Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

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Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Rogue » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:16 am

Bhavabhuti Sabanis, Foreign minister of the Vascanian Empire

Fellow representatives. We have gathered here today to discuss the future of the Vamaj Network. The Vascanian Empire is somewhat concerned about the longevity of the organization and is seeking to discuss ways in which we can reform it. It should remain a organization that drives global economies and strengthens the nation within. We would like to hear the opinions of others first before we give our own ideas on how to improve this so vital organization.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Mbites » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:20 am

Sien Leefers, Trade Minister of the Dual Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

While we appreciate the sentiment of reform, we do not think that working on the pillars of this network is necessary. The Dual Republic thinks that international networking campaigns and a shift in public image is the best way to go, maybe even use private sector networking opportunities as to not appear as forceful state entities imposing membership via diplomatic pressure. We'd also like to underline one point, international controversies and becoming entangled in them is not... a great way to represent the Vamaj as one of its key players.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Rogue » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:27 am

Bhavabhuti Sabanis, Foreign minister of the Vascanian Empire

We think the approach outlined by our Dual Republican friends is a good one, however we are a little confused with what Mr. Leefers means with international controversies and whether he aimed that comment at Vascania?
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Mbites » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:29 am

Sien Leefers, Trade Minister of the Dual Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

*Leefers looks to his worried aide* Our comment is, of course, to be understood generally. There is always a chance of diplomatic blunder, we just wanted our partners to keep this fact in mind.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 13, 2024 11:32 am

Joseph Benowitz, Chief Operating Officer, Hadayim

Esteemed dignitaries,

Hadayim and Yeudish shipping from across the world finds itself aligned with the position expressed by Mr. Leefers from our beloved Narikaton & Darnussia. The Vamaj Network is not an organisation, per se, but rather a web of commercial relations powered by producers and distributors from both the public and private domains. The network's framework is merely intended to be used by states seeking to empower these producers and distributors and nothing more.

As such, the network's influence and footprint is thus defined by the influence and footprint of those leveraging it in the first place.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Mbites » Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:38 pm

Sien Leefers, Trade Minister of the Dual Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

*The Trade Minister nods affirmatively* We thank the representative from Hadayim for their charming words about the Dual Republic and would like to add that we concur with their opinion. On another note we'd like to inquire if the Beiteynese delegation would be up for drinks after this.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:54 pm

Mbites wrote:Sien Leefers, Trade Minister of the Dual Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

*The Trade Minister nods affirmatively* We thank the representative from Hadayim for their charming words about the Dual Republic and would like to add that we concur with their opinion. On another note we'd like to inquire if the Beiteynese delegation would be up for drinks after this.

Joseph Benowitz, Chief Operating Officer, Hadayim

Mr. Leefers, I'm afraid I do not represent Beiteynu, per se.

[hint of a smile appears for a moment]
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Mbites » Fri Sep 13, 2024 2:56 pm

Sien Leefers, Trade Minister of the Dual Republic of Narikaton and Darnussia

*Leefers chuckles* Right. Excuse my obvious mistake.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Drax » Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:47 pm

President Gabrigel Lukacevic, Republika Deltarska:

I am here representing Republika Deltarska.
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Re: Kayal Island Conference: Discussing the future of Vamaj

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:52 pm

James Cleverhole, Plenipoteniary of His Majesty's Government in Kayal Island (Luthori)

Hearing the comments from Mr. Benowitz and Mr. Leefers, we must join their side, as stated, Vamaj isn't an organization, and is just here to facilitate oil trade without the risk of having some "rogue" state trying to take advantage of a situation to cause a world oil crisis.

As such, we do not think that any reform should be necessary. Although, we are open to hear some thoughts coming from Vascania.
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