The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Organisations involving national governments as members.

The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby safeseat » Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:56 pm

Now that the IPA has gained a sizeable membership; it is about time that we come to a consenus over what our organisation should stand for.

Issues of the day are:
- Selecting a leadership team.
We need to select 3-5 active parties that will take the lead on upcoming campaigns. Please nominate your party below if you're interested and we'll have a vote to decide on the leadership roles.
- Select one issue to campaign over.
We need to select one issue through discussion and general consensus to focus on as an organisation.
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Sun Jun 18, 2017 10:48 am


The Federation would like to start this discussion by suggesting we decide upon the most fair and effective way to come to decisions and decide upon our principles. Consensus based directly democratic processes are paramount to the Federation's decision making and implementing some if not all of these ideas into the Alliance's decision making process is incredibly important to us.
Some simple rules to implement:
-That the leadership parties should be directly answerable to the base; votes of no confidence should be part of any democratic representative system.
-That all decisions should be thoroughly discussed by all members of the Alliance before coming to a conclusion; with all parties taken into account and with tests for consensus throughout.
-That every party has the ability to vito any proposal on pain of leaving the Alliance. This should allow minority voices to be heard within the democratic process.

Other than that, the Federation is looking forward to further discussion.

The Masked Man,
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:39 pm

As for the the issues of the day, the Federation cannot come to a conclusion as to who to nominate for the Leadership positions due to very little understanding of the positions the other IPA parties hold. Hence the Federation suggests that each party, which wishes to enter the leadership, makes a statement to the Alliance stating what their principles are and how they wish to implement them in their home nation and throughout Terra.

The Federations main principles can summed up as follows;
-The tranfer of power from government and corporate bodies to the working class through decentralisation and the implementation of democratic processes.
-A decrease in corporate involvement in politics through eliminating private donations.
-A decrease in militarisation of police and military.
-Legalisation of drugs, prostitution and homosexuality and deregulation of non-violent and victimless crimes.
-Implementation of worker rights legislation, free speech laws and increased protection for protesters and direct action activists.

With the end goals of;
-The end of capitalism, private property, the state, money, the market system, racism, patriarchy and all other unnecessary and unjust authoritarian instiutions.
-The implementation of decentralised, consensus based directly democratic political, economic and social organisations that together form a federation for mutual support and defence.

The Federation seeks to achieve these principles by;
-Direct action by Federations, Syndicates, Communes and Independents.
-Involvement in the political system in order to share our ideas whilst also strengthening direct action, culminating in the implementation of our principles in Luthori.
-Involvement in party organisations in order to share our ideas and ultimately to implement them throughout Terra.

I hope that explains the Federation's position. We are ready and willing for further discussion.

The Masked Man,
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby Axxell » Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:03 am

Simonetta Tancredi, representative of Libertà e Progresso (Istalia):

My party strongly disagree with some of the "goals" proposed by the Delegate Leader of the Luthori Anarchist Federation, especially the economic goals.
My party thinks that an organization of progressive parties should not be so oriented toward far-left positions and that the "end of the capitalism" have nothing to do with the progressivism! Since when progressivism is a synonym of far-leftist ideologies?
Progressivism first of all should be focused on the promotion of civil and political freedom, on the promotion of the respect and tollerance, the defense of the citizens from the abuses and the authority of the Governments, the promotion of protection for the citizens also as workers and so the promotion of high protection policies.
My party thinks that to protect the workers is not the same as stamping out the economic freedom and the private property! Progressivism first of all is aimed to protect the individuals by the abuses of the Governments! And stamp out the private property and the economic freedom it is simply an abuses against the individuals by part of an authoritarian form of Governmrents which claim to be a genuine expression of the democracy, but what democracy? I would say not Democracy, but Tyranny of the Majority and the Democracy is not this! Democracy is first of all protection of the minorities from the decision of the majority. Indipendently by his personal revenue, each citizen has the same rights as all the others, among them also the right that his private property is protected by such a collectivist projects.
We think that such a communist goals should be reserved for other kind of organization and not a progressive one which take its name by a precise way to proceed, a progressive and democratic extension of rights, freedoms, equity and a fair society, and the history showed us how authoritarian collectivist policies are unfair and undemocratic way to proceed!
So, this organization should declares if it want to be a real progressive organization or if it want slight to utopic and authoritarian position ready to stamp out personal freedoms in the name of a too much-vaunted and clearly utopic way to improve the social justice and which ignore totally the individuals in favour of an abstract and unfair idea of collectivity, an idea based essentially on the unfair tyranny of the majority.
And I will not talk about the other goals proposed by the anarchist like the abolition of... everything! Come back on the earth and left such utopic projects for some childish dreamer please.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:54 pm


No offence to Libertá e Progresso but many of their points seem to be directed towards a strawman of the Anarchist position, atleast the position of the majority of Federation members, rather than an argument against actual Anarchist theorists and advocates. I personally believe this is due to a misunderstanding of Anarchism as a political, social and economic system. This is perfectly understandable due to the overall misrepresentation in media and politics that Anarchism has always faced. Our previous statement was not meant to be an justification for our position, simply an description of what it is. Therefore it is probably due to our lack of an explanation which underlies this misrepresentation of the beliefs of the Federation and it's members.
However, ultimately this strawman argument lies on the belief that we don't protect minorities enough in our consensus based directly democratic processes; but this is false. Indeed our first statement in this discussion outlined our advocacy of a vito for minorities in directly democratic decisions; and our insistence that all minorities have as much a voice in the debate as the majority. What can be more protective of minority positions than giving them a vito on all decisions made via directly democratic means? Furthermore direct democracy is but a small fraction of the Anarchist decision making process, being used only when consensus is not an option. The vast majority of decision making, as stated, is made via consensus, a process which requires full support from all members for a decision to be made. Indeed the Federation regards this as far superior to referendums or representative democracy where 51% of the voters can overrule the vote of the other 49%, effectively making their participation meaningless as a result. I, and indeed the vast majority of the Federation regard this as far closer to democracy than the "Dictatorship of the majority" (referendums) and the "Dictatorship of the elected minority" (Representative Democracy) that Libertá e Progresso currently advocates for.
As for us seeking the abolition of apparently "EVERYTHING", I think that is an exaggeration. We are anti-state, anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchy, anti-bigotry and anti-fascist. We are indeed the Far Left, but we are far from the state loving Authoritarian Socialists Libertá e Progresso suggests we are. Ultimately we believe in progressive principles, we just take those beliefs one step further, advocating for an end to all oppression, not just specific oppression. We advocate social revolution; not social reform. That is our message. We are the only Left Wing opposition in Luthori. Currently we need solidarity, and I think you need it to. Now lets have a good discussion not a misrepresentative brawl.

The Masked Man,
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:01 pm

As for our rejection of private property; this too seems to be heavily misunderstood. Private Property; in Anarchist parlance; is property which someone owns but does not use and/or property used to create a profit through using the labour of others. This is different from Personal Property; property you own and use yourself, such as your house, your car, your toothbrush etc.. There is also Collective Property; property owned collectively and used by all members of the collective. We advocate Personal and Collective Property; which we regard as just and necessary; but not Private Property; which we regard as unjust and inefficient for reasons that aren't hard to fathom. Hence we do not advocate expropriation of your house or your garden; but we do advocate the seizing of factories and offices by their workers; converting Private Property to Collective Property; and effectively ending Capitalism. Hope that clears that one up.

The Masked Man,
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:08 pm

However, the Federation does not wish to hold the rest of the IPA to these beliefs. We are interested in the beliefs of others involved in the new Alliance and hopefully we can bring about some genuine progressive changes to Terra.

The Masked Man,
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:42 pm


The Federation has recently entered into a Coalition with the Centre-Left Party for Freedom and Liberty on a progressive ticket. We hope to continue to implement progressive and liberatory policies in order to improve the Luthori Republics Conservative and Patriarchal current laws and to defend workers from government and corporate interests.

The Masked Man,
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby Axxell » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:10 pm

Collegue of the Anarchist Federation,

I personally apologize for the energy which I used against you previously. We understand your position, maybe we don't shares it, but we should go away and find the matters on which we can and we shall cooperate. First of all, the promotion of societies freedom from the patriarchal and archaic moral intervention of the state as well as religious organizations against the freedom of the citizens, the freedom to express themself without the risk of persecution or social stigmatization.
Civil freedom and political freedom, these are the objectives on which we shall work together, as well as the promotion of the respect for the Human Rights.

We wish you good luck in Luthori, which seems in the recent decades was controlled by very conservative parties.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: The International Progressive Alliance - Discussion Thread

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:40 pm

Comrades of the Libertá e Progresso Party,
We accept your apology; although we understand your abhorence of Authoritarian Leftism an ideology we would gladly fight with you against. We agree that it is more important to focus on where we agree than where we disagree, which is why we accepted the invite to join this organisation in the first place. Thank you for your support and we share solidarity to you in Istalia and wish you luck in the election in two years time.

I think it is time we stopped bickering and decided as an organisation which treaties and policies we intend to implement together. I was thinking of suggesting a treaty on rules for warfare if such a treaty doesn't already exist; in order to prevent excessive deaths to civilians and non-combatants during and after a conflict. What do you think?

The Masked Man,
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