Prince Nikolai Offers an InterviewPrince Nikolai in the Combat Dress of the Royal Hutorian Air ForceIn a change of pace Steuart House has allowed Prince Nikolai, the Duke of Falristan, and son of deceased Princess Beatrice and Tzar Maxim I of Trigunia, to have an interview in with the Royal Times on numerous subjects. Prince Nikolai Zubkov had since joined the Royal Air Force and proven himself to be a distinguished pilot and accomplished soldier.
Interviewer: Thank you Your Highness for taking the time to sit down with us.
Prince Nikolai My pleasure and please it's Lieutenant Zubkov while I am in uniform.
Int: Of course Your Hi... Lieutenant. Now we have been seeing a lot in the Trigunian Media about you, about you being weak minded, being a boy, and being indecisive like your father. Can you comment on that?"
PN: From a personal standpoint I am quite saddened by it. I've been a legal adult by Trigunian law for all of three months now, and yet these attacks have been going on since I was 12 and barely able to understand anything. The Trigunian Media have portrayed me as a traitor who ran away from Trigunia.. the sad truth is if I had stayed I wouldn't be sitting here talking about it. I saw my mother killed before my eyes by soldiers that had proclaimed their loyalty to the nation and our family. If it wasn't for the work of those closest to me I wouldn't have been it safely out of there and be alive today. After that my family, the one who showed genuine care for me, didn't think it would be safe for me to return to Trigunia until I was legal age, and the court case had been settled. Both of those have been fulfilled and yet I still have a travel ban instituted on me that initially put on me was I was 12 and still grieving for my mother and still fearful for my life. I like to think I am different from my father but my Motherland won't give me a chance to ever prove that. They have since crowned a new Tzar, an uncle I have never heard of until the day he was coronated and the day he personally attacked me and my character.
Int: So your saying you would return to Trigunia if you were given the chance?
PN: Of course. While I will always have strong feelings for my adopted Homeland and the homeland of my mother, and will always know I will have a home with my family here, I am first and foremost a Son of Trigunia... that is the Motherland. If the travel ban were lifted I would go there immediately... though frankly I don't think I would receive a warm welcome. Rightful Heir or Not... my Uncle is Tzar and I am likely to never see the throne. The people remember me has the boy who "ran" though the truth is I was chased and hunted. The last image they have of me is a crying boy... weakness is not a trait in Trigunia that is appreciated... from a boy or not.
Int: So you will stay in Hutori?
PN: Is it the home I have and it is the home I have embraced. I have inherited the titles and responsibilities of my Mother and have willingly joined the Royal Hutorian Air Force as is the tradition of all members of the Royal Family in Hutori and one I adamantly agree with. All members of the Royal Family should need to serve in National Service, not just be handed a rank because of their station. It is a sentiment held by my grandfather King William, and it is a sentiment deeply held by my uncle King Henry and Grand Duke Thomas... they worked hard to earn their ranks, and myself and my cousins have to work to earn what we have.... our names and titles means nothing while we are in uniform... only the uniform matters.
Int: One last question... if you could say anything to the Minister-President of Trigunia or your Uncle Tzar Ivan, the two people that have attacked you and mentioned more then anyone, what would you say to them?
PN: To my uncle I would say only that I hope one day to meet him and to understand him.. he was kept away from me and my family for his entire life.. I wasn't aware of his existence and I would like the chance to know him. As for the Minister-President... only a chance to ask why he would attack me when he didn't even know me.
Int: Thank you Lieutenant.
PN: Anytime.