Terran Broadcasting Union

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby radkid1994 » Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:17 am

http://classic.particracy.net/vieworgan ... ionid=2795

This organization works to create the needed infrastructure between to broadcast international events.
This organization also runs the TerraVision Song Contest.
This organization will be made up of media outlets from all over Terra. Private and Public are welcome.
The headquarters for this organization will be in Yishalem, Beiteynu.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:15 pm

Beluzians Demand Ban on Solentian Performances

Beluz leaders have demanded a ban on Solentian Art, claiming that its last 2 "Art" festivals were too politicised, and they need to face a penalty to understand that real appreciators of art are against this.
Beluzia had boycott the Terran Festival of Art in the early 3300s, because they believed the entire event was only to the political benefit of a specific party in Solentia.

72 legislators voted in favour of the boycott. Not only were they offended by the badly structured invitation message, but the political Party in Solentia accidentally exposed their real intentions with a simple statement:
Madeleine Clarke believes that news of the Decennial will give the Liberals a much needed boast especially among their core vote of intellectuals.

If that isn't bad enough, the Art Festival in Bailon was an even more obvious scam. Paul Astredies said:
I have invited all members of institutes of higher education and all art critics in Beluzia to come free of charge otherwise there is a 15 BEL charge in order to pay for the proceedings. It shall be held at my home in Bailon. And each evening their shall be a dinner served for the price of 200 BEL to raise money for my election campaign and in order to give payment to the artists.

So was it an Art Festival or a disguised election campaign fundraiser? You decide.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby matty.berry » Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:19 pm

A ban too far...

In an interview for 'the i' the Solentian Artist and current cabinet Minister for Culture, Maxmillion Davids today hit back at Karav propaganda relating to the arts in Solentia,

Our nation has a relaxed view of the arts, yes there are things that some of us like, and things that we don't. Some things offend us. The right course of action is not censorship, it is engagement.

Is art political?...Well, yes! It covers every aspect of life. The highest forms of art should challenge and upset the powerful. The Karav's would rather Beluzian's not question the status quo , they want to keep them in the dark. Well they can do this in Beluzia to an extent, but they should not be allowed to do it within this organisation.

Art in Solentia is political, but not party political and there is a clear difference. It is the Karav's who are insisting on bringing petty politics into the sphere of fine arts.

The work of Maxmillion Davids featured strongly in the Decennial Terran Art Festival which was held from 3305-3306 (viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4628).The event proved to be a turning point in the nation of Solentia and help to seal the 'liberal settlement' (small 'l'), which is still strong today as Solentia continues to thrive as one of the most liberal and relaxed Terran states. The event also proved to be foundational in the Dranland-Solentia Friendship which is still strong. It is believed to have been the largest event of its kind in history.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby radkid1994 » Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:56 am

The Esteemed members of the Beiteynian Broadcasting Corporation see no issue with a political party using art as a way to garner political money as long as the art is not being made for the party, as in propaganda, but instead it is non-political in theme.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:50 am

radkid1994 wrote:The Esteemed members of the Beiteynian Broadcasting Corporation see no issue with a political party using art as a way to garner political money as long as the art is not being made for the party, as in propaganda, but instead it is non-political in theme.

Art pieces in Bailon could be interpreted as propaganda. Since Beluzia is ruled by dynasties instead of political parties, it was assumed that the artwork "The Politicians Who Used Me" was targeting Beluz dynasties, as well as the Kansars.
In addition, a political fundraiser was disguised as an art festival. The artists, and their art, were used to the political benefit of a certain family, who claimed the artists were being paid, but they weren't.

According to Paul Astredies, the money was being split equally between his political campaign and the artists, however the artists denied any financial benefit.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:52 am

Badara Vanguard Media insists all art is political, and neutrality is never the birthplace of any worthy work of art. It congratulates the Strength and Conviction of the inferior artists of Solentia. Badaran State Artists are expected to showcase Vanguardist art in the coming months.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:58 am

Madeleine Clarke, a Solentian government official, has offended Barmenian culture by calling its Civil Trail a "farce" for no apparent reason.

Disputes exist between Solentia and ruling powers in Beluzia, but the Beluz government officials see no reason for the Solentians to lash out against everyone and everything that doesn't believe their lies.

Solentia attempted to turn Rutania and the ATR against Beluzia, but neither Rutania nor the ATR believe or support Solentia's lies. As a result, Solentian government officials resort to childish behaviour, like hurling insults at anyone and anything. Barmenian art and culture (strongly based on felines) has had nothing to do with the disputes so far. Many political analysts describe Madeleine Clarke's remarks as unnecessary to the situation.

Barmenia argues that its Civil Trail is a beautiful trail to walk upon, surrounded by many glorious statues from Barmenian/Barmenistan history. Their tourist board invites the Solentians to visit Barmenia and to walk the trail before calling it a farce. The trail is not on trial here.

This is not the first time Solentian government officials belittle the culture of other nations, or the true importance of art. With their ignorant cultural biases, they held an art festival in Solentia as a way of getting support for a candidate from the Liberal Party. They went further to politicize art by hosting an art festival in Beluzia purely for the benefit of the political campaign of Paul Astredies, who first promised to split the money with the artists to give them their fair share, but the artists denied receiving any financial benefit. One of the artists even had her real art remade into a political piece specially to criticize the Kansars and Karavs. The original art piece was ruined for the sake of political slander.
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Re: Terran Broadcasting Union

Postby matty.berry » Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:44 am

Out of politeness to the TBU this is the last post the Liberals of Solentia will make on this board as it is unfair to hijack it for the continuation of this rather petty dispute. The government of Solentia provides the following clarification;

The artists never denied receiving any financial benefit - the quote is as was as follows:
The International Movement for the Arts would like to confirm that there is no financial benefit for either us or any Solentian organisation from this exhibition.

Hannah Jackson, Solentian National Gallery
So the artists received payment for their individual work but not any Solentian organisations.

Further, the Solentian government did not host this event - it was collaboration between the IMA and the House of Astridies.

We can confirm that the art was political and no apology was, or would ever be offered for this fact. Many of the finest Solentian artists do have a highly political agenda as art has throughout the years - sometimes subtle, sometimes not so subtle. Art tends to critique the powerful, how can it be a force of change if it accepts the status quo without question?

In addition the artist Tracey Devos did not have one of her works remade. She herself reworked the piece. The original message of an individual person being used, became the message of a people being used, so there is continuity here in her message. The artists 'reworking' may also have a tongue in cheek element about it. The new piece criticises 'the reworking of history'... she herself maybe said to be guilty of 'reworking the history' of the piece.

The IMA is also pleased to announce that the works displayed in the Festival of Solentian Arts have all been recreated in the artist’s workshops, and will be going on display as a collection at the National Gallery of Solentia. It is believed that tickets for the event have almost sold out as there is great appetite in the nation to view these works. It would seem that the fuss kicked up by the Karav's turned what would have been a low key, provincial event into a national, and possible international phenomenon. If any international educational institutions wish for their students to attend the exhibition, the IMA confirms it would be happy to provide a bursary towards meeting the costs of such a visit (any queries relating to this matter should be directed to the IMA via the Solentian Culture Minister)

After the exhibition the works are to be auctioned and the proceeds used to provide scholarships for young Solentian artists. (Any international bidders should seek further details from the IMA via the Solentian Culture Minister - works can be found here- viewtopic.php?f=18&t=4739#p41527)

Our final thoughts are expressed in the words of Hannah Jackson, Curator of the ill fated exhibition:

The exhibition has more than achieved its aims. We never would have believed that the arts would be placed so firmly at the top of the international agenda because of this relatively small event. The arts have taken a huge step forwards and it is great that Solentia has lead the way in this. Both artists feel a real sense of pride in what they have achieved.

The unanswered question remains:

Where have the seized funds raised by this event gone? As of yet, no-one knows...
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