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Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:38 pm
by Vidoja
Nikola Mandaric consults with the LP Infrastructure and Transport Expert

Nikola Mandaric, the creator of the Telamonian Modern Infrastructure & Transport system

Nikola Mandaric met in Port Andalay with the Liberal Party's Infrastructure and Transport Expert. He explained which system the Lodamese Union currently uses, and made parallels with the Telamonian one. Mandaric is known as the creator of modern-day IT system, which is currently being continued by Stefan Barna, also an RRP member. "I found out a new technique of bridge-making, making it both economical and highly practical. Lodamun had the best IT system in the Northern Hemisphere but it is currently not in its full glory. I found out this was because of the current IT minister."

Lodamese roads today

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:31 am
by Mr.Yankees
OOC: I apologize for being late to the RP. I am taking a couple of days off from work and I will follow this more closely. The following will be adding to what you have already posted, Vidoja, plus adding a follow up. Should be fun.

Mr. Krkljus greeted by Chairman Forest upon arrival. Talks are short but deemed fruitful so far.

Days before his arrival, Mr. Krkljus was informed by his staff that he wasn't going to be able to use his usual airplane when visiting Lodamun. Mr. Krkljus' assistant received special instructions from the Liberal Party Chairman's Office to fly on a jet chartered by the Liberal Party. This, in part, do to the fact that the visit was deemed unofficial.

Even though controversy arose after Mr. Krkljus' visit was announced by the Liberal Party, the party leaders stood steadfast and did not allow the opposition and cabinet members to block Mr. Krkljus. This visit was not only essential for the relations between Telamon and Lodamun, it was also the first visit by a Telamese official in decades. Such lapse in direct communication had not been seen since the late 27th century, early 28th century.

Minutes after his arrival to the Andalay International Airport, Mr. Krkljus was greeted in the airport's main lobby by Chairman Forest, Regional Chairman of Andalay, and his staff.

Chairman Forest was most delighted after being offered such grandiose opportunity. He was a staunch internationalist, after all.

Mr. Forest and his staff briefly exchanged handshakes and pleasantries with Mr. Krkljus and his staff. Soon after, they were all instructed by the security detail to board the limousine waiting outside. This limousine was specially designed for the personal use of the National Chairman and great men and women had sat inside before. Such history gave it the best of illusions to an unsuspecting visitor though the machine itself was in splendid form.

The press was kept a few dozens feet away. Though they were allowed to take pictures, no questions were answered.

In the limousine, Chairman Forest and Mr. Krkljus had a little more time to speak their minds freely. Mr. Forest quickly explained to Mr. Krkljus that the situation in Lodamun was difficult. Political strife had stricken the nation for decades now and that Parliament remains very divided. He mentioned that though the Liberal Party had a clear favorability by the people, the results did not show so. He even hinted at a possibility of election fraud though he did not mention so directly.

Before proceeding to the National Headquarters of the Liberal Party, two scheduled stops were made.

The first was at the Grand Plaza. The Grand Plaza houses the Parliament's building, the Independence statue, and several other important historical locations and museums. The plaza also housed several churches. Most edifices at the plaza dates back to the 21st century.

Security was tight, to say the least. The security personnel of the Liberal Party established very strict perimeters around these such important men and women. However, both Mr. Forest and Mr. Krkljus took the time to reach to those walking by and greeting them. Reporters were allowed to follow them around but were required to keep a certain distance. More than fifty reporters crowded around these men and it certainly made for an interesting sight.

Soon after exiting the limousine, Mr. Forest courteously provided a tour for Mr. Krkljus. They strolled around the Plaza for a couple of minutes and even though the commotion to the sight of such important figure (Mr. Krkljus) was certainly great, they made their way to the step of Parliament. Mr. Forest explained to Mr. Krkljus:

"This is where we make enemies, Mr. Krkljus" he chuckled. "This building you see here has been the location of Parliament for many, many years. Everyday, people come and go but at the end, nothing is done for our people. This is the building where those who decided to abolish the Republic work. But fortunately for the people of Lodamun, this building also houses the offices of good men and women who have dedicated their lives to improve the lives of our citizens. It is a shame we don't have more people like them. We did once and everything went smoothly and our country prospered and our people prospered. But now, all of that is gone. It is very sad."

The two men stood there exchanging words while the reporters took pictures and recorded them with gigantic cameras which emanated a distinctive amount of light. Though uncomfortable, it was beneficial as night was setting in at Port Andalay.

Soon after, both men and their respective staff and other invitees walked towards the Independence Statue. To this, Mr. Forest only said: "Mr. Krkljus, this is the most important place for Lodamun. Here we have cried for our dead brothers and sisters, here we celebrated our victories. Nothing will ever surpass the significance of this monument."

Mr. Forest then proceeded to show Mr. Krkljus and those accompanying the Remembrance Book. This massive book allowed all the visitors to sign their name to express their respect to those who have fallen defending Lodamun's freedom and way of life.

By the time Mr. Krkljus was able to enter the Orthodox Church of St. Djordje, night had set its dark coat over the sky. After nearly twenty minutes at the church, Mr. Krkljus, his staff, and the other visitors each walked to their respective car/limousine and headed to the second scheduled stop: The former Presidential Palace.

The caravan reached the Palace by 6:30pm. Everyone stepped out, closely guarded by the Liberal Party's security personnel (Mr. Krkljus had been asked by Chairman Johnson not to come with his security detail given the situation surrounding his visit---not a state visit); reporters followed every step closely behind.

Mr. Forest gave the Foreign Affairs Minister a rather lengthy explanation of the Palace's past and present history. Chairman Forest was widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable historians of the Andalay Republic.

While both men walked side by side, Mr. Krkljus was recorded saying: "Pity I cannot go to this building, I am on a mission of peace, but it only sounds that one part of the Lodamese Union wants peace and good relations with Telamon."

After walking around the Palace for a few minutes both men were instructed to step in their vehicles to head to the Liberal Party's headquarters. Shortly after stepping into their limousine, Mr. Forest asked Mr. Krkljus: "So, what did you think of the Palace very powerful men and women once called "home"?

While the caravan made its way to the National Headquarters of the Liberal Party, reporters gathered in the news room awaiting for a brief statement by the Special Assistant to the National Chairman for Media Relation, Ms. Jean Callaway.

After confirmation of the caravan's departure from the Palace, Ms. Callaway entered the news room and issued a brief statement and answered a couple of questions.

"Thank you for being here, ladies and gentlemen. OK, here's the schedule we have so far. Please, keep in mind that this is not a completed schedule and as soon as we have more information, we will definitely let you know.

Today, Mr. Krkljus will meet with Mrs. Johnson briefly and then both will eat dinner. Tomorrow, Mr. Krkljus will meet with Mrs. Johnson, former Finance Minister Rose Kynes, and former Chairman Gregory Kynes II for the beginning of the discussions. While we do not have a set topic to discuss, the Chairman as assured me that everything pertinent will be discussed while Mr. Krkljus is visiting our country but the discussion will clearly focus on Telamon relationship with Lodamun.

Several other officials from the party will meet with the other visitors to hold similar discussions.

That's all I have for now. I will now take two questions."

George Hulls from LCN (Lodamese Cable News): "Ms. Callaway, is Minister Krkljus going to receive protection from the Liberal Party's security personnel while visiting the country?"

Ms. Callaway: "As you have said before: Minister Krkljus will receive the best protection possible. I will remind you that the men and women coordinating our security served on various Presidential details?"

Kyle Verone: "Does the Chairman intend to reach any deal with Minister Krkljus?"

Ms. Callaway: "Obviously, I can't foresee the results of this discussions. What I can tell you is that our goal here is to improve our relations with Telamon and provide a forum for discussion. Thank you all."

Chairman Johnson awaited in her office for the arrival of Mr. Krkljus. She was patiently reviewing the last draft for her major speech the next day. During this major gathering sponsored by the Liberal Party, several keynote speakers were making an appearance, including Mr. Krkljus, former Finance Minister, Ms. Rose Kynes, and former Defense Minister, Mr. Matt Lincoln.

More to come later...(OOC: Vidoja, feel free to step in wherever you like)

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:14 am
by Steven
Embassies require registration, but embassies are organizations of national representative to one Nation. Vojislav Krkljus IS in Lodamun by the invitation of the Liberal Party. Only law that can be applied is the law of border control, which is currently not strict. He has currently nothing to do with the acting Government, and he only attends talks with the Liberal Party. IGNORING....

Currently: The powers of the police are not restricted

OOC: You have been arrested and deported under the orders of the government. Please stop god modding now. I have already talked to a mod about this and he is in agreement with me.

Krkljus Released and Deported!

Port Andalay, Lodamun - Foreign Minister John Stevenson and Justice Minister Lee Johnson have agreed to release Foreign Minister of Tealmon, Krkljus, and he has been deported and banned from Lodamun and carrying out any further Diplomatic Relations with the Divine Majesties Government of the Lodamese Union.

The Foreign Minister, John Stevenson, has now issued a statement that all Diplomatic discussions will take place between the President of Telamon until a time when they have a new Foreign Minister.

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:44 am
by Mr.Yankees
OOC: Vidoja, as you know, no one can arrest your character without your authorization no matter what the laws of the country are at any given time. That says enough, I would think. I will gladly continue to RP this if you'd like. In order to eliminate all this OOC commenting, I will send you via forum PM an idea as to how we can continue to RP this.

Check your forum PM, please. :)

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:11 am
by Steven
Mr.Yankees wrote:OOC: Vidoja, as you know, no one can arrest your character without your authorization no matter what the laws of the country are at any given time. That says enough, I would think. I will gladly continue to RP this if you'd like. In order to eliminate all this OOC commenting, I will send you via forum PM an idea as to how we can continue to RP this.

Check your forum PM, please. :)

That isnt true. We can't harm his character or kill him but we are allowed to arrest and deport him. I talked to a fucking mod about this so stop acting like a complete moron for once. He refuses to cooperate with the government and ignores our requests so we had no choice to arrest/deport him without his consent. That happens when you are dealing with fucking retards who dont know how to roleplay.

Speak sincerely and frankly and tell him he's wrong, he never arrived in Lodamun and if he did, he has to agree that he was in fact arrested and then deported. Game mechanics first.

A mod messaged me that. So, like I said learn to roleplay. :lol:

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:21 am
by Darvian
And as I just explained to you Steven, you are failing to read the key phrases in what you've selectively quoted from my message. I did not say you could arrest or take control of another persons character, of course you CAN NOT. Read my PM to you where I explain and highlight the two big and obvious problems with your misrepresentation of my comments.

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:23 am
by Steven
Darvian wrote:And as I just explained to you Steven, you are failing to read the key phrases in what you've selectively quoted from my message. I did not say you could arrest or take control of another persons character, of course you CAN NOT. Read my PM to you where I explain and highlight the two big and obvious problems with your misrepresentation of my comments.

Who said I am taking control of his character. Last time I checked the players in Lodamun told him the rules of the nation. The powers of police are not restricted and the government is in agreement that his character should be arrested and deported. We wanted to roleplay that but he refuses to cooperate. And I will continue to post that he has been deported in every topic/thread he makes untill he accepts that fact.

Krkljus Released and Deported!

Port Andalay, Lodamun - Foreign Minister John Stevenson and Justice Minister Lee Johnson have agreed to release Foreign Minister of Tealmon, Krkljus, and he has been deported and banned from Lodamun and carrying out any further Diplomatic Relations with the Divine Majesties Government of the Lodamese Union.

The Foreign Minister, John Stevenson, has now issued a statement that all Diplomatic discussions will take place between the President of Telamon until a time when they have a new Foreign Minister.

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:29 am
by Mr.Yankees
I will quote Vidoja's own statement here as it very clearly and concisely explains this:

Vidoja wrote:
YankeeHater wrote:Krkljus Arrested outside Andalay Palace

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- Telamon's Foreign Minister miscalculated as he strolled outside Andalay Palace, home of Divine Majesty Diggory, followed by international media. Footage obtained by the Lodamese Broadcasting Corporation shows Vojislav Krkljus saying "Pity I cannot go to this building, I am on a mission of peace..." when Royal Guards approached and placed him under arrest for trespassing. Charles J. Moody, Commander of the Royal Guards, said charges of trespassing were dropped, but that Mr. Krkljus will be detained for further questioning while the Justice Ministry considers charges of espionage and conducting diplomacy without credentials.

OOC: RP rules breach. Please, I just noted that he said that when passing by, and he later on went to the object of the Liberal Party. He did not stop there. Please try to be coherent. Ignoring...

Vidoja: Seen that this thread has been clearly cluttered with OOC messages (by everyone involved, to be fair), would you mind creating another one and should each copy and paste our posts? I can barely follow the timeline anymore. Thanks.

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:32 am
by Steven
Mr.Yankees wrote:I will quote Vidoja's own statement here as it very clearly and concisely explains this:

Vidoja wrote:
YankeeHater wrote:Krkljus Arrested outside Andalay Palace

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- Telamon's Foreign Minister miscalculated as he strolled outside Andalay Palace, home of Divine Majesty Diggory, followed by international media. Footage obtained by the Lodamese Broadcasting Corporation shows Vojislav Krkljus saying "Pity I cannot go to this building, I am on a mission of peace..." when Royal Guards approached and placed him under arrest for trespassing. Charles J. Moody, Commander of the Royal Guards, said charges of trespassing were dropped, but that Mr. Krkljus will be detained for further questioning while the Justice Ministry considers charges of espionage and conducting diplomacy without credentials.

OOC: RP rules breach. Please, I just noted that he said that when passing by, and he later on went to the object of the Liberal Party. He did not stop there. Please try to be coherent. Ignoring...

Vidoja: Seen that this thread has been clearly cluttered with OOC messages (by everyone involved, to be fair), would you mind creating another one and should each copy and paste our posts? I can barely follow the timeline anymore. Thanks.

Hmm, did your whore of a mother drop you as a child?

Krkljus Arrested outside Andalay Palace

PORT ANDALAY, ANDALAY (LBC) -- Telamon's Foreign Minister miscalculated as he strolled outside Andalay Palace, home of Divine Majesty Diggory, followed by international media. Footage obtained by the Lodamese Broadcasting Corporation shows Vojislav Krkljus saying "Pity I cannot go to this building, I am on a mission of peace..." when Royal Guards approached and placed him under arrest for trespassing. Charles J. Moody, Commander of the Royal Guards, said charges of trespassing were dropped, but that Mr. Krkljus will be detained for further questioning while the Justice Ministry considers charges of espionage and conducting diplomacy without credentials.

Re: Vojislav Krkljus (FA Minister of Telamon) visits Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:47 pm
by Vidoja
OOC: I will copy all my posts to another topic, and you Yankee do the same.