Hawu Mumenhes visit to United Republic of Kalistan

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Hawu Mumenhes visit to United Republic of Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:37 am

Kaliburg Polytechnic Institute to host President Darian Chapman
Historic Summit Site returns to its Historical Duty

Port Devon, Ananto
September 29, 4108

Kaliburg PolyTechnic Institute Prepares to host Representatives of Hawu Mumenhes Government

The United Republic of Kalistan looks forward to greeting President Darian Chapman of Hawu Mumenhes, along with members of the President's government at the Kaliburg Polytechnic Institute in Port Devon, Ananto. The University, which is home to Kalistan's premier experimental physics program, has long been the site for major visits of State. Kaliburg Polytechnic sits on a beautiful campus just 15 minutes drive from the International Airport in Kaliburg, and is in the foothills of the Coastal Range. Conference facilities can accommodate any size international delegation, as well as traveling press, a modest sized security detail, and even the highest level government officials in comfort and convenience.

The formal State visit is expected to begin within the next two months. Including the conferences and state meetings, the Delegation from Hawu Mumenhes will tour the country, our National Industries and plantations, and take in various cultural happenings throughout Kalistan. The Defense Minister, Militia Cpl. Gina White will host the Delegation at a review of Kalistani Regulars and Militia in Kaliburg and Regular Navy at Port Devon and accompany the military attache out to the field with the 3rd Bn 11th Regiment, RSMoK Militia, an elite Artillery Battalion.

The visit will conclude with the Ananto Music and Art Festival, where bands and artists from across the country will gather to demonstrate Kalistani culture for the visiting delegation.

All formal discussions and speeches will occur here at the Polytechnic Institute. We look forward to the visit from President Chapman and representatives of his Government.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Hawu Mumenhes visit to United Republic of Kalistan

Postby CCP » Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:57 am

President Chapman, Remarks to the Opening Working Session
Port Devon, Ananto
September 30, 4108

Hawu Mumenhes Delegation

    The President and Mrs. Chapman
    The Minister of Foreign Affairs
    The Minister of Finance
    The Ambassador to the World Congress
    The Commander-in-Chief of HM Forces North-Central Command
    Jamarcus meryAtēm Mqondisi-Mitchell, Giwḥew Pharmaceuticals Vice President for Business Development
    Several Senior Officials of the Hawu Mumenhes Chamber of Commerce
    Several Prominent Kalistani Foreign Nationals Residing in Hawu Mumenhes
    Presidential Press Pool

President Chapman wrote:President Phillips, Premier Carrangus, ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to open by saying thank you to President Phillips, Premier Carrangus, Minister Curti, and your entire team for making this visit possible. This visit marks the first by a Hawu President to Kalistan, and while I know it won't be the last or perhaps even the most memorable, I still take that milestone as a point of personal pride.

When I reached out to President Phillips to ask for this meeting, I did it because we live at a time of great peril and great possibility. Never in the history of Terra have so many enjoyed so much while so many survive on so little. Never has our collective capacity for good been so limitless while our capacity to destroy, to corrupt, and to devalue been so obscene. And at few times in the history of our species have men and women been willing to defame and degrade and go to war with so slight provocation while the dividends of peace are so favored. And so my goal in coming to meet you President Phillips, Premier Carrangus, and the Kalistani people for the first time has been to seek out and build more possibility and more promise to reduce and defeat the peril and pitfalls which threaten us everyday; it has been to make friends with those who have professed and indeed demonstrated similar sights; and it has been to build the kind of enduring relationships on which all that is good in Terra is based.

How then can we bring about this promise, President Phillips? How can we make real the aspirations of those who've placed such trust and responsibility in us, Madam Premier? Well, my position, and the position of the Hawu People, is that we do it by using our voices, our ingenuity, our labor, and our treasure to form a united front for freedom, for democracy, for prosperity, for progress, and for peace. We do it by working together to build a trade policy that creates more wealth and more convenience and more productivity for our peoples and the world without depressing wages and without crowding out small business and entrepreneurship. We do it by working together to build an environment policy that preserves our air, and water, and natural wealth so that our grandchildren's grandchildren can live as well and dream as big as the Gods desire. We do it by working together to build a security policy which protects the innocent, guarantees stability, and keeps strongmen in their bunkers and in their caves far away from the levers of People Power. And we do it by building a foreign policy which supports an international system that facilitates accessibility, orderliness, diplomacy, and deliberation while leaving to the people's elected representatives those powers, prerogatives, and responsibilities rightly given to them by their people.

I ask your pardon, President Phillips and Premeir Carrangus, if I am immodest or presumptuous when I say that I am confident that this new and young relationship between or countries can contribute to such daunting tasks. I am confident because I believe in the Kalistani people as I believe in the Hawu People. And because I believe in you, President Phillips and Premier Carrangus: I believe in your character, I believe in your sincerity, and I believe in your capacity to be active and effective partners for the good of our peoples and the good of the world.

So I and members of my team are here to get to work on the possibilities and promise of this portentous historical moment.

OOC: Sorry if I skipped any of your planned itenarary; Time is tight this week so I needed to move things along quickly.
Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
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Re: Hawu Mumenhes visit to United Republic of Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:06 am

President Phillips, Remarks to the Open Working Session

President Rowan Phillips:

President and Mrs. Chapman, Madame Minister Ashleigh, Generals, Distinguished Attendees and fellow countrymen and women, members of the international and domestic Press.

We welcome you to Kalistan with open hearts and open arms. I hope you have enjoyed your stay thus far in Kalistan. It is with regret that we acknowledge the delay. As you are likely aware, we have just completed major military drills, an election which it appears that I have unwittingly been re-elected despite my explicit intention to retire, and new developments in the campaign for the elections to the Security Council. Many of these initiatives were scheduled during the time in which we were to hold our own meetings, not to detract from our talks, but to impress upon the Government of Hawu Mumenhes some idea of Kalistani Capacities, while others were simply a matter of the calendar.

We are happy to report that Kalistan has endorsed Hawu Mumenhes in the spirit of these meetings for Seat A. Voting on that is completed, and now the only thing we are waiting on is the deadline in the Assembly to pass. We appreciate the fact that Hawu Mumenhes is mounting a serious campaign for the office, and have represented the Government abroad as a progressively minded government, committed to democratic institutions, security and cooperation. We are sure that our promotion abroad will not fail to obtain the interest of several of the abstainers.

I assure you, Kalistan shares the interests that his Excellency the President has laid out here. Kalistan is thoroughly committed to building strong ties with friendly nations across the globe, and we are committed to building security through armed neutrality. Our goal is not to insert ourselves into other nations' affairs, but to keep others from inserting themselves into ours. I think a link between countries on both sides of the MadDog Ocean will do wonders in furthering these goals, and in ensuring that other nations are not tempted to attack each other in our neighborhood.

With respect- The President's stated commitment to trade is also ours. Kalistan has long held a solidly fair trade position- we give all nations the same deal they give us. We are happy to fully open markets (with a few noteworthy exceptions- Our financial Markets are not open, our FDI climate is lukewarm, by design, and we maintain state monopolies in strategic resources and key export commodities) for all states who open their markets to us. We are not averse to foreign investment, especially in the private sector. We create products for export and yet import huge quantities of products which we do not ourselves produce. While exports will always exceed imports as long as the Dual Economy is in place, we would prefer, obviously to trade with everyone to obtain the best qualities and prices that we can for our people. And a solid Kalistan-Hawu Connection will go light years in ensuring this.

Sharing science and technology, culture and commodities, and so forth is in the interest of both of our nations. Offering political and diplomatic support wherever possible is something I believe is in our mutual interest as well.

Getting to specifics, if you would indulge me, Kalistan is prepared to build a comprehensive bilateral treaty between our two nations, which covers all bases from trade to security, to culture. We are prepared first and foremost, and with corresponding agreement from His Excellency's government, begin trading our national commodities for the production of Hawu cities and factories and farms. We are prepared to develop a common military basing agreement which allows us to utilize local bases in each other's countries. We are prepared to build a cultural exchange regime which will allow our people to meet one another, share ideas and inspiration, and eventually grow to think of one another as brothers and sisters.

I would like to propose a number of breakout sessions where counterparts will talk with one another, and each work out arrangements , and then when we are satisfied that each group has their own agreement, we will, as a committee of the whole, discuss all proposals, ensure that one segment does not contradict another, and put them all into a single treaty, which we can both sign. Your Excellency, Kalistani officials will be at your delegation's disposal. I will ask that your Pharma representative meet with our National Director of ODEN, who handles our nation's drug policy, to include our pharmaceuticals industry, and then for the remaining meetings, we will pair ministers.

While they get to work, I would happily escort Your Excellency to my home for a fantastic home cooked meal of Kalistani cuisine. I will be happy to prepare the meal for you myself. It is one of my skills- the ability to turn fresh fruits and vegetables into the most mouthwatering feast you can imagine. We can, assuming your Excellency is so inclined, then chat over some light Kalistani refreshments* which should set Your Excellency and Madame First Lady up for the night, if you are so inclined to partake.

Following the initial introductions between our respective delegations, the ministers may secure themselves as they deem appropriate.

Tomorrow then, I propose we reconvene here at 7:30 am and resume meetings with vigor.

* (OOC: Whenever I say refreshments, I am talking about mind altering substances, which are as common in Kalistan as potatoes, and which come in such a variety as to ensure everybody has as much as they could ever want at any given time; Every Kalistani in the room is so steeped in the drug culture that it would not seem inappropriate at all to use drugs in the presence of foreigners and just assume that the foreigners will want to use them as well...)
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Hawu Mumenhes visit to United Republic of Kalistan

Postby CCP » Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:52 pm

President Chapman wrote:Ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the men and women of Hawu Mumenhes, I'd like to extend our deepest condolences on the passing of Premier Carrangus. I did not have much time to come to know Madam Premier, but she seemed to me a woman of uncommon strength and character. I regret that these talks must now be completed without her presence, and for that reason, I would ask our negotiating partners that, when our work is done, the resultant treaty be named for Premier Carrangus and dedicated to her memory.
Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
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