Official Visit of the Dorvish President to Kurageri

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Official Visit of the Dorvish President to Kurageri

Postby Wilderberg III » Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:29 pm

Dorvish President Bernard Kilburg to visit Kurageri | KBC International
Haldor/Kuga, October, 4370
President Bernard Kilburg of Dorvik is scheduled to visit Kurageri in the near future.

HALDOR/KUGA - Dorvish President Bernard Kilburg will visit the Republic of Kurageri, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeman confirmed earlier today.
The Head of State of Dorvik has been invited by the Ministry a short while ago and agreed to visit the Capital City of Kuga.
Unofficial sources inside the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation claim that the visit's main purpose is to reach an infrastructure agreement.
However no official comment has yet been made regarding this or any other claims. The visit's date is unknown.
Democratic Left - Citizens' Alliance [Mordusia]
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Re: Official Visit of the Dorvish President to Kurageri

Postby Pragma » Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:59 pm

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Re: Official Visit of the Dorvish President to Kurageri

Postby Pragma » Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:11 pm

President of the FRD, Bernard Kilburg, Visits Kurageri // DNS Worldwide


The President of the Federal Republic of Dorvik has finally arrived at Kurageri after a long flight and several months of preparation. He arrived at Kuga International Airport, the country's largest airport, and proceeded to be welcomed by several top Kurageri officials - before meeting Kurageri people at the airport, which was packed to see one of the world's most powerful men arrive in their home town. President Kilburg was welcomed warmly by the public, and in turn gave out many a wave and a signature. In a short speech given at the airport to the people of Kuga, Kilburg said that 'your nation is one of the most potential-filled places in the history of humanity', with loud cheers given in response to this comment. 'The international community is watching, and they're liking what they see, and we want to invest in you and see Kurageri flourish as a nation'. Again, cheers responded.

After the airport, the President of the FRD arrived at a meeting with several businesspeople and Kurageri celebrities, from sports stars to singers, where he gave a speech to the assembled congress on the 'necessity of investment in Kurageri'. In his speech, Kilburg promised major trade and investment from Dorvik into the Dovani nation, including promises to give tax incentives to invest in Dovani and Kurageri in particular. 'This continent is filled to the brim with life and hard work, and these are the building blocks for a very bright future'. 'We can work together to build this very bright future, and increase development in Kurageri by 300% by 4400, doubling the economy and cutting unemployment to record lows', he promised, 'and the way we do this is by working with you and encouraging businesses to invest in Kurageri and to hire Kurageri workers when doing it'.

After this well-received speech, the next day President Bernard Kilburg went to meet the gathered parliament of Kurageri, where he gave yet another speech in the chamber. 'I will always stand by the less fortunate, and help make them great,' he says to nods in the room, 'and this visit is a symbol of how the west and the world's High Income Countries can invest in Dovani and Kurageri in particular in order to receive both a massive pay-back and improve living standards Terra-wide'. 'It all starts with trade and investment, and that is why Dorvik is proud to announce that it will be footing the bill for all rail construction in Kurageri for the next twenty years'. This line was received with much applause in the chamber, but Kilburg was quick to act humbly. 'I am no God, and this entire process requires hard work - but I can promise that with your help we can stand together as one Terra'.

After a private meeting with the President of Kurageri, in which they went into further detail on his rail plans, Kilburg then went sightseeing for a day. He visited the bustling market-places of Kuga, and the farmlands surrounding the city - as well as some of the local schools. At one particular school, he was asked by a child where Dorvik was. His response: 'Dorvik's over the ocean, but I'm planning on bringing it right here'. He also went to a hospital, where he met sufferers of diseases and conditions that are sadly all-too-common in Kurageri. Kilburg promised to bring much-needed medical investment to Kuga and Kurageri. As his trip draws to a close, we will have to wait and see if he makes good on his promises. Kilburg was 'deeply upset' by the sight of Kurageri's issues, but 'deeply motivated by the spirit and all-consuming glow of the local people'. Will this translate into a long-lasting partnership?
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