Council of Majatra

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Re: Council of Majatra

Postby jadouljonathan » Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:33 pm

Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of Potensi,
dear collegues of the majatra cou'cil,
The new governement of potensi believe that we need to cooperate and makeba union who unites us and will make us stronger. Where we can delegate problems like the problem with Kotari Ravel and so many others. By uniting we can work together and defend us against aggressive stronger nations.

I also want to talk about Lodamnum is helping terrorist groups. They gave citizinship to Kotari Ravel who was the leader of the army of equality. The general assembly finds this not important enough, so i wanted to know how my neighbour governements thought are? If you want to support our cause against Lodamnum, you sign the treaty, who you will find inhere:

Thank you for your time
Nation: Ikradon
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Aethan » Wed Jan 25, 2017 11:00 am

Ajax Apostolos, Selucian Ambassador

We do also believe that we should enforce the relations between all nations in Majatra
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Axxell » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:43 pm

Mamhmud Al-Khauri, Diplomatic Representative of the Istalian Republic:

It's a great pleasure see other Nations interested to give new life to this organization.
The Istalian Government since few years has started to promote to the other Majatran Nations to join or re-join the Union and we are ready to work again togheter for the good of our Continent.

For this I invete those interested to ratify this treaty to confirm their adherence to the organization. And I would like present also another treaty and consider the fact that this last treaty, more recent, shall be choise as functionament treaty and the first as an adherence treaty thank you.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:53 pm

Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of Potensi.

Dear collegues,
For the moment i do everything myself, but it is tyering. We have negotiatens with candidates to represent potensi here on the majatra council. Now the new governement of potensi believes in uniting the majatra council and make a majatra union. We will also campaign for a new union where every country, how small they can be, counts. An idea i have is that we create the union and every president or first minister or a repesentive who has the right to decide of every majatra nation comes together discuss and decide about resolutions, where the nation have to obide, but also an majatra army, who listens to the majatra governement. What are youre thoughts?
Nation: Ikradon
Party: Radicale arbeiders partij
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby jadouljonathan » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:47 am

[url=] Dear collegues, i invite you all to go to our conference to our conference. We believe that by unifying Majatra and creating a union we would become stronger and more capabel to face the problems terra is facing. Come and share youre ideas.
With kind regards, Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of Potensi[/url]
Nation: Ikradon
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Axxell » Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:12 pm

Mamhmud Al-Khauri, Diplomatic Representative of the Istalian Republic:

i'm here to present to the Union a serious issue:
a draconian and shameful measure taken by the Saridanese Government against Istalia and its citizens, I would present to you the so-called "Anti-Istalia Act", the legal establishment of a persecution against our citizens, a disproportionate measure taken in response of the recent reintroduction by part of my nation of sanctions against Saridan and the local segregational regime.

Currently we have rapports about 410 istalian citizens still present in Saridan with which our Foreign Affairs lost all contacts and we shall assume that they are currently sought or already deteined by the Saridanese Security Forces.
Since long time Istalia not maintained a diplomatic mission in Saridan and for this reason no government personnel is among those 410 people.
We received a rapport, still not confirmed, also about an istalian citizen who was shot down by saridan border security forces at a checkpoint on the border with Mordusia while trying to leave the country.
According to the little information we have received it seems that the man, a volunteer of an international NGO based in Mordusia, will be in Saridan with other three collegues (a Hutorian and two Mordusians) to bring a load of medicines to an hospital established close to the Mordusian border by the Hosian Istalian Patriarchy which was known to provide medical assistance to the local discriminated ethnic groups.

We already sent a message to the Saridanese Government demanding the immediate return of our citizens but we fear that the Saridan Government will decide to follow the hard line and maybe use shamefully these our citizens as hostages to blackmail and bow us to their demands.
This is a terroristic behavior, the Saridanese Government are acting in terroristic, criminal and illegal way and as well as with the terrorist my Nation want declared that we don't negotiate with terrorist and that we will make all in power of my Nation to rescue these 410 our citizens from the illegal detention and from the terroristic and criminal treatment reserved them by the infamous Government of Saridan.

And today we habe the confirm of our predictions: they are using our citizens to blackmail Istalia.
A vile and coward behavior which use the life of innocent people to force the hand to my Government!
We will not reppeal our sanctions against Saridan, we will not trade with a Nation that apply segregation and discrimination, we will not enrich the Saridanese economy which feeds its Government and which we believe takes advantage from the unfavorable policies for the discriminated and segregated minorities!
We can not, we shall not, we don't want!

Here the resolution my Nation decided to approve to cut the channels which feed the Saridanese Economy. Once before similar acts have pushed Saridan to revise their actions and decisions. So, until the election of the new Council, where I'll push to launch another World Congress Resolution against Saridan, I invite all the nations which want refuse their behavior to create similar internal resolutions.

But I warn this Organization and Saridan: if further loses among the istalian hostage should be recognized, Istalia will use all the means in its power to bring back our citizens and to punish their unresponsable and criminal brhavior!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:53 pm

Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of potensi.
we find this behaviour outragious and should be condemned and punished. Potensi will support and help istalia in this, with evrything we can offer. Saridan should be punished for their crimes.
Nation: Ikradon
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:20 pm

Jonathan Jadoul, foreign minister of Potensi.
Saridan is threating with nucliar war and doesn't want to cooperate with the assembly or with freeing those civilians. We ask the majatra nations to unite and stand against this outragious fascistic and terrorist attacks.
Nation: Ikradon
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby Mbites » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:34 pm

The Minister of foreign affairs of Cildania sent a message to the Council.

Diplomats, Advisors and any other readers.

[...] My party just started a debate on our legislative body and we will then answer your call for help if our political establishment votes in the way to support your country in this crisis.

-Hannes Mader
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Re: Council of Majatra

Postby fernando toure » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:45 pm

Message from ali gul(jakanian ambassador (:
our leigustures accepted joining the majtaran union. We are looking to be active in the foreign affairs of majtara, we also want to support all majtaran nations

The ambassador stops for a minute, then continue
we are organizing dokuz confrence, to help slove the rutanian civil war at december. We also condems sirdinia actions, but I think we should first make a unifed majtaran statement that includes sirdinian embrago
fernando toure
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