Der Stimme - Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Der Stimme - Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

Postby Martinulus » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:21 pm

Der Stimme / Koe
Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

While the regime retains control over the national news outlets and censors them as it wills, the 15. September Bewegung, the coalition of the united Hulstrian opposition, is publishing and distributing an underground newspaper known as Der Stimme (Koe in Japanese) to bring the true news to the Hulstrian and Gao-Showa citizen, and help them resist indoctrination.
Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund - Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: Der Stimme - Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:04 am

International support for 15th September Movement growing

Sebastian Goddestreu, Representative of the 15th September Movement in Luthori, addresses the international press

Though a delegation from Aldegar recently visited Hulstria and Gao-Soto to take a look at the "achievements" of the totalitarian dictatorship, international support seems to be on the side of the Septembrist opposition. Several nations issued spontaneous condemnations of the dictatorship following the bloodbath of the 15th of September. In addition, following efforts by the leaders of the country's main Hosian communities, international leaders in the Hosian Churches have also issued condemnations of the regime, particularly its persecution of Hosians.

The coalition of nations supporting the Movement's efforts to restore democracy to Hulstria and Gao-Soto includes its historic ally, the Luthori Empire, and neighbouring nations such as Dranland; Rutania and Dorvik have also spoken out against the dictatorship. Other nations, most notably Selucia, have been more lukewarm, condemning the human rights abuses but instead calling for compromise with the regime.

Additionally, Hosian Churches worldwide have indicated their support for the plea of the citizens of Hulstria and Gao-Soto, especially those persecuted for their religion. At a Synod in Aldegaria, the leaders of the Eastern Patriarchal Churches indicated that their thoughts and prayers were with Hosians in the country after the Hulstrian Luthoran Church's observer to the Synod, Bishop Hosianus von Grabengau, brought the matter before them. Moreover, the international Communions of the country's major Hosian communities - the Holy Luthori Church and the Selucian Patriarchal Church - have called their faithful to assist in ending the persecution of Hosianism in Hulstria and Gao-Soto. Bishop von Grabengau, currently in Luthori to meet with church leaders there: "The outrage about the suppression of the faith of a majority of citizens in Hulstria and Gao-Soto is a shining light. I hope leaders both religious and secular will join together to support the efforts of the democratic opposition in our country against this dreadful regime and its imposed megalomanical religion."

Sebastian Goddestreu, a former Hulstrian diplomat who is acting as the representative of the 15th September Movement in Luthori, welcomed international efforts to free Hulstria and Gao-Soto. "We are overjoyed that our plight has received international attention," he said. "We hope the conflict between some republics and the IML which our nation belonged to for so long will not divide Terra in its efforts to end the oppression of our people. We are not agents of the IML, but of the Hulstrian and Gao-Showan people who wish to see their constitutional, democratic monarchy restored. I hope those that have indicated support for us will go the extra mile, starting with the nonrecognition of the tyrannical regime in our country and the recognition of our Movement as the legitimate voice of the citizens of Hulstria and Gao-Soto."
Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund - Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: Der Stimme - Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:06 pm

Prince Okatori Kurosawa escapes from custody; joins call for democracy

Crown Prince Kurosawa in better days

Miyako/Rothingren, Hilgar - Prince Kurosawa, the son of Mikado Okatori Takahiro of Gao-Soto, has escaped from his captivity in an unknown location in Crownland Hilgar, where he and his father were kept prisoner by the totalitarian regime, and has joined with the opposition forces of the 15th of September Movement in a bid to restore democracy and constitutional monarchy to Hulstria and Gao-Soto.

Local Septembrist organiser, Agashi Tarumoto, welcomed Prince Kurosawa's support for the opposition. "We are happy that His Imperial Highness has escaped his captivity and shows a willingness to fight back on behalf of his people," Mr Agashi noted. "His support shows that what happened on the 15th of September united the nation, and that Gao-Showans and Hulstrians will fight side-by-side to restore our democracy." The Hilgar Septembrist organiser took the opportunity to call for more Gao-Soto to resist the regime and campaign for reintroduction of the constitutional monarchy. "The Okatori Clan's commitment to our democracy is precisely what is called for in a constitutional monarchy." Hulstrian members of the 15th September Movement used similar terms to welcome Prince Kurosawa's support.

The Prince himself told Der Stimme in an exclusive interview about his experiences under captivity. "I prefer not talk about the shameful display inflicted upon us by the regime," he commented. "But it has only strengthened my resolve to resist these men who usurp our traditions only to destroy them. Gao-Showans share a history and a future with our Hulstrian compatriots, a future we want to share under a government of our choice, not in imposed ideological conformity. My thoughts are with those in both communities who are oppressed and persecuted by this illegitimate and brutal government - we must let these experiences strengthen our resolve to resist. What happened on the 15th of September in Kien affects us all - therefore, I am glad to support the 15th of September Movement's efforts towards restoring our democracy, and call all Gao-Showans of honour to do the same."

The whereabouts of Emperor Takahiro are as of yet unknown. It is feared that the 84-year old Emperor may not survive the ordeal of his captivity.
Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund - Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: Der Stimme - Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

Postby Martinulus » Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:15 pm

Septembrists "will defend themselves if attacked", says Michels

Thomas Michels, Chairman of the National Council of the 15th September Movement

The Chairman of the National Council of the 15th September Movement, Dr Thomas Michels, confirmed that weapons were being smuggled into Hulstrian and Gao-Showan territory in order to arm the 15th September Movement, but said that this would not change the principle of non-violence upon which the September Movement was founded, "... at least for the time being." He did so on behalf of the National Council, which voted unanimously against changing the policy of non-violence.

The question came up in the National Council when Rutania announced it would be sending weapons to Hulstria and Gao-Soto to arm the opposition movement. Sebastian Goddestreu, the Septembrist Representative in Luthori, told an International Press audience that the Movement was pleased that its international friends were openly taking action to further the cause of renewed democracy in Hulstria. "We are grateful for all the support we can get," said Goddestreu, "We'd like to call upon all our friends to follow Rutania and Luthori's example and take real action to support us."

Michels warned the regime not to take to lightly to violence against its own people now that the Septembrists were armed with more than standard-carry firearms retained from under previous laws. "Now we're ready, we won't attack you as we have the moral high ground," the Chairman said. "But we will defend ourselves if attacked."
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Re: Der Stimme - Voice of the Hulstrian Citizen

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:13 am

Victory for Septembrists: Provisional Government established

Thomas Michels, Provisional Governor-General since today

Miyako/Rothingren, Hilgar - The 15th of September Movement has been the big winner of the elections, but as per previously agreed policy, they refused to take their seats. Instead, emboldened by the news, people have stormed the Crownland Diet buildings in Hilgar, Mitrania, Budenlar, Ostland and Kuratha, taking control of the governing apparatus as the security services stood idly by. In Miyako, the Septembrists proclaimed the restoration of the Crownlands of Hulstria and Gao-Soto, establishing a Provisional Government under National Council Chairman Thomas Michels and a Provisional National Diet.

In a dramatic turn of events, both Hulstrian and Gao-Showan citizens of Miyako, with Crown Prince Okatori Kurosawa at their head, moved across the city from their victory celebrations with the Septembrist candidates, shouting "we are the people!" and "we are one people!" as the police and the army refused to fire upon them. On the way, they stormed the Imperial Palace, where they sadly found that Okatori Takahiro, the former Mikado, had died in captivity. Not deterred by the sad news, they kept moving towards the Crownland Diet buildings, and upon reaching there, stormed the building while singing "Golden Empire" and, more significantly, "Land of our Forefathers".

Fifteen minutes later, the Union Flag of the Dual Monarchy was flying over the Diet buildings, and Emperor Kurosawa and national chairman, Thomas Michels, appeared on the balcony where they proclaimed the restoration of the democracy and monarchy, swore they would set the Rothingren-Traugotts free and swore in the victorious Septembrist candidates one by one into the Provisional Diet, swearing Dr Michels in as Provisional Governor-General. In addition, His Imperial Majesty declared all freedom taken from the people restored and called upon them to seize Crownland Hulstria, which remains under the control of the regime.

In his address to the crowd, Thomas Michels said: "Today we proclaim a great sadness and a great joy. With sadness we commemorate the death of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Takahiro, and the continuing captivity of the Rothingren-Traugotts. With joy we - Emperor Kurosawa and I - together with you, today proclaim that our democracy, our freedoms and our constitution have been restored. But the battle is not over yet: we shall have to keep supporting our fellow citizens in Crownland Hulstria, so that ultimately, we may make this provisional government we've reached the start of something new for our country."
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