The Imperial Commonwealth Summit of Nations

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The Imperial Commonwealth Summit of Nations

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:56 pm

Bekenial, Adelia, Commomwealth of Hutori

Royal Orange Hotel, Downtown Bekenial

At the call of Emperor Alexander I, the head of the House of Steuart-Carmichael, the First Summit of the Imperial Commonwealth of Nations, the luxurious and massive Royal Orange Hotel in Bekenial. Chosen for both luxury and size, it was believed to be the best choice for the first Summit.

Formal invitations were sent out to Hutori, as the host nation, Luthori and Mordusia, both further invitations also went out to Kirlawa and Alduria, two nations that had specifically hinted at joining, along with other nations that were historically ruled by the Rothingren-Traugotts, or in some way allied to the current ruling Royal Family. Both Viceroys of the Commonwealth nations, and their respective governments.
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Re: The Imperial Commonwealth Summit of Nations

Postby Cirith » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:00 pm

White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: The Imperial Commonwealth Summit of Nations

Postby Bachelot » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:06 am

Mordusian Foreign Minister arrives at summit

Henri Bachelot

Henri Bachelot, Mordusian Foreign Minister and Liberal Union leader, arrived at the summit this afternoon.

Bachelot is republican by conviction and opposed the installation of the monarchy in Mordusia, famously delivering a 5 hour speech in defence of republcanism during a debate on the monarchy bill.

However, for the purposes of this summit, none of that seems to matter now. Bachelot, who pledged not to oppose the monarchy after he lost the vote introducing it, is here to convey his nation's gratitude to Emperor Alexander and the Commonwealth for welcoming Mordusia into the fold.

Turning to more practical matters, Bachelot is also apparently desperate to persuade the Emperor to agree to formally open the Winter Olympics scheduled to take place in Mordusia's capital city, Rechtenburg, in 4390. He is hoping to come away from the summit with an announcement that the Emperor has consented, although whether this will happen or not remains to be seen. According to sources, some of the Emperor's advisor's are concerned that the Olympics might be marred by interruptions from far-right fringe activists, particularly the National Movement and its notorious chairman, Frederick Manningham-Buller. Valruzia, Istalia and other nations, as well as several renowned sporting dignitaries, have raised the prospect of boycotting the Olympics if they do not receive adequate assurance that this will not be allowed to happen.
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