to the integrity of the MEZ and the security of the MUN, not to mention a large political conflict of interest. These issues limit Kalopian involvement with the MUN to basic observation status and nothing more.

With the question regarding a special relationship resolved, the MLS would like to turn to the issues regarding the military base in Kalopia. It is the duty of then MUN to ensure member nations are protected from foreign powers, the Northern Council being the primary concern. The military base in Kalopia is a gateway to the Majatran continent that threatens those not in the Northern Council's good graces and therefore needs to be dealt with. Since the host nation is developing greater ties to the Northern Council, especially economic ties, it is imperative we find a way to negotiate its closure. Since the Kalopian Ambassador has essentially stated that the issue is not for negotiation, is our responsibility to take harder measures to begin negotiation.The MLS is of the opinion that we should consider economic sanctions to pressure Kalopia into negotiating with the MUN. If sanctions were to be approved by the Grand Assembly after a vote, they would then be referred to the Majatran Economic Advisory Bureau, who would ensure it is in line with their authority as managers of the MEZ. There is also the possibility that we could use attractive deals between the MUN and Kalopia in return for the closure of the military base; however, the MLS has remained divided over that response and has instead went with the more widely supported option mentioned earlier.

Let me just reaffirm that this is all the opinion of the MLS and is not the majority stance in the Grand Assembly, as the other parties within this assembly have not stated their stance on the issue.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby RedReaper » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:08 pm

Zetes Artinos, Kalopian Ambassador to the MUN

Firstly, addressing Representative Laski's comments, although I agree with your assessment of my government's aims of establishing closer ties which go beyond observer status, the vote that the Majatran Reform Party is advocating for is to determine whether or not my government would have to alter its political and military policy to become an observer state of the MUN, something which is expressly against the purposes of the Observer Status. Hence Representative Priscus' objection still stands.

I do not believe that in order for economic stability and free trade to be established in Majatra that a united military alliance should have complete control of the continent. My government has made our aims of entering the MEZ perfectly clear, and per the MUN charter it is within Kalopia's right to join the economic union without first having to alter any of its political or military commitments.

By voting in support of this proposal on the part of the MRP you shall be setting a dangerous precedent in regards to other Observer States and nations which wish to obtain Observer status; the precedent that this is far more a military alliance against the Northern Council than it is a free trade organisation. This precedent would effectively force nations to open themselves up to MAA influence, and only MAA influence, before becoming an Observer, something which acts in complete opposition to the charter and the aims of this organisation.

I hope that Representatives understand the gravity of these proceedings and the far reaching implications of them.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:47 pm

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

As I have stated previously, the MLS believes Kalopia should be allowed observer status, but not full membership or a special relationship until the issue regarding the military base is resolved.

The MLS is more undecided on the issues regarding the MEZ, but a slight majority within the party believes that membership in the MEZ would trigger the integrity clause of the MEZ due to economic ties to the Northern Council. While this opinion is held by a slight majority, we are in consensus that if the branches of the MUN agree to Kalopian admittance, so will we.

Finally, while you are partially right about the vote, the MRP also stated full membership. Let it be clear that the MLS shall not vote in support of blocking Kalopia from observing status, only full membership or a special relationship due to reasons stated before.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:03 pm

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

Honourable representatives of the MUNGA parties and observer nations. Let me be abundantly clear that it is not the MUN and its members that are being unreasonable here. According to our constitution the MEZ is a component within the MUN organization itself and therefor its member have a say in how to run it. The course that the Kalopian government is taking is very dangerous as they try to divide the continent further. The MUN was created to ensure a united Majatra economically but also politically and militarily, the observer status was created as a transition towards full membership or for responsible nations to use it in order to work together peacefully economically and politically. HOWEVER in no way was the Observer Status of the MUN created in order for it to be abused by a nation with not a single intention of working further together towards majatran intergration and peace.

Mr. Speaker, the Northern Council base in Kalopia does not need to be closed simply because we do not like it. It needs to be closed because we as the MUN organization we have a responsibility to ensure the security of our member states. That base, in the middle of majatra, even if it may be located on territory of a nation that is not a member of the MUN, still poses an extreme potential threat to the integrity of member states close to the base.

It is well within our right as MUN representatives to request a base that is endangering the integrity of member states to be closed in exchange for membership into the MEZ which creates billions of additional revenue. If Kalopia shows its good will and intentions for further majatran cooperation the MUN would gladly accept any request coming from them. But as i stated before the Observer Status was not created to be abused and used as a cheap way for extra cash. That is simply intolerable.

We must add to this however that we agree with the MLS that we cannot block a states entry into the Observer status as it would be against our own constitution so we will not support the MRP resolution. However, even though we cannot stop Kalopia from entering oberver status we can still decide to bar them from MEZ entry as the MEZ is an integral part of the MUN and as the constitution says the MEAB can block a nation from entering the MEZ if they deem their practises to be against the interest of the free trade zone
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby RedReaper » Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:01 pm

Zetes Artinos, Kalopian Ambassador to the MUN

Some free trade zone which prevents its members from receiving investment from elsewhere and bars applicants due to centuries old military commitments. Is Kalopia to cut itself from all foreign investment external to the MEZ out of the MAA's fear of external influence? The point of the MUN is to enable integration, not to push its agenda on others through economic threats.
Our collective governments have much to gain from economic cooperation. Kalopia has long been isolated economically, I am offering the MUN the perfect investment opportunity. Instead we are bound by this Assembly's Cold War sentimentality.
The idea that this assembly will ever unite Majatra with your current stubborn outlook is laughable.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby HenryLee » Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:18 am

Dan Laski, Leader of the Majatran Liberal Socialist Party (MLS)

Insulting the organization your nation is unskillfully trying to convince to strengthen mutual ties is counter to your efforts. The reason this organization exists is to ensure the collective security of its members and the economic prosperity of Majatran nations. The Northern Council's military base is a threat to the security of member nations and harmful to one of the main goals of this organization. Close ties with both the Majatran Union of Nations and the Northern Council are mutually incompatible due to differing desires of both organisations. We agree that much economic benefit can come from both of us working together, but not while your nation allows a monumental military threat reside within its borders. It is not an irrational fear when the Northern Council has purposefully involved itself in past Majatran affairs to the detriment of everyone except their organization.
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Polites » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:46 am

Carolus Priscus, Selucian Ambassador to the MUN:

I must thank Mr. Laski for guaranteeing that the MUN will respect Selucia's military sovereignty, this will go a long way towards ensuring our continued membership as an Observer.

In what concerns the attitude of the MUN officials towards Kalopia however we could not disagree more. Kalopia desires membership in the MEZ, and according to the treaty regulating the status of Observer States there are no preconditions to joining the MEZ. The only regulations concerns those states that are already members, but even then the MEAB can only impose sanctions if MEZ members violate its integrity. Refusing to adopt the MUN's warmongering attitude towards the NC is in no way a violation of the integrity of the MEZ, and any attempt to impose sanctions on Kalopia for these reasons is patently illegal. Unless the MUN considers the MEZ to be a protectionist and autarkic arrangement, it is impossible to consider trade outside the Economic Zone to be a violation of its integrity. Imposing sanctions on a prospective member is not a negotiation tactic. It is extortion, and Selucia will have no part in this and will use our non-binding Observer vote to protest against the anti-Kalopian and anti-Kazulian fearmongering in this organization. Honored delegates, the Kazulian base is a threat to Majatran security only if you make it a threat. While we condemn in the strongest terms the involvement of the Northern Council in Majatran affairs, we must recognize that Kalopia did nothing wrong and has every right to maintain its existing security arrangements, which, as has been pointed out numerous times, are far older than this very organization. If you want to impose sanctions, then impose them on Zardugal, which has closed off its borders and has launched an unprecedented level of persecution against its citizens, or on Solentia, which seems to think the death penalty is suitable punishment for those fleeing persecution, or on Cildania where public officials openly recognize their goal of eradicating one of the languages of its citizens. If the MUN wants sanctions, then sanction Vanuku and Deltaria, which under the cover of "reconstruction" have destroyed Jelbania's sovereignty and are exploiting its resources and labor, or for that matter why not sanction those Majatran nations which possess weapons of mass destruction, including Vanuku, Istalia, or Selucia, which are a far greater threat to human life than any military base or trade arrangement. I understand that this organization has legitimate concerns about NC military presence on the continent, but you must recognize you have no legal or moral basis to demand its removal.
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