Urban League of Terra

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Urban League of Terra

Postby Afrocentric » Mon May 25, 2009 8:29 pm

The Urban League of Terra is a non-profit organization that provides help to the urban areas in cities around the world. In addition to helping people in Terra's worst urban areas, we are currently starting a program that will provide help to people and refugees of third world countries.

Current Leadership
Director: Joseph Rollins
Deputy Director: Ivad Ulrich
Treasurer: Ron Summers
Media Spokesperson: Joyce Cantor
Ambassador: Terry Glendon

Branches of the ULT
Republic of Kirlawa (Urban League of Kirlawa)
Archduchy of Vorona (Urban League of Vorona)
Federation of Zardugal (Urban League of Zardugal)

Terran Refugee Initiative
Third World Development

Main Headquarters
Main: Brase Lake, Kirlawa

Regional Headquarters
Region A: Aloria (pending a contract agreement)
(Artania, Keris, and Makon or Macon)

Region B: Port Andaly,Lodamun
(Majartra and Seleya)

Region C: Belgae,Zardugal
(Dovani, Squibble, Vascania)

Urban League of Terra
The ULT is located in Kirlawa in the city of Brase Lake. This is the main organization that deals with empowering today's urban youth through financial and educational development. The ULT also runs 7 programs that deal with providing "contemporary aid" to the ghetto.

These are the 7 programs:

ABC Terra: A system of daycares for families
ActiveCommunity!!: Provides fun and safe activities for the community
Safe Streets Initiative: Removes kids off the streets
Community Centers Ltd.: Builds/maintains community centers
Employment Centers Ltd.: Finds jobs for the unemployed and teaches the uneducated
Inner City Soup Kitchen: Provides free hot meals everyday to the homeless
Urban A: Cleans up the rundown areas of the inner city

Terran Refugee Initiative
This program provides food and shelter to refugees of wars, disasters, etc. We work with foreign governments to provide safe havens for refugees. In addition to that, we even provide money, a home, and a temporary job to the refugee until they find a permanent one as well as job training and education services.

Third World Development
This is a pilot program that will hopefully be able to work with the United Nations of Terra to identify and improve conditions in third world countries.
Last edited by Afrocentric on Wed May 27, 2009 6:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Urban Party of Kirlawa, Kirlawa - Inactive
Democratic Reform Party, Talmoria - Inactive
Labour Party, Saridan - Inactive
Urban Party of Rutania, Rutania - Inactive

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Re: Urban League of Terra

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon May 25, 2009 8:45 pm

Kalopia would be more than willing to cooperate with the ULT, if only its leadership were interested.

Please contact us if you are indeed interested.

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Re: Urban League of Terra

Postby JuliaAJA » Tue May 26, 2009 3:05 pm

İslam Militant Hareketi Kafuristan ve also would be more than willing to cooperate with the ULT.

Please contact us if you are indeed interested.

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Re: Urban League of Terra

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue May 26, 2009 3:22 pm

OOC: Stop copying everyone, for crying out loud.
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Re: Urban League of Terra

Postby 123abc123 » Wed May 27, 2009 2:23 am

The Jewish Homeland would love to help out and reape the advantages of having this organization in our nation. Please contact us soon.
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