Imperial National Party International Express News:INPIEN

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Imperial National Party International Express News:INPIEN

Postby Romulus » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:31 am

This is our party’s related news, and news concerning the international community.

Our party has worked hard ever since the foundation to bring the party news to the international stage. Now we can.

100 Years in the Making-Bringing news for the people.
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INP Presidential Candidate Announced

Postby Romulus » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:10 pm

INP National Report

It’s time for our party to put itself together again, and show the people of Keymon and the world that we are always strong and ready.

We are pleased to announce our new Presidential candidate Robert Catus who will lead the people to better times.
“The Opposition has destroyed our nation and destroyed our military and defenses making us open for our enemies to invade. We must stop them and bring our military back and fix this economy!Robert Catus
addressing the Imperial National Party 102 Convention/Congress

“So let us make Keymon a strong nation again and put us back in power to lead for the people only not corruption”
Drake Coolwithy
Party Chairman/former President of Keymon
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call forThe Dangerous measures ......

Postby Romulus » Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:57 pm

Announcement from the Government of the Second Republic of Keymon
This press message was released by the Government of the Second Republic of Keymon.


Small states have little power to influence the course of international events. The great powers possessing the means of destroying the world bear the chief responsibility for the maintenance of peace. The smaller states can and must constantly remind them of this responsibility. But they can do more. They can in their own behaviour disassociate themselves from everything that is likely to increase tension.

Therefore, Keymon will be a nuclear-free zone in the future. Government of Keymon has stopped all development of nuclear weapons.

In addition, government of Keymon has decided to abolish the army.

"Keymon does not need weapons. What we need is love, prosperity and peace", president Moreló announced.

the Government of the Second Republic of Keymon"

The Most Dangerous Times we live in......

Mr. President,

You have destroyed our country and our military. There are rumors that regiments of the BBB terrorist organization is reorganizing because there is no army or police. The underground criminal empire has reorganized, and a few days ago right near my house, thugs beat up our neighbors and burned down there house! You are being warned to please reinstate our national defense or our militia will be reactivated to do what is right in the name of justice for the People of Keymon.

And Mr.President that was a threat, have a nice day


Drake Coolwithy
Party Chairman/Former President of Keymon
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Re: Imperial National Party International Express News:INPIEN

Postby Romulus » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:30 am


The INP leaders thought long and hard during an emergency conference called by the chairman to discuss that matters that the president has proposed and taken.

“We are completely shocked and appalled that the people can vote for honestly such an idiot and psychopath, who wants are nation to be all about “peace and Love” I think he is insane and has not woken up to reality of the world. This nation needs an army and police force, how the hell can we abolish it? Does he not understand that now any nation can come on in and invade us?? I will tell you that he is crazy and is a traitor to this nation.”
Drake coolwithy: talking with reporters of INPIEN and keymon news service.

INP Officials in the Keymon Senate also talked with us about their view of the current crisis.
“This is completely a radical move made by the opposition and the president. We must do everything we can to stop it from becoming law again. We have plans to put forth emergency acts and manifestos to stop this insane move. Expect us to go down with a fight.”
Minority leader Jason Rossburn of the Keymon senate

As tensions increase in Keymon politics the rumors of the BBB making a return is very startling.

Calvin Coolwithy Sat down with us to comment on this issue

Interviewer: Mr. vice chairman first it’s a pleasure to have you here with us.

Calvin Coolwithy: Thank you, it’s great to be back.

Interviewer: Mr. Vice Chairman with our military abolished and national police dissolved what are the chances of the BBB returning to Keymon?

Calvin Coolwithy: Well that’s hard to say because, most believe the BBB has always been here even though we destroyed most of them almost 50 years ago. However, with this radical and horrible "Peace Love thing" coming for the president I expect the BBB to make a full recovery which would be catastrophic, not only to us but the rest of Terra.

Interviewer: If they do make a full recovery what can we expect to see then?

Calvin Coolwithy: Expect to see the return of terrorist attacks, political corruption, bribery and instability all around keymon and terra leading to a possible civil war in our nation.

Interviewer: What can we do to prevent all of this from happening?

Calvin Coolwithy: Call the President and you’re representatives to repeal this policy and stop all of this abolishment of our national police force and military.

Interviewer: Thank you for being here to chat with us during this troubling time Mr. Vice Chairman

Calvin Coolwithy: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to show the people that if the president gets his way our nation will fall far beyond repair. Let’s not make this happen."
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Postby Romulus » Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:44 am

The Chairman today has announced that INPIEN shall be officially back on terra in the next 5 years. The new chairman has said that the INPIEN is coming close to being ready to start up again.

To All staff members of the INPIEN company:
I have been a long supporter of restoring INPIEN. I can now announce that INPIEN shall be restored in 3240. I know that all of you have been working hard to restoring this news network, and I thank you for that commitment. There is going to be some changes to how our news network is to be run. I will be creating a new position that should be ready in 3238 to handle party communications including INPIEN. The Head Supreme secretary of Communications shall handle all of INPIEN top executive works and development projects. I however shall make the final judgment on top projects and our platforms. We shall be increasing the funding for INPIEN over the next few months. Salaries shall be handed by the Head Supreme secretary of the party. We shall keep all of you updated on more details and vital information over the next few months and years as we come closer to getting a great news network back on air.
Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. Without you our party could never have made this happen in the past 20 years.

Thomas Coolwithy
Chairman of the Imperial National Party
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Re: Imperial National Party International Express News:INPIEN

Postby Romulus » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:16 am

All INP new will now be dircted here. ALl news that concerns the nation of Keymon shall be directed in to the Keymon news section. Also the Chairmans interview and thoughts on current events regarding terra shall be posted very soon!
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Chairman Coolwithy Interview with Peter Fransborn

Postby Romulus » Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:37 am

INP Chairman on INPIEN

Today the Chairman sat down with executive interviewer Peter Fransborn. They both discussed the current problems in the party and what the party must do to get Keymon back in the good days. The Chairman was asked questions brought on by Party members summited to our Executive Interviewer Peter Fransborn. All Questions asked are brought with truth and respect to keep our Party on its word and ensuring its full transparency on all issues concerning members and affecting the Nation.

Chairman Coolwithy During the Interview

The Interview:

PF: Well Mr. Chairman thank you for coming on here and we really love your continued support in revitalizing our party’s News Organization.

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy: Thank you so much for asking me here. I’m really pleased to be here and address all concerns that our voters have for me and the party.

PF: Well first of all Mr. Chairman the last election did not go well did it?

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy : No it did not. We are upset but optimistic towards the future. We are continuing are support for the Democratic Republican Left, as they are great allies and partners in a dark regime. So we are very optimistic that soon our party will come out on top with our allies.

PF: How are you going to make this possible? Many people have lost a lot of support in the Party over the past 6 years. Your popularity with the party hit an all-time low of 64% 3 years ago and the Party Board is after your power. How will you get the excitement and enthusiasm back to the party members?

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy: First of all we have no lost much support. I will admit that we lost a big base of our voters a long time ago but our loyal members still support our efforts. We are the oldest currently active party in Keymon and we know so much about our history and have made history in the past. Now my approval rating 3 years did suffer but currently it is at a 74% rating and I believe that is good. The Party Board which of course maintains order in the lower administrative levels of our party has been dealt with. I am extremely lucid that we will make a comeback next election and onward towards our Tercentennial.

PF: Well that is very interesting and we hope you can deliver on your word. So what’s planned for the Tercentennial?

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy: Well by 3354 I won’t be the Chairman as I have stated I would be resigning by 3349. Though I know we have plans for a grand celebration including hopefully members from other parties in are nation even our arch enemy the Individual Movement *Laughs* so I’m very excited for that day.

PF: Well onto the IM what are you going to do now that they are back in there usual place of power?

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy: *laughs*Well we have plans that we will be disclosing soon on the process to stopping the IM from blocking bills and consolidating all of its power. I look forward to the day we regain our power so we can deliver it back to the people. We have huge Economic Plans that will be put forward soon and also Military Changes.

PF: Well Mr. Chairman I thank you for coming here and addressing the members on current issues and I can’t wait until you come back to share more of these plans with us!

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy: Thank you so much Peter for all that you have done this insure that INPIEN is committed to openness and transparency.

PF: we couldn’t have done it without you Mr. Chairman thank you so much again!

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy: Its was a pleasure.

PF: well folks that all for today we will see you again with the Head Supreme secretary of the Party.

The Vice Chairman will soon be making an announcement regarding the Economic Plans that the party will push forward in the Supreme Congress.
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Karl Albert Coolwithy Farwell Address

Postby Romulus » Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:13 am

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy has now resigned as the Chairman of the Imperial National Party

Dated January 4th, 3350
Karl Albert Coolwithy’s Farwell Address

Today the Chairman publicly released his Farwell address to the people. The current Chairman of the party is the son of Cornelius Royaliwith.

To My Fellow Party Members,

Over the past 13 years I have seen and done a lot in this position. The Power that was given to me so long ago allowed me to focus my entire life and energy on improving the well-being of the Party and its influence and effect on the Nation as a whole. One thing that I have learned is that it is not very easy leading an old ancient party. A leader must have the strength and qualities of recognizing his flaws and accomplishments. I had both, and I do regret my many flaws over the past recent years especially with the past elections. However I am as always very optimistic regarding our future in politics and serving the international community for the better. We have had a change to build this party over the past years by getting itself active in the international community again and serving an organization for full rights of the people of Terra. I personally applaud the ATR for moving away from a paranoid nanny focused theme of view. As the Chairman I’ve worked very hard to deliver to the people, I know that I’ve also made many mistakes during those times but I tired. I wish my good friend and partner in international affairs Friedhelm Royaliwith on a job well done as the Vice Chairman and on moving forward to being our nineteenth Chairman. I know he will deliver and give us back that spark and fire we once had!

Thank you all so much for the support and belief in me during the past 13 years as Chairman and the past 47 years working in this wonderful Party. I love you all!


Karl Albert Coolwithy
Former Chairman of the Imperial National Party

Chairman Karl Albert Coolwithy waving goodbye as the Chairman of the Party

We will update you all soon on now Chairman Friedhelm Royaliwith's coronation speech!
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Re: Imperial National Party International Express News:INPIEN

Postby Romulus » Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:31 pm

Friedhelm Royaliwith First Speech as Chairman
Dated January 5th, 3350

Chairman Royaliwith speaking at a major rally

This is the speech from the Chairman one year ago.

*Thunders of Applause*

"Thank you all for coming here today. As of yesterday I have become the nineteenth Chairman of the Imperial National Party! I really want to thank my predecessor Karl Albert Coolwithy who did a wonderful job at keep the Party going through its most uncertain and turbulent times of crisis. My friends this Party is going through a great and freighting time! The IM has control of the Government and the people, and they will use every resource of that to make sure we don’t achieve a majority in the Supreme Imperial Congress. We are going to do everything we can to achieve the best for the party. As your new Chairman I will do everything to win back the hearts of the people through various reforms and efforts to help make our nation and society better. Privatization is a dangerous thing. We need a balance between the Public and Private; we are going to use this balance for the basis of our Economic Reform Plans. We also need a full time military that can provide relief and support for the people and government during dangerous times. I will lead this party to a victory that we have never seen before!

Thank you all for your support in me as your new Chairmen!

-Fredhelm Royaliwith
Chairman of the Imperial National Party”

That was one year ago. The party proposed numerous reforms in economic terms and military terms. Many of them are being voted again now after a modest victory for the INP. They increased seats from 6 to 17. The INP is also now gearing up for more reform and a total overhaul of the tax system. Also We here in the INP are getting ready for the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the party. The Chairman said that the event will be fun and last from the start of January 3354 to June 3354 when the Party first entered Keymoni Politics in what was called then House of Representatives. We have more news on the Economic plan that the Chairman will release to the people. (Chairman Economic plan will be posted in the Keymon News Section and regarding the current political system/events forward to future events)
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Re: Imperial National Party International Express News:INPIEN

Postby Romulus » Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:53 am

Vice Chairman Thomas shall be updating the Party during our mid year 313th National Party Convention. Also Supreme Chancellor William Victorford shall be making a keynote address to party members.
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