1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Organisations involving national governments as members.

1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby Farsun » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:54 pm

March - June 3500 | 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Invited nations
-- Dorvik :: represented by acting Director-General Kuzman Vasilev
-- Imperial Commonwealth :: represented by Paul von Mackenheimer, Foreign Minister of the Imperial Commonwealth.
-- Hobrazia
-- Aloria
-- Endralon :: represented by Mr. Liam Falk, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
-- Rutania

-- Reformation of the Artanian Union
-- Cooperation among Artanian states
-- Economic cooperation among Artanian states
-- Pressing world issues
Last edited by Farsun on Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby Farsun » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:41 pm

March 3500 - Opening Speech and Reformation of the Artanian Union

Acting Director-General Kuzman Vasilev takes the podium to open the session of the Artanian Representative Council, technically the first session but it was a special session which would lay the foundation for the future of the union. "Ladies and gentleman of the Artanian continent, I want to formally welcome you the first official session of the Artanian Representative Council. Artania has always been a strong and proud continent and I think that with this reformation and our collective efforts we can make this continent the premier example for all those around the world who watch us. We have seen no stringent efforts made by this Union and I plan on changing that. I plan on uniting the continent in a common goal of Artanian prosperity. We will focus on a new order for Artania, for our citizens, for our children, for our future." Vasilev paused for a moment and ensured that the proposed Charter of the Artanian Confederation was being handed out to the representatives there. "This is the newly proposed Charter, as you can see this has been changed significantly since the older, out of date Charter of the Artanian Union. The change will allow us stronger action and permit us to deal with issues more effectively. I now open the floor to debate and questions about the Charter."
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby MichaelReilly » Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:38 pm

"The Imperial Commonwealth would like to enquire that, while we agree greater dedication is needed towards the Artanian Community, what merits the abolition of the Artanian Union? The position of my ministry believes that the AU should be strengthened as opposed to disposing of another organisation that already has foundations and building a new one from scratch.

We support all clauses in the Artanian charter with exception to Article IV, Section VI that permits supranational parties. This is an issue we are currently unable to support without further deliberation. However all further clauses are acceptable to us, but only if applied to the Artanian Union as opposed to this new Artanian Confederation."

~ Paul von Mackenheimer, Foreign Minister of the Imperial Commonwealth
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby Farsun » Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:16 pm

Kuzman smiled as the Imperial Commonwealth's representative, their Foreign Minister Paul von Mackenheimer spoke. This was good, this is what he needed, this is what Artanian needed. "Herr von Mackenheimer, it is a pleasure to see you here. The Artanian Union is not being abolished, nearly reformed. The title of the Artanian Union had made several interested nations uncomfortable due to the use of the word "union". This was part of my goals to enhance the image of the Artanian Union, the change to the use of the word Confederation is a loose association of states which collaborate. It is merely cosmetic and I believe that is something that will assist others in joining the Confederation." Kuzman attempted to reassure the Commonwealth's representative. "I hope that will not cause too much uproar within your circle representative von Mackenheimer."

As Kuzman rubbed his clean shaven chin he thought of what he would state about the supranational political parties. The Artanian Federal Democrats and the Democratic Socialist of Artania were formed years ago and have been instrumental in keeping the Artanian Union alive, but if this was an issue he could eliminate it if needbe and introduce it later. "I understand the hesitation about supranational political parties, perhaps the use of the word party is wrong. It would be political groups of like-minded individuals. We can edit that in this stage, I feel that would be beneficial to use all seeing as the Artanian Federal Democrats and more now the Democratic Socialist of Artania have assisted in raising awareness of the Artanian Union throughout the continent." Kuzman eyed the Commonwealth's representative and hoped that would suffice.
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby RodeSnor » Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:24 pm

Mr. Liam Falk, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Kingdom of Endralon will be attending this council.

"The semantics of the word 'union' is very broad but I believe it says more about the common goals of this 'union' rather then our current state of cooperation."
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby Farsun » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:12 pm

"Mr. Falk, I am quite unsure of what you mean? The change to the name confederation is merely cosmetic and used to eliminate any sense that this supranational "union" is any attempt at a superstate of the Artanian continent. That was one thing that was relayed to me when the Artanian Union project had first begun. I believe that it is in the best interest of the Union currently to change its name. Everything will remain the same but some people will indeed argue semantics." Kuzman tried to understand the Endralonian Foreign Minister and again sooth the worries of the Commonwealth representatives.
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby MichaelReilly » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:00 pm

"We understand the reasoning behind this 'rebranding' of the AU if you will, and understand that the Dorvish representatives are acting in good faith. However we would like to raise the issue of the monumental effort that must go into an operation of changing an organisation such as the AU*, and the time and resources that would have to be committed towards such a task.

"We would like to stress however our complete support of the Artanian charter drawn up by the Dorvish representatives and we fully believe this will provide a competent and stable framework within which to build our continent to greatness."

~ Paul von Mackenheimer, Foreign Minister of the Imperial Commonwealth

*OOC: This would refer to wiki articles etc, and crucially, the treaty that is currently called the Artanian Union that is ratified by about 6 nations.
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Re: 1st session of the Council of Artanian Representatives

Postby Farsun » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:22 pm

Kuzman rubbed his stubbed chin and nodded. "Perhaps you are correct herr von Mackenheimer." Kuzman relented and realized that while his dream of an Artanian Confederation might be dead in-name, it would live on in spirit of the Artanian Union which would keep it simple. "I would like to point out that we will be retaining the name Artanian Union. I will ensure that the charter you received today will be edited with the removal of the word confederation and replaced with union. Also, I will ensure that the political parties section is edited to better describe what was originally meant."

OOC: Charter has been edited, I am going to again PM all members of the treaty.
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