Balgrad Summit (4911)

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Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:49 am

Marek Haušild, Foreign Minister of the FDSR

I hereby open the Balgrad Summit following the remarks of the general-secretary of the FDSR. We welcome Selucia and Narikaton and Darnussia and hope that Hobrazia and Keymon will also attend. We give the floor to the Selucian representatives to give their remarks on the current security situation in the region.
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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby Aquinas » Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:35 pm

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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:40 pm

I would like to thank Deltaria for hosting these, before I continue however, I will wait for the Selucians to take their place.

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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby Aethan » Thu Mar 25, 2021 11:46 pm

Image Hegio Cyamus Seneca, Consul of Selucia

Selucia is glad to be here. As we have explained many times, the Malivian government is an expert in disguising its actions to make it appear as if the bad guys are others.

On October 4531, Rajutti National Party leader Amish Padagavakar demanded his government to open talks with my nation in order to discuss "the return of the Malivy Islands" to them, because according to these ancient Gerajan scriptures, "the Malivy Islands", which supposedly comprised the entirety of modern-day Selucia, was once an integral part of the nation of Malivia, and that "as patriotic Malivians and devout Gerajans, we have a duty to restore our heritage and retake the Malivy Islands by one means or another". He went on to argue that Selucia's Religio Seluciana (OOC: Roman polytheism) is "a corruption of the Gerajan religion which was originally practised in those islands". (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1952&p=146570#p146570). At the time, Selucian Minister of Foreign Affairs Caumodia Pyrra, downplayed the statements of Padagavakar, but after the government of Rector Axia Cinna received information from the Selucian National Intelligence Agency my nation decided to break diplomatic relations with Malivia and declared State of Alarm, giving Malivian ambassador 24 hours to leave the country while also decreeing the prohibition of access to any citizen of Malivia to the nation,(viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1585&p=146586#p146733) following the official communication of the Malivian government declaring the annexation of the Selucian territory. Of our very own territory. It was at that time when Deltaria decided to give its support for Malivian claims, an action that was heavily critizised by the international community.

Next, on 4770, Malivia introduced the Greater Malivia Act, assuring that "Malivia has no plans for military aggression" and "Malivia will seek to bring about a Greater Malivia through peaceful and democratic means" (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1952&p=158976#p158976) but still claiming our lands as theirs.

And since then, we have reached this point. Make no mistake: Malivia is no saint. They sent their own citizens to our shores (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1952&p=147023#p147023), knowing that we would defend ourselves from any aggression, to once again try to be the victims. That's the kind of people who rule Malivia (viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1952&p=147221#p147221).

We had to overcome economic blockades imposed on our nation by other countries that decided to accept Malivia's unfounded declarations as valid, and we overcome them. We are not spiteful, but we remember. We remember those who were by our side and those who turned their backs on us and did not even ask for forgiveness later. That Malivia tries to pretend that they simply want what is hers, and that they do not intend to carry out any military action or take anything by force is simply a lie. They won't stop until they get what they want, be that as it may. They violated our national sovereignty once, they put us in the crosshairs of others, they launched falsehoods on us. And again.

Let no one expect anything from Selucia other than firm and total opposition to a crude historical manipulation based on a piece of paper without any historical value and disdained by any prestigious historian.
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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:44 pm

I concur with the Selucian Consul. Malivia's actions have been outrageous and it continues to baffle me that the response from the international community has been mixed. How can the World Congress stand by and actually ask for a compromise. I'm sure the Selucians will agree with that our independence is non-negotiable. Our representative in the General Assembly have already presented a case as to why these claims are baseless and wrong. We have so far received no answer. We however truely believe that diplomacy has to be the solution, but that will be decided in this conference.

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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:46 pm

Marek Haušild, Foreign Minister of the FDSR

We have followed the situation closely with our intelligence agencies monitoring since last year. Deltaria has in the past backed Malivian claims, under the condition that they would never push their claims militarily. We are however alarmed by the Vascanian decision to create a permanent military presence in Malivia, seemingly backing up Malivian claims with military force. Deltaria has now recognized the sovereignty of Malivian neighbours and is ready to act in order to preserve the stability and integrity of the region.

Our Foreign Ministry has already took note of the Malivian Containment Act. Due to practical reasons Deltaria cannot join this committment. We do however have a different proposal, which would be sensitive to most of you but regardless we would like to propose it. Deltaria is willing to send military advisors to all neighbouring states of Malivia to train and advice your Armed Forces. Furthermore, Deltaria is willing to send a squadron of interceptor aircraft to Selucia to be stationed on a Selucian airfield and be under join Deltarian-Selucian command, this to also monitor and defend Selucian airspace. In addition Deltaria could sign a agreement with Selucia and the confederacy, possibly Keymon if they attend this Summit, to allow for the refueling and temporary stationing of Deltarian submarines in military ports, allowing Deltarian submarines to periodically patrol the seas surrounding your countries, further enhancing the defensive cordon surrounding you.

This proposal would not hand Deltaria basing rights, nor would create bases on your territory. Instead Deltaria would use existing facilities under your jurisdiction to further enhance security in the region and ensure that not only Malivia is contained within its territorial waters, but the Vascanian armed forces are also contained and can only on certain occasions venture out. We would like to hear your responses.
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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby jellybean » Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:28 pm

Image A letter from Eduard Maisuradze, Special Advisor on Hobrazian-Malivian Relations

To the honorable representatives at the Balgrad Summit,

You have surely noticed Hobrazia's absence at this summit. Our absence is not due to any lack of inclusion - the Deltarian representatives did invite us to this conference but, as we told them, we did not believe that Hobrazia's involvement would be appropriate. Deltaria's only prior involvement with the Malivia question was to threaten Hobrazia with military support for Malivia, making us extremely distrustful of Deltaria's motives. We had decided to remain silent and not attempt to influence other nations' diplomacy - however, we must break our silence after Mr. Hausild's offer.

Hobrazia believes that Deltaria's intention to become militarily involved in Narikaton & Darnussia, Selucia, and Keymon is simply a bid to expand Deltarian influence. We recommend against playing into this opportunism, and Hobrazia will certainly not authorize any Deltarian military presence in our own nation. Such a step is unlikely to yield any positive benefits for our nation.

Hobrazia has offered before to host a defense conference in Astoria, and Keymon has also offered to host such a conference in Portu Cinceratzo. We believe that a conference in either location would be far more appropriate, and would empower our nations to pursue our own destinies under our own power, in free association with those nations who have always stood at our side and against Malivian aggression. In the meantime, we are hopeful that the Malivian Containment Pact - which we urge our supporters in the international community to join - will provide for a meaningful check on Malivia's continued baseless claims, and we are further hopeful that the Emperor Chandragupta's assassination may lead us to a more favorable resolution of this situation. Should our hopes fail and Malivia continue to assert her domination, then we will call for a convention at either Astoria or Portu Cinceratzo, and we will encourage our compatriots in Narikaton & Darnussia, Selucia, and Keymon to join us there. In the meantime, we urge you to see Deltaria's imperialistic ambitions for what they are, and to not replace one aggressor with another.
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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:57 pm

Marek Haušild, Foreign Minister of the FDSR

We are glad the Hobrazian representative has arrived. We must however correct some falsehoods in his statements. As our proposal suggest, Deltaria will not in any way gain territory, bases or influence through the proposed agreement. In fact, we are offering one of our interceptor squadrons to be jointly commanded by Selucian and Deltarian command. Furthermore out intentions are more then clear as we have publicly condemned Malivia and have recognized the sovereignty of all nations involved in the situation, including Hobrazia.

While we can understand some sceptiscism towards our proposal due to the history of previous Deltarian governments, we can assure the governments of Selucia, the confederacy, Hobrazia and Keymon that we do in no way intend to infiltrate the sovereignty of any nation involved. As previously noted, Deltaria has stayed silent on the dispute this time until Vascania involved itself. We believe that by a combined effort of the Malivian neighbours and Deltaria we can contain the situation before it may escalate.
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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 4:29 am

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Re: Balgrad Summit (4911)

Postby NuclearGandhi69 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:50 pm

I do not believe Deltarian Submarines patrolling the sea around Malivia will help solve the Crisis. I strongly believe that there should be less military troops and equipment coming into the region and instead a focus on Diplomacy be taken. It will be Narik people who will suffer, it will be Malivians and Selucuians who will die if tensions continue to rise and more military equipment is poured into the region. Therefore I oppose the Deltarian Proposal.

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