International Monarchist League (IML)

Events and organizations whose focus is in the cultural, entertainment, sporting or academic spheres.

Re: I.M.S.

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:37 am

A statement released by Mathijs Tiessens, Chairman of the International Monarchist League:
The governing Council of the International Monarchist League has approved a series of reforms to the organisation's structure and internal governance. The full details will be published in due course but it is important to note that these changes are crucial to ensuring that the League continues to act as an effective advocate for monarchism internationally. Notably the new structure hands further power to the Council to grant recognition to those royal houses who are either pending official status or who have not decided to approach the League at the present time. In addition, the new reforms allow for greater integration with other monarchist organisations so that we might work together towards our common objective, as stated in the League's original mission statement to "expand the royalist ideas all over the globe".
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Re: International Monarchist League (IML)

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed May 22, 2019 1:34 am

Princess Sophie l to marry Prince Charles in Hulstria

Princess Sophie the heir to Kaiser Hans Friedrick and Kaiserine Annemarie accepted a proposal to be married by celebrity Hans Springwater. His title is now royal because of this. The wedding shall take place on the 22nd of July in 4580 in Kien. Anyone who is interested please contact the Kaiserreich party. This shall extend the monarchy in Hulstira and firmly places the oldest daughter of the Kaiser with a husband.

The Princess of Hulstria
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