Friendr is a microblogging service that is free to use, anywhere in terra.
Start posting today:
- Code: Select all
[img]"Your profile picture, 100px by 100px"[/img]
[color=#0080FF]"Your username"[/color] - [size=85][color=#404040]Posted on "mm"/"dd"/"yyyy"[/color][/size] - [size=85][color=#404040]"City, Country"[/color][/size]
"Your microblog..."
You can even direct posts at others:
- Code: Select all
[color=#0080FF] -- "Username of person you are tagging": [/color]
"Your post..."
By using this service, you agree to our Terms of Service:
-You must not use Friendr for any malicious purposes.
-You must grant Friendr a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any intellectual property content that you post on or in connection with Friendr.
-You must not use the name or likeness of another person on Friendr.
-You must observe good conduct.
-You must not post nudity, pornography, vulgar or offensive images.
To rent adspace on this platform, contact the team at (OOC: Message Dettingham).
To apply for a verification tick, contact the team (OOC: Message Dettingham).
Happy posting...