Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Martinulus » Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:31 pm

His Excellency, Hubert Graf Michels, Governor-General

We are most gratified that you believe the Basic Law is sufficient. The institutions of government should pose no further problem. We have implemented the strongest possible safeguards against threats to the democratic order, as Johannes Goddestreu did after the renewed Movement's triumph, and extended it with explicit provisions against racist ideologies such as the one we had to defeat. We are confident you will see in it a shining example of a modern, democratic Constitution. My forefather crafted one much the same which stood for over two centuries.

Theophilus, Freiherr von Geraniengau, Internal Minister

Herr General Belardi, we would like to touch upon the point of reparations. We are grateful for your financial support but we beg you to see that anything you take as reparations is taken away from the resources available to the new democratic government. The entity you want reparations from no longer exists. You have wiped it off the face of the earth. For the sake of the peoples of Hulstria and Gao-Soto and their safety, it is imperative that Herr Commandant Gubler and the RBW have what they need to progressively relieve the forces left here by the Coalition and assume responsibility for our own security. Ground materiel is vital to the ability to defend our own territory and we must start proper training now if we are to take upon ourselves that task all governments see as their primary responsibility.

As for the trial of the regime, as Frau Bunognini mentioned, justice needs to be seen to be done. An International Tribunal is the preferred method, so that there can be no hint of political justice. We are in complete agreement. And because I had an episode in the regime of which I am not proud, I will consent to stand trial for these myself. I am confident my actions will speak for my integrity.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby RedReaper » Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:05 pm


His Excellency, Comrade Xiomar Buschmann, People's President and Marshall of the People's Army;

Greetings to all representatives of the Victorious Coalition Forces. May I begin my statement by thanking you all for your support of the people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto in helping escalate the fall of the Nimitz Regime and of the totalitarian rule of the Hulstrian Party. You have been a great help to us and your actions in support of our struggle against tyranny will never be forgotten.

A great victory has been won these past months, and a great victory deserves a great peace to follow it. And hence we have all gathered to draft a peace accords which will hopefully satisfy the wishes of all parties involved, and ensure lasting peace and prosperity to the people of the Crownlands. Hence I believe the following major points will need to be discussed in order to ensure the future is far brighter than the past.

1. A discussion of the dissolution of any still existing organs of the Nimitz Regime and of the Imperial Crownlands Of Hulstria.
2. A discussion of the justicial methods required in order to try the members of the Nimitz Regime, as well as any further investigations into crimes committed during the war by all sides of the conflict.
3. A discussion of compensation of Kunihito families effected by the regime.
4. A discussion of compensation of the Coalition forces by the thankful people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto.
5. A discussion of aid payments necessary for the reconstruction of Hulstria and Gao-Soto.
5. A discussion of the eventual withdrawal of coalition troops from Hulstria and Gao-Soto.
6. A discussion of the relationship between the People's State of Hulstria and Gao-Soto and the Septembrist occupied territories.

Upon the discussion of these following points, I believe that peace rests. I hope that the following days prove fruitful to all your endeavors.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Corvo Attano » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:51 am

Jools Power Minister of Foreign Affairs Malivia,

General Belardi your forces are not suited to disarm and process the huge stocks of weaponry left by the Hulstrian forces. What we need is a small and effective contingent to cross Hulstria and round up all the weapons and catalog them.
That force is the Malivian one we have the mobility and the command structure ready.

Now before you respond I need to add something. When I said disarm Hulstria I meant all of Hulstria not just the leftovers of the Nimitz regime so here is a few pointers a text document an assistant of mine made.

Greetings to all representatives of the Victorious Coalition Forces. May I begin my statement by thanking you all for your support of the people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto in helping escalate the fall of the Nimitz Regime and of the totalitarian rule of the Hulstrian Party. You have been a great help to us and your actions in support of our struggle against tyranny will never be forgotten.

A great victory has been won these past months, and a great victory deserves a great peace to follow it. And hence we have all gathered to draft a peace accords which will hopefully satisfy the wishes of all parties involved, and ensure lasting peace and prosperity to the people of the Crownlands. Hence I believe the following major points will need to be discussed in order to ensure the future is far brighter than the past.

1. A discussion of the total dissolution of the Hulstria air force.
2. A discussion of the dissolution of any still existing organs of the Nimitz Regime and of the Imperial Crownlands Of Hulstria. Including the discussion of the crimes of the imperial family the Thallers.
3. A discussion of limiting the total tonnage of ships in total and in unit.
4. A discussion of limiting the total amount of troops of the official Hulstrian military.
5. A discussion of compensation of the Coalition forces by the thankful people of Hulstria and Gao-Soto.

Upon the discussion of these following points, I believe that peace rests. I hope that the following days prove fruitful to all your endeavors.
Thank you for listening.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:31 pm

Viscount Fukuyama, Provisional Foreign Minister

We protest in the strongest possible terms to the harsh line advocated by Malivia. The dissolution of the Air Force and the cap placed on the armed forces and fleets proposed (even merchan fleets?) is not conducive to the stated goal of maintaining democracy in Hulstria and Gao-Soto and stability in Northern Dovani. The troops you are proposing to restrict are not the troops of the Nimitz regime, but the Reichsbürgerwehr, which has fought and sacrificed at the side of the coalition. The limited air capacity the RBW had daringly risked life and limb to help our starving compatriots behind the Heinrich line and destabilise the defences.

We will gladly sign a treaty giving guarantees of the non-aggressive intent of the Crownlander Armed Forces. We will even consent to propose an amendment to the Basic Law to this effect. This is entirely in keeping with the Septembrist principle of non-aggression, after all. However, the heaviness of the restrictions demanded here only endangers the national security of the new democratic entity. You have before you, ladies and gentlemen, the best way to ensure Hulstrian aggression does not persist and that Hulstria and Gao-Soto once more become the force for stability and peace they once were, and that is to endorse the Basic Law, which rules out any anti-democratic or racist takeover and returns us to the institutions of the Septembrist era, during which the Crownlands played that role. But to do so, we must possess the capacity to defend ourselves, which is also the capacity to aid the World Congress and repay our debt to the world by helping in other interventions.

The Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria are already dissolved, since the United Imperial Crownlands has assumed the role of a fully functioning government.

As in the matter of reparations, we would like to reiterate this: strengthening the democratic order we represent is to the benefit of the aims of the mission. Every crown you ask us to pay in reparations will potentially be one we ask back to rebuild our ruined country. Every restriction placed upon our defence forces will weaken the resilience of that democratic order. We are duly grateful and appreciate your support and your sacrifices, but we ask you to keep your eyes on the goal - reconstruction, helping us arise from the ashes of this conflict.

Theophilus von Geraniengau

We are *eyes Comrade X somewhat suspiciously, then returns to a straight face* grateful for the presence of the leadership of the People's Party. It is vital we discuss the upcoming elections to the Imperial Diet. As you must understand, the people are somewhat impatient for their first free and fair elections in decades. Can we count on the support of the coalition to secure the conduct of the election across the country? If not, we will have to allocate this task solely to the RBW, and while we of course believe they are up to the task, it would be a sub-optimal situation.

Then there is the matter of the Volkspartei participating in the free democratic process. Is the position still the same as your representative at the World Congress stated, or are you ready to participate in elections held under the Basic Law to participate in the shaping of a new democratic Hulstria and Gao-Soto?
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Corvo Attano » Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:12 pm

Jools Power Minister of Foreign Affairs Malivia,

Viscount Fukuyama we both know I meant the total tonnage of your military fleet. And as to how harsh and how unfair this measures seem to you I simply say it is not my problem. If you think the security of your nation is being threatened by abiding these measures then simple become a protectorate of Kazulia.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:17 pm

Viscount Fukuyama

That is entirely beside the point, Power-sama. What you seem to be proposing amounts to a choice of giving up our sovereignty or rendering ourselves unable to exercise it in the protection of our national territory and our citizens. It was not our government that aggressed against Ostland and perpetrated genocide on my people. Our men fought alongside the Northern assault and our airmen bravely risked life and limb to weaken the Heinrich line. Restricting our ability to protect our territory and our people is unfair to us, and it is unpalatable beyond the amendment to the Basic Law that we have offered.

If you have any arguments to offer for the necessity of these punitive measures against those who have been your allies, then please offer them.

EDITED to add final line.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Corvo Attano » Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:25 pm

Jools Power Minister of Foreign Affairs Malivia,

You are correct in every thing you said. My nation does not lay the blame of what happened on you but sadly you will have to suffer the consequences of the Nimitz regime actions. The reason is simple. Where were you? Your inaction against the crimes of the Nimitz regime is almost as bad as their actions. Only when things looked favorably towards you did you act.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:35 pm

Hubert, Graf Michels

That is a mischaracterisation of our movement. For one, Vizegraf Fukuyama is Kunihito. He was in exile after having been dismissed from his job as a diplomat. But I should like to point out that the actions taken by the 15th of September Movement against the regime predate the intervention of the World Congress. They predate the revelations about genocide. In fact, our provisional government predates those revelations and the intervention that followed. Vizegraf Fukuyama was there when they occurred, as our provisional Foreign Minister, and has called time and time again for an intervention because, and I'll be honest here, we were facing overwhelming odds. We have always been there fighting the regime, slowly gathering strength in a deeply oppressive environment. When we returned to the stage and started gathering strength in earnest, all that was being discussed was the aggression against Ostland and New Verham.

His Imperial and Most Illustrous Luthoran Majesty the Kaiser returned to Hulstria at great personal risk before any notion of intervention in the Crownlands was entertained. In doing so, he risked his life. For that matter, so did I, with the assistance of Freiherr von Geraniengau I should add, who played a dangerous double role for our sake before the revelations of genocide.

Do not act as if our resistance was opportunistic and without sacrifice or risk. It is simply not true and it is, dare I say it, offensive to the bravery and sacrifice of so many Septembrists.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:33 pm

General Paul Driscol

Gentlemen we are getting off of course here. We are not speaking of punishing the Democratic administration for the sins of the father. Speaking not only on half of the Hutorian government, but also I can safely say until they arrive, the Kazullians, Hutori and Kazulia combined had over 600,000 troops in our million troop coalition. To say that the bulk of the northern assault was lifted by our respective nations and our brave allies in the RBW is not an overstatement or arrogance; it is fact. What I say should be taken with the weight that it holds.

The Kingdoms of Hutori and Kazullia do not wish to see a de-militarized Hulstria and Gao-Soto and a state so weakened economically and militarily they would need to become a protectorate. This is about moving on from the past, not punishing a nation into oblivion which very well lead yo a revanchist regime seeking to address old wounds in twenty or thirty years. The Hulstrian military, of the Nimitiz Regime was truly and utterly destroyed, and the RBW is, with fairness to their bravery, not the military threat to this Coalition that the Nimitiz Regime was.

With that in mind, I give the floor to Ambassador Wilson as the Plenipotenary of the World Congress Security Council in Hulstria and Ostland has put out by Resolution 48 and 50.

Ambassador Wilson

We are offering the following terms, in accordance with Istalia and hope that our other coalition members can accept them. We will begin with the smaller and easier issue of Ostland and then move onto Hulstria.

Treaty of Wolfsheim - In regards to Ostland
1.) The Military Collaboration Regime will be placed on trial by the World Congress and an International Tribunal for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
2.) The World Congress Security Council Military Coalition Ostland will occupy Ostland for a period of no less then 5 years.
3.) The Military Occupation Forces will be responsible for internal and external security for Ostland during the entirety of the occupation.
4.) Ostland will be divided into Four Military Occupation Zones. Zone North and West will occupied jointly by Hutori and Kazullia. Zone South will be occupied by Istalia. Zone East will be occupied by Vanuku.
5.) The Security Council will begin a Reconstruction Fund, funded by the five Sitting Members of the Security Council. Other member nations of the World Congress may contribute but Council Member will be expected to offer no less then 250 Million LOD each. This Fund will last no less then five years and extended as needed by the Plenipotenary.
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Re: Kien Conference on the Future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Martinulus » Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:30 pm

Abo Airo, Minister-President of Ostland-Touryou

We are ready to accept any assistance with internal and external security, but how does this relate to the re-established civilian government in Zibon and the security forces available to it under its Constitution? We have been democratically elected by now. What would our role be?
Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund - Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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