Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby Dozzer » Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:43 pm

The Republic of Kizenia will attend this conference on behalf of the Government. The Government will be represented by The Right Honourable Eleonora Iliescu MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

We will attend this discussion with great interest!

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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby JuliaAJA » Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:54 pm

The Most Serene Cildanian Union will also be represented by Head of Government / Ra'sh sel Mamshala / Pennaeth y Llywodraeth / Rosh HaMemshala Dr. Jeremy Thomasson IV and by Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Rosie Pinder.

Dr. Jeremy Thomasson IV wrote:Cildania did not attend the naval exercises due to parliamentary delays. If naval exercises are to be feared then Selucia and Badara should live in constant fear of Cildania's constant domestic exercises.

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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby MrBean111 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:25 pm

His Imperial Majesty's Government of the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria shall send His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Xavier Schemmel, as the representative of His Imperial Majesty's Government to the International Summit to Discuss World Affairs. His Imperial Majesty's Foreign Offices looks forward to the meeting and hopes that the concerns of the international community are addressed all the while cordial communications are maintained.

Respectfully Submitted,

Georg Koberling
Governor-General, elected representative of His Imperial & Most Illustrious Luthoran Majesty Klaus Gustav VI, Emperor of Hulstria
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby Romulus » Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:17 am

Forgien Minister Dr. Albert Coolwithy of the Supreme Imperial Republic shall attend this conference.
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby beeman5 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:19 pm

Welcome to all the newly arrived representatives. I am glad there is great interest in such an endeavor. I have edited the first post to reflect the additions and changes to status of a few nations.

"This body will recognize the will of Indrala, Sekowo, & Kalopia to become observers of the proposed international organization.

"We agree with the assessment of the situation in Al'Badara by the Representative of Selucia. We also recognize their support for a more institutional forum for nations as a second to our proposal.

"Due to the decreased crisis in Al'Badara that has seemed to resolve itself internally, we move to table the humaniatarian proposal until the creation of the international organization. The mission in Al'Badara should be the first item of business for this new organization.

"Is there any further discussion on any item before we proceed to a vote on the motion to create an international organization for purposes of freedom, peace, & democracy as well as an international forum for nations to discuss world issues?"

Last call for discussion and national representation.
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:21 pm

Kalopia opposes the creation of such an organization and informs the floor that is shall never recognize it as an official international organization, or body of nations, or as a business. Interests simply play too great a factor too ignore. Such an organization will become dangerous in the future, due to conflicting issues and differentiated agendas, due to the extensive number of nations participating.
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby Reno » Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:05 pm


The Great Empire of Indrala will not become an observer, or participate in any interaction with such international organisation, as the very "idea" of it is in contradiction of the values our great empire stands for. As one of the few Gao-Showan nations still standing in the face of western imperialism, we sincerely hopes our comrades of Sekowo, and all those who support our great civilisation to follow suit.
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby airborne427 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:54 pm

Greetings, my name is Präsident Amber Johnson. I had the honor of serving as head of state of the great nation of Volksrepublik Dundorf for two terms. I am here representing Volksrepublik Dundorf today on behalf of our current head of state Präsident Erich Boettcher and Foreign affairs minister Wilfried Meyn. I come with a message of peace and look forward to meeting all of you in the days ahead.

Sincerely Fmr. Präsident Amber Johnson Volksrepublik Dundorf
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby beeman5 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:37 am

Sorrentino expected the uncooperativeness of Sekowo & Indrala. If anything, he knew these nations wanted to attend the Summit to speak on the Gao-Shawa Aggression. He did not understand why these nations did not want to become observers as they then sacrificed their ability to speak at meetings of the proposed international organization. While the statement by Kalopia was surprising, considering the latest news from that country, Sorrentino was not caught off guard.

"The Chairman would like to remind Kalopia and all nations that this proposed international organization is not a military alliance or defense treaty. We wish to construct an international organization to further human rights and peace in the world, but more importantly, to provide a forum for dialogue, much as we are doing here.

"If Kalopia or any other nation does not wish to participate, that is their prorogative; however, those who decline observer status will not have rights, including credentials for their representatives, to participate in any meetings of the international organization.

"As for the comments of Indrala, we find them very hypocritical and oxymoronish as Gaduridos, while victorious in electing a new Head of State and Government, still suffers from the Gao-Showan Monarchy that is imposed on our lands. We also recall the barbarism and alleged genocide occuring in Sekowo which is why we have an agenda item that will be discussed with the new organization.

"For the record, Gaduridos would like to make note that each nation that is declining participation, even observer status, within the proposed international organization have alleged human rights records. We have already mentioned the alleged abuses of Indrala & Sekowo. There have been suspected anti-democratic steps taken in Kalopia in the political murders of ruling party opponents that have been publicized widely while also self-confessed by the current ruling party, Kalopian Regime Coalition."

Welcome Dundorf! Added you to the first post while also moving Kalopia & Indrala to Non-Participants.
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Re: Intl Summit to Discuss World Affairs - San Zambrano

Postby Polites » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:03 am

We support the arguments brought forth by the Honorable Representatives of Indrala and Kalopia. Any international organization, no matter how limited its scope or noble its goals, will inevitably fall victim to the superior might of its most developed members. Therefore, we decline any sort of participation in the proposed organization.

In what concerns the alleged human rights abuses in Indrala, Sekowo, and Kalopia, we once again present our argument that this is a matter reserved only for the states in question. All three are sovereign states, and attempting to regulate or control their internal policies in the name of human rights is tantamount to colonialism.

Moving to more specific issues, we must point out that the Gao-Showa monarchy was democratically and legitimately installed in Gaduridos, and that the Gaduri people have shown their desire to remain associated to Indrala. In what concerns Indrala herself, it has become clear that the Mingzhi Dynasty is the most powerful force for decolonization and anti-imperialism, having liberated five new states from colonial oppression. Moving to our own country and the baseless accusations of genocide, we invite the Honorable Representatives of this summit to examine the laws currently in effect in Sekowo, and see that we have not changed the legal framework inherited from the Ishida Dynasty, which, among other things, prohibits the use of the death penalty. Whether there have in fact been abuses committed by overzealous officials in our purifying Sekowo from foreign cultures it is only up to us to decide. A clear human rights record is a luxury that only the most advanced countries can enjoy.

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