Third World Information Thread

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Third World Information Thread

Postby Polites » Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:35 pm

Over the past several weeks, Kubrick, Liu Che, Zanz and myself (the Global RP Team) have been working on developing the cultural and linguistic makeup of the former colonies, i.e. the non-playable nations on the game.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the “colonies”?

Also known as the NPC nations or the ex-colonies, the third world nations nations cover the gray part of the map that has never been developed. When it became clear that no new nations would be added to the game, various players decided to RP those territories as colonial possessions of various nations. That was the case until the colonies were abolished by the colonial nations, which was accepted by Moderation. Now the former colonies are RPd as independent nations without players. Responsibility for RP with them falls to the RP team.

Can my nation regain its colonies?

No. It is the opinion of the RP team and numerous players past and present that while the colonies may have been fun to RP with, overall they were detrimental to RP and did not add anything new to the game. As such, any form of direct or indirect restoration of colonial rule over these nations (be it by colony, protectorate, vassalage, personal union, etc.) is not allowed.

So what can I do with them then?

As per the rules, the right to RP with the former colonies falls with the RP team, as such any nation may interact with them by assuming that the RP Team is the players in those nations. You can therefore sign treaties, establish trade agreements, military alliances, and even go to war against the former colonies if the RP Team agrees with your proposed RP.

Is migration to/from the colonies allowed?

See above. You can RP populations moving to/from the former colonies with the agreement of the RP team. Smaller scale RP with them (like claiming one of your characters originates in the colonies) is allowed without the need to ask for the Team’s permission.

Can the cultures of the colonies change?

In theory, yes. The former colonies are, from an RP perspective, no different from any other nation, and as such their cultural composition can change over time. However, that falls under the scope of the RP Team, and we are confident that their cultures both reflect their in-game history and follow the overall player consensus on what cultures should be on Dovani, Vascania, and Temania (formerly known as Squibble).

What’s the point of the colonies?

The former colonies are there so that RP in that part of the map does not come to an end with decolonization. And now that the RP Team released our military and economic rankings, the former colonies have an additional role, that of being Terra’s Third World. That way no playable nation will end up at the very bottom of either ranking, because that role is permanently reserved for the former colonies.

What’s with all the English, German, and Chinese?

The RP team decided that, although most colonies would have cultures indigenous to the continents they are on, colonization had a very lasting impact on them, which is why most have a colonial language as their official language. That and the issue of accessibility, since none of us on the RP team have the time to simultaneously browse dozens of dictionaries for obscure languages.
In several cases, especially for colonies that changed hands often, we settled on the language of the nation that invested the most in them, and the likely ruling class of the metropolis during the colonial period. So that is why in South Dovani Indralan (Chinese) is the official language, in New Verham there’s Dutch (because of Vanuku’s colonial rule there), North Dovani and Degalogesa use Draddwyr (Welsh) because of Dranland’s rule, at the time dominated by the Draddwyr, or why most of the former Hulstrian colonies use Dundorfian (German) and not Kunikata (Japanese).

Where are they on the map?

Here is the most up to date map of Dovani, Temania, and Vascania (credit to Zanz):


List of colonies:

Official Name: Khanate of Bianjie
Culture: Manchu with Japanese colonial overlay
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese)
Most spoken languages: Bianjie (Manchu), Indralan (Chinese), Luthorian (English)
Political System: Khanate, absolute monarchy

Official Name: Republic of Cifutingan
Culture: Taiwanese aboriginal with German colonial overlay
Official languages: Dundorfian (German)
Most spoken languages: Welang (Formosan languages), Kunikata (Japanese)
Political System: Presidential Republic

Official Name: Dalibor Corporate Association
Culture: Mix of Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (minus the Taiwanese aboriginals), but without the prosperity and the skyscrapers
Official languages: Indralan (Chinese)
Most spoken languages: Indralan (Chinese)
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

Official Name: United Nations of Degalogesa
Culture: Mix of all North American Amerindian cultures, with Welsh colonial overlay
Official languages: Draddwyr (Welsh)
Most spoken languages: Degalogesan (Cherokee), other accessible Amerind languages
Political System: Tribal-based Federal Republic (akin to the Iroquois Confederacy)

Official Name: Kingdom of Hanzen
Culture: Thai with Chinese colonial overlay
Official languages: Indralan (Chinese), Phra (Thai)
Most spoken languages: Phra (Thai), Indralan (Chinese), Augustan (Esperanto)
Political System: Absolute Monarchy

Official Name: Federal Republic of Istapali
Culture: Aztec with German colonial overlay (kinda like a German Mexico)
Official languages: Dundorfian (German)
Most spoken languages: Istapali (Nahuatl)
Political System: Presidential Republic

Official Name: Federated Princely States of Kalkalistan
Culture: Indo-Aryan (Northern India)
Official languages: Luthorian (English)
Most spoken languages: Rajutti (Hindi), Zaqrami (Urdu), Ananti (Punjabi), Rajavanshi (Gujarati), Khoni (Sindhi), and Bhapori (Kashmiri)
Political System: Federation of hereditary monarchies (similar to the UAE or Malaysia)

Official Name: Kingdom of Kimlien
Culture: Vietnamese with Chinese colonial overlay
Official languages: Indralan (Chinese), Dinh (Vietnamese)
Most spoken languages: Indralan (Chinese), Dinh (Vietnamese)
Political System: Absolute Monarchy

Official Name: State of Kurageri
Culture: Swahili with Japanese colonial overlay
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese), Kitembo (Swahili)
Most spoken languages: Kitembo (Swahili)
Political System: Presidential Republic

Official Name: Republic of Liore
Culture: Guarani with Japanese colonial overlay (kinda like a Japanese Paraguay)
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese)
Most spoken languages: Liori (Guarani)
Political System: Presidential Republic

Official Name: Sultanate of Medina
Culture: Tamil with Japanese colonial overlay
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese), Kalam (Tamil)
Most spoken languages: Kalam (Tamil)
Political System: Sultanate, Absolute Monarchy

Official Name: Republic of Midway
Culture: Mixtec and Zapotec with Japanese colonial overlay (like a Japanese Central America)
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese)
Most spoken languages: Mixtec and Zapotec
Political System: Presidential Republic

New Alduria
Official Name: Republic of New Alduria
Culture: Haitian with British colonial overlay
Official languages: Luthorian (English), Canrillaise (French), Kreyòl Aldurien (Haitian Creole)
Most spoken languages: Kreyòl Aldurien (Haitian Creole)
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

New Englia
Official Name: Republic of New Englia
Culture: Anglo-Irish
Official languages: Luthorian (English)
Most spoken languages: Irish Gaelic
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

New Verham
Official Name: Republic of New Verham
Culture: Dutch colonial (like Suriname or Dutch Indonesia)
Official languages: Vanukeaans (Dutch)
Most spoken languages: Kunikata (Japanese), Orinco (Mayan)
Political System: Presidential Repubic

North Dovani
Official Name: Commonwealth of North Dovani
Culture: Welsh
Official languages: Draddwyr (Welsh)
Most spoken languages: Draddwyr (Welsh), Kyo (Korean), Kazulian (Norwegian)
Political System: Parliamentary Federal Republic

Official Name: Kingdom of Noumonde
Culture: Malagasy with French and British colonial overlay
Official languages: Canrillaise (French)
Most spoken languages: Malagasy, Canrillaise, Luthorian
Political System: Constitutional Monarchy

Official Name: Democratic Republic of Ntoto
Culture: Congolese with British colonial overlay
Official languages: Luthorian (English)
Most spoken languages: Kintoto (Kikongo), Asli languages (West African languages)
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

Official Name: Republic of Ostland
Culture: Japanese
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese)
Most spoken languages: Kunikata (Japanese)
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

Rapa Pile
Official Name: Republic of Rapa Pile
Culture: Combo of Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Mauritius, a place of cultural syncretism between Vanakalam, Kalkalistan, Kurageri, Utembo, Indrala, & Sekowo.
Official languages: Kunikata (Japanese), Sinhalese
Most spoken languages: Sinhalese
Political System: Presidential Republic

Official Name: State of Statrica
Culture: West African with German and Eastern European colonial overlay; a sort of German Togoland
Official languages: Dundorfiann (German)
Most spoken languages: Statrican (Croatian), Asli languages (West African languages)
Political System: Presidential Republic

Suyu Llaqta
Official Name: Republic of Suyu Llaqta
Culture: Incan and Andean with German colonial overlay
Official languages: Dundorfian (German)
Most spoken languages: Llaqta (Quechua), Istapali (Nahuatl)
Political System: Presidential Republic

Official Name: Federated States of Temania
Culture: Central African with British, French, and some Israeli colonial overlay
Official languages: Luthorian (English), Canrillaise (French)
Most spoken languages: Kudan (Hausa)
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

Official Name: Republic of Tropica
Culture: Polynesian with British colonial overlay
Official languages: Luthorian (English)
Most spoken languages: Tropican (Polynesian) languages
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

Utari Mosir
Official Name: Kingdom of Utari Mosir
Culture: Ainu with German colonial overlay
Official languages: Dundorfian (German)
Most spoken languages: Utari (Ainu)
Political System: Constitutional Monarchy

Official Name: Kingdom of Utembo
Culture: Swahili with Chinese colonial overlay
Official languages: Kitembo (Swahili), Indralan (Chinese)
Most spoken languages: Kitembo (Swahili)
Political System: Absolute Monarchy

Official Name: Republic of Vanakalam
Culture: Dravidian (South Indian) with Malay colonial overlay
Official languages: Malivian (Malay), Kalam (Tamil)
Most spoken languages: Kalam, other Dravidian languages, Malivian (Malay)
Political System: Parliamentary Republic

Official Name: Kingdom of Xsampa
Culture: Tibeto-Burman with Chinese colonial overlay
Official languages: Xsampan (Tibetan), Indralan (Chinese)
Most spoken languages: Xsampan (Tibetan)
Political System: Religious-Royal diarchy (like the traditional Tibetan dual sytem of government)
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Third World Policies and Regulations List

Postby FPC » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:48 pm

Third World Control Policies and Regulations

Basic Policies and Regulations

(1) Interested players must be in good standing with all current rules and regulations as proscribed by Moderation. Moderation reserves the right to withhold control of a Third World nation for players who have active issues related to their accounts or previous transgressions that might impact their ability to role-play effectively;

(2) Interested players must have a forum account that is older than 30 days;

(3) Third World nations cannot be controlled (vassalized, re-colonized, protectorate, permanent occupation, etc.) by any current playable in-game nation or another Third World nation, these Third World nations exist for chances at role-play and stories that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to come about with a playable nation. Third World nations also exist to provide a difference in culture, demographics and difference in the "norm" for players, veteran and new alike;

(4) The list of controlled Third World Nations can be found on the Third World Nation Control register.

Assignment and Revocation Policies and Regulations

(1) Interested players should post to the Third World Control Requests forum thread; this post must include the following:
-- (a) name of Third World nation applying for;
-- (b) brief synopsis of what the interested player intends to do with the Third World nation (general idea, direction);

(2) Interested players can request any currently open Third World nation. Third World nations that are currently occupied can be requested but only if the current controller has spent over 30 days in the Third World nation. Moderation and the RP Team will consider each request (for both);

(3) Players who are awarded control over a Third World nation are subject to review every 30 days by both Moderation and the RP Team, if Moderation or the RP Team deem it necessary they may revoke control over the Third World nation;

Role-play Policies and Regulations

(1) Third World nations are automatically bound to the Role-Play Accords and are tied directly to any associated materials to the Role-Play Accord;

(2) Players who are in control of a Third World nation are permitted governance over all domestic and foreign affairs;

(3) Cultural matters are bound by the proscribed culture of the nation. Large, wide-scale changes are forbidden unless consent from Moderation and the RP Team is achieved;

(4) Players controlling Third World nations may post in the Global RP forum with their respective newspapers or other associated Third World nation material;

(5) Third World nations are members of the World Congress, Third World nations are also members of the League of Independent Nations (an RP organization exclusively dedicated to fostering Third World-RP);

(6) Players who succeed another player in Third World control are asked to respect RP and established story lines done by another player;

Special Policies and Regulations

(1) Moderation and the RP Team reserve the right to revoke player control over a Third World nation for any reason, at any time without notice.
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