Union of the Petroleum Exporting States (UPES)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Union of the Petroleum Exporting States (UPES)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:25 am


• Welcome to the official page of the Union of the Petroleum Exporting States. The aim of our organization is simple. In accordance with the establishing Treaty, the mission of the Union of the Petroleum Exporting States (UPES) is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry.

• Union of the Petroleum Exporting States (UPES) is a permanent, intergovernmental organization, established during the meeting of Nowogard Conference "On the Global Petroleum Market" by the Republic of Valruzia, Republic of Dorvik, Republic of Kalopi-Siphina, Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar. During the Conference, Urszula Licheńska - the President of the Republic of Valruzia, Theodore Aswalt - the President of the Republic of Dorvik, Haşim Koç - the President of the Republic of Kalopi-Siphina, and Shirana I of the House of Vaez - Shahbanu of the Glorious Shahdom of Aldegar signed a treaty establishing the Union. Nowogard became the UPES' headquarters, but auxiliary HQs are present in the capital cities of each Member State.

• The Union is run in accordance with the principle of respect for the sovereignty of its Member States. UPES is an initiative aimed at securing interests of its member states, it is aimed also at stabilizing the situation on the Petroleum markets or unnecessary fluctuation of the petroleum prices which combined with a bad economic situation of a country may lead to a bigger economic crisis and damage the economy. UPES with its intergovernmental bodies is certainly not aimed at the creation of a supranational organization which would draw its authority from the sovereignty of its members. Its main aim is to secure the aforementioned sovereignty and allowing the country to secure its rights for external danger which would pose a threat to that sovereignty. All decisions of the UPES are made by the representatives of the members States.

• The UPES has three basic organs according to the Treaty on the Union of the Petroleum Exporting States:
- The Conference, - Board of Ministers, - The Secretariat

The Conference shall be the supreme authority of the Union and shall make an assessment on the admission of every new Member State.
The Conference shall consist of one representative from each Member State.

The Board of Ministers shall be the executive and legislative body of the Union.
The Board of Ministers shall consist of a representative of ministerial rank responsible for the energy sector in each Member Country.

The Secretariat shall be the representative body of the Union.
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Re: Union of the Petroleum Exporting States (UPES)

Postby Masionette9 » Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:49 am



Whenever You want to initiate some RP with the UPES which You are free to do. Please post the RP you like in the following manner:

• When You want to discuss the admission of a new member to the UPES do it through the Conference - change the Subject of the new post to "CONFERENCE: -insert subject-".
• When You want to discuss a specified subject connected with the petroleum market or the policies of each country do it through the Board of Ministers - change the Subject of the new post to "BoM: -insert subject-".

• The Secretariat is to be freely used by every Member State, but we can appoint the Secretary who will represent the UPES.
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CONFERENCE: Response of the Representative of the Valruzia

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:35 pm

Honorable Members of the Conference of the Union,
Distinguished representatives of Aldegar, Dorvik, Kalopi-Siphina and Valruzia,

Recently we've witnessed yet another lack of understanding of our role. As stated in our Treaty, UPES is intergovernmental organization with one aim, which is to provide balance and stabilization on the market of petroleum, not to provide material assistance to the third world countries, as this is the task, or may be not, of each Member State at its own discretion. UPES lacks mechanisms to provide this kind of assistance, UPES is only a mechanism of coordination of policies of its Members States, and Valruzia believes that it should remain this way. Of course, as responsible human beings we should engage in actions and initiatives aimed at helping Third World, but we should do that via the proper insitutions and organs equipped with proper tools to do so. UPES as cordinator of its member states' policies should, of course, pursue the stable price of petroleum on international markets but it simply cannot engage in any form of international assistance.

Representative of the Valruzian Delegation,
Tomasz Bastara.
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