DARPPO (Defense Advanced Research Project & Production Organization)
The Defense Advanced Research Project & Production Organization or DARPPO for short is the Hutorian defense procurement organization. It is responsible for funding research, procuring
military hardware, and overseeing project development. All upcoming projects to bid are available to view below, once the biding process has begun a link to submit your company's bid will be provided.
If your company wishes to have their research project funded by DARPPO then your corporation agrees to a Confidentiality Agreement and if violated faces charges of treason. If DARPPO funds are used to develop a project than the developing company also agrees to sell only to Hutori and her close allies (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=570917).
Upcoming Projects to Bid:
Infantry Based Anti-Tank Weapon
Infantry Based Mortar System
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Amphibious Assault Vehicle