Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

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Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Sun May 14, 2023 9:10 am

Noah Kadiyot (Mediator), Head of the Medinat Department, State of Beiteynu

The State of Beiteynu invites the leaders of Majatra to participate in a conference in Yishelem, the capital city of Beiteynu, to engage in a discussion with the Beiteynuese Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards exploring the status and the future of the Majatran Economic Association (MEA) - or Majatran Association (MA) - and the Majatran Security Organisation (MSO). The goal of the conference is to increase clarity and understanding across the board on where each government and sovereign nation of the continent of Majatra stand in regards to the aforementioned organisations.

Diplomats from other continents are also welcome to join the conference as spectators, commentators and advisors, though their level of participation will be determined by the Medinat Department at the discretion of the conference's moderators, who will mediate the discussions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will of course cover all travel and accommodation expenses and logistics and offer foreign diplomats the highest protection level of the Sohnout Hashaet, which will coordinate with the security agents of each country directly.

OOC: I'm including 2 sides from Beiteynu, the impartial mediators to help drive the discussions based on the conference's goal and the actual participant from Beiteynu, who will of course be biased and focused on Beiteynu's interests. Just to clarify.


- Beiteynu - Noah Kadiyot, Head of the Medinat Department
- Beiteynu - Gabriel Schwartz, Permanent Representative to the World Congress


- Founding Document of the Majatran Security Organization (MSO)
- Majatran Security Cooperation Organisation Agreement (MSCO) NEW
- Establishment of the Majatran Economic Association

Participants: Direct Invite

- Beiteynu - Joseph Meaholit, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Pontesi - TBD
- Selucia - TBD
- Cildania - Mr Ġwakkin Degiovanni, Government Representative
- Kafuristan - Nazir Dufaz, Foreign Minister
- Istalia - Sara De Rose, Minister of Defense
- Solentia - TBD
- Kalopia - TBD
- Deltaria - Jarmil Zukal, Foreign Minister
- Jakania - Mr. İldemir Ağaoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Cobura - TBD
- Zardugal - Vespera Nazarido, Secretary of Foreign Affairs
- Vanuku - TBD
- Barmenistan - Abram Jezkar, Vizier for Foreign and Majatran Affairs

Partners: Open Invite

- Dorvik, MEA-Dorvik Treaty for Trade and Relations (TTR) - TBD
- Yingdala, Majatran Economic Association-Yingdala Trade Agreement - TBD

Observers: Open Invite


Observers are kindly advised to consult with the Medinat Department on Beiteynu's diplomatic stances towards their nations.
Last edited by TRA on Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:20 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Sun May 14, 2023 9:24 am

Ariel Navron Hashim (Participant), Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Beiteynu

Esteemed colleagues and grant leaders,

Our continent's history has been greatly marked in recent centuries by 2 significant organisations, which have offered unprecedented peace, unity and stability throughout the vastness and multiculturalism that so deeply characterises, and in times troubles, Majatra.

But as they lie dormant and at points neglected, it is important we take a step back and figure out how to move forward on the changing landscape of a Majatra that is more active and vested in its affairs, to continue to ensure the interests, stability and security for every single one of us.

The time has come for the State of Beiteynu to bring us together and assess the future of our continent, hoping that our fellow nations and governments recognise our country's 100-year track record of stability and activity in the international stage, from regional affairs in northwestern Majatra to global affairs across the further reaches of Terra through vehicles such as the World Congress, where we have continuously received the support of more than 19 nations.

Thus, we invite the leaders of Majatra to join us and freely and openly express their points of view, positions and suggestions, in a discussion that is only aimed - and is hoping to achieve - at providing clarity and understanding between every single of us and nothing more.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby Auditorii » Sun May 14, 2023 2:03 pm

Vespera Nazarido, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Zardic Federation

The Majatran Economic Association remains a much more passive than active organization. There has been a subtle revival in the organization, notably with the Zardic Federation's ascension to the MEA. It would be wise that we push to have the entire continent involved. As it stands right now: Beiteynu, Jakania, Kalopia, Deltaria and Selucia are not members. We would be supportive of calling for a new MEA Council and electing a new chairman for the organization and attempting to "revive" the organization which has largely remained dormant.

The Zardic Federation hosted the last Majatran Security Organization headquarters and should there be support, the Zardic Federation would be open to continuing to host the MSO and contributing to its revival as a whole. We believe it might require some alterations and updates, but overall the foundation is good.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Sun May 14, 2023 2:47 pm

Noah Kadiyot (Mediator), Head of the Medinat Department, State of Beiteynu

We welcome and recognise the representative from Zardugal. We appreciate the Zardic Federation sharing its knowledge, views, position and suggestions on both organisations, providing an on-point start to the discussions. We look forward to the arrival and commentary of the remaining leaders of Majatra.

For ease of access, we have included links to the associative treaties in the conference's bulletin.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby Drax » Sun May 14, 2023 5:36 pm

Kafuri Foreign Minister Nazir Duqaq:

Happy to attend this conference to see if one or both of MEA and MSO can become active again.

See you have mentioned MEA agreements with Yingdala and Dorvik. Both of these have had some updates. MEA also was original creator of Majatran Pharmaceutical Network (MPN) which still exists although as an independent non profit corporation.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Tue May 16, 2023 6:06 am

Noah Kadiyot (Mediator), Head of the Medinat Department, State of Beiteynu

We recognise and welcome the representative from Kafuristan. We have additionally received word that Deltaria will not be participating and will instead pursue its own avenue outside of these organisations. Furthermore, a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Istalia will be present.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Thu May 18, 2023 9:04 pm

Noah Kadiyot (Mediator), Head of the Medinat Department, State of Beiteynu

Seeing the lack of participation and interest in our discussions from the remaining leaders of Majatra, we will be tabling this conference for a future date.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:55 am

Joseph Meaholit (Participant), Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Beiteynu

While the State of Beiteynu is not yet ready to review the MEA, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense are interested in reviewing the MSO, considering our country's recent efforts in upgrading its military capability and the changing landscape of Beiteynuese foreign relations.

As it stands now - excluding Deltaria, considering its refusal to participate in the discussions and as it seems won't be pursuing its participation in the MSO - the members of the MSO are Pontesi, Selucia, Cildania, Istalia, Zardugal and Cobura. 3 of the MSO's members (Pontesi, Selucia and Istalia) are already our allies and partners. 4 if we consider Kafuristan, by taking the Kafuri representative's remarks into consideration regarding their openness in rejoining the MSO. We would also like to remark on the isolationist tendencies observed by Kalopia and Solentia, which might potentially hinder our efforts in reigniting the organisation. Badara has cut off diplomatic ties with the State of Beiteynu and our intelligence indicates that will not change anytime soon, a situation, which paired with the long-term fraudulent activities of our shipping sector in Solentia and the lack of any meaningful diplomatic channels, might pose a risk to us joining the MSO, as well.

Having said that, we are open to debating joining a Zardic led MSO, permitted that the Zardic Federation explores extending its relations with Yishelem.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby Drax » Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:30 pm

Kafuri Foreign Minister Nazir Duqaq

Reviving the MEA and MSO ate topics we think are worth pursuing and we appreciate Beiteyneuse Medinat reopening discussion of them.

In all honesty the situation is complex particularly with respect to the MEA which has had quite a history. Jamahiriat al-Qalb would certainly consider being a part of an MEA type organization but believe it should be kept quite simple in structure with narrow objectives.

With respect to the MSO, we are certainly open to rejoining it. We do think it would need leadership which might well have to come from nations other than the traditional Majatran leaders.
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Re: Beiteynu - Hashim Conference on the MEA (MA) & MSO

Postby TRA » Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:33 pm

Joseph Meaholit (Participant), Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Beiteynu

To the Kafuri representative: how do you mean "from nations other than the traditional Majatran leaders"? We are also pleased to let everyone know that Sara De Rose, Minister of Defense of Istalia, has informed us that they will seek to remain in the MSO as they find great value in the organisation's purpose.
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