Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Axxell » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:04 am

Hussain Mudarak, Grand Progressive Party of Majatra

Mr Demaria,
what is the name of this organization? The Majatran Union of Nations, OF NATIONS. Not of people, not of parties, not of political movements and so on, but of NATIONS! And probably the greatest weakness of the MUN, despite the great hopes for the future, it's that we want work like a supernational state when... simply we are not ready! We are talking without considering the will of each National Government! This assembly cannot work without considering the national governments which, I fear, will be never too ready to lose so great part of their sovereignty. It is a fear based on the history, on what we saw and we see, a continent made of many souls, so many cultures, so many interests and... too much changements in little time... This body cannot work without an official body where the National Governments are represented. Probably the Majatran Alliance was too much a Government's organizations, but the MUN seems not to consider the National Governments privileging this body.

Often, in fact, the Governments, and not the citizens, know what really is better for a nation or for an organization of which the nation is part, it is for this reason that the referndum conducted in Istalia was not binding for the Government. The Istalian party from I came, in fact, is pushing the Government to establish serious debate and negotiations with the MUN to avoid too hasty decision. Istalia since long time asked that many of the Majatran Alliance bodies and systems would be translated into the MUN, what this body or the MUN proposed? We saw just proposals on proposals which doesn't care of the Istalian proposals, which doesn't care of the achievement of the Majatran Alliance.
And on this point, me, as member of the GPPM, I fully agree with my Government on this! The Majatran Alliance was totally condemned for its uneffectiveness during the Jelbanian crisis. But it was the fault of Istalia? I don't think! Istalia, despite the allegations of hunger of power, was the only one that supported the Majatran Alliance and actively worked within, always pushing for more partecipation. But I think it is useless now to start to make reproachs against this or that nation. Instead, let see what of good the MA brought in Majatra! A great economic system, harmonized, cooperative and integrated! Let see the achievements of the MACU, which graanted monetary stability for more than a century, innaugurated the period of greatest growth and investments in centuries if not millennia, assured the growth of the economy of many nations and the greatest improvement of the living conditions for millions and millions of Majatrans.
A new currency, a common commodity currency, to be already tested for a rapid introduction, it is really the solution for this crisis? We fear that without a long period of preparation and harmonization, a fast introduction of a common commidity currency could generate more problems.

Here, someone, seems pushing just to delete what of good made in the past to replace totally it with something of new... but is it the will of the MUNGA, of the MUN's President or... of some nations in search of a place under the sun? And seeing how easily also here Istalia is attacked and accused... some suspect can arise, but... it is sad... after all the efforts Istalia made to create a continental alliance and to make survive it for more than a century.

We think that we have to respect the time we need and not to go too fast! Let see a compromise between the international organization-oreinted MA and the Democratic/popular-oriented MUN.
It could be a good proposal, to start, to integrate what was the Executive Allied Committee of the Majatran Alliance into the new organization as Council of Majatran Governments, where, depending of the argoument touched this or that day, the competent ministries of each member can meet and debate alongside the MUNGA. We could also propose to give to the MUNGA the authority to propose some names for the Presidency of the organization and to the new Council the authority to elect him (also now the nations decides who support, why not to let the nation decide it into the new proposed Council?
And, for the moment, for the neature itself of Majatra and its numberous souls, we think that the decisions of the Council should be take uninamously or at least with an important qualified majority.

Finally, sorry if seems that I'm assuming also the role of representive of my nation, but... within the MUN, who assumed this role? And as Istalian, I think it is my duty to express into the MUNGA my concerns and the ones of my fellow citizens.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:35 am

Kelinu Demaria, President of the Grand Conservative Party of Majatra (GCPM)

Mister Mudarak, Do you hear yourself talking? The only thing i can make up from the words that just came out of your mouth is "Istalian Imperialism" you make it seem like we owe Istalia so much while in fact Istalia has ruined and corrupted this continent to its core, istalia has managed to not only isolate itself from their own brothers but also to hurt them in the best possible way: by causing a economic catastophe. No Mister Mudarak, the MA was a organization that symbolized the imperialist attitude of Istalia, the country that always wanted to control things, to control the other majatran countries.

This Assembly and the organization to which it belongs to does everything it can to both serve the people of majatra and to listen to the opinions of the member states. The constitution even clearly states that the MUN president has to consult every member state on their opinions before signing a bill. And the president himself is even elected by the member states! This organization was made for the people, by the people, and in no way have we ever EVER dissapointed either a national government or a majatran citizen. The only complaints we have gotten is from Istalia, the country that desperately tries to reassert its hedgemony over majatra and is simply fearfull of its dissipating influence and strength. Let me be very clear, we majatran nations do not tolerate this istalian behaviour any longer. It is done. And Istalia should make the decision to either work with us in harmony or to leave and by doing so causing yet another crisis and worsening of relations with the rest of majatra, because Mister Mudarak, we both know that if Istalia leaves this organization it will be turning its back on the continent forever.

Also, the proposal to create a common currency was not a binding proposal if you read it correctly, and in no way are we even rolling out a common currency at this moment. The proposal creates a trial period for the extend of 10 years in which we can TEST the strength a possible common currency could have. So do not pretend like this Assembly does not know what it does.

If the GPPM was so concerned about the proposal why did it not vote for it during voting? Why did the GPPM since its creation not vote for ANY proposal in this Assembly or even made one themselves if they were so concerned about the sovereignty of majatran nations?
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Re: Majatran Union of Nations Grand Assembly (MUNGA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:35 pm

OOC: Elections for the MUNGA will be held tommorow. I will also send messages around to all member states to ask their vote for the presidency. If you have a candidate for your country that you want to put forward pls do so by sending me a message on discord or here.
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