General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby rep » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:44 am

The Commonwealth of Rutania can also support the nomination of Mr. Aramil H. Thamion III. However we would like to know more about him and his projects, beacuse we are considering to nominate eventually a Rutanian candidate.

Veronica Mayday,
Official Representative of Rutania
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby Rumbold90 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:56 am

The Delegation from the Archduchy of Vorona supports the nomination of Mr. Aramil H. Thamion III.

Dame Christa Baggesen, VGS
Deputy Minister of Foriegn Affairs
Voronan Ambassador to the UNT
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby Mr.Yankees » Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:46 am

"Since there are not other candidates, Mr. Aramil H. Thamion III is hereby named the first General Secretary of the United Nations of Terra. Congratulations, sir.

Since we have gone over the agenda as announced, the floor is now open to all the delegates to speak. Delegates are free to propose resolutions to the General Assembly for consideration. After all debates on all the resolutions have finished, we will proceed to the voting phase for each of the resolutions.

Any issues or concerns may be discussed.

Thank you."

Elizabeth Kynes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United Republics of Lodamun

OOC: I apologize for the delay on this, I have and still am busy but you guys are free to debate anything you want.
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby YankeeHater » Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:29 am

I ask the United Nations to consider sanctions against the United Republics of Lodamun. The governing party in that nation has taken actions anithetical to democratic values by calling elections at every available opportunity to undercut opposition parties.
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby rep » Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:00 pm

The Commonwealth of Rutania believes that no international organization should intervene in the every-day political issues of its member-states. Thus, I do not think that the political frustrations of national parties constitute an interest for the UNT. Besides a party that advocates against its own nation cannot be considered trustworthy.

Consequently, Rutania proposes the following resolution: "The United Nations of Terra does not intervene in any way into the ordinary domestic life of the member-states. However the UNT maintains the right to intervene in extraordinary situations: crimes agains peace and humanity. In such cases the International Court of Justice may require the Security Council to draft a resolution on the current issue. The General Assembly must agree with this resolution. Proper measures can be done only after fulfilling these criterias."

What is the opinion of our fellow-members? I think that this resolution would protect the sovereignty of every state but also giving a certain area of action for the UNT.

Veronica Mayday,
Official Reprsentative of the Commonwealth of Rutania
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby Rumbold90 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:00 pm

"We would have to disagree with the honorable delegation from the Commonwealth of Rutania. Sanctions are an important and effective way of telling rouge, oppressive or violent nations that the international community does not agree with the politices of the target nation. However, we would like to know more about the accusations of the Honorable Gentleman from Lodamun. Perhaps an independent investigative team could be created to look into this matter?

The Archduchy of Vorona would strongly support any resoultion condeming the violent and deceptive actions of Nova Terra."

Dame Christa Baggesen, VGS
Deputy Minister of Foriegn Affairs
Voronan Ambassador to the UNT
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby first » Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:48 pm

As the representative from a nation that has been taken over by Nova Terra we are indeed scared of what can happen. We feel that this allegation however is not worthy of the UNT. The government of Lodamun has every right to call elections, and calling elections does give the opposition a chance to win. The people of Lodamun obviously believe and trust the present government to maintain it.

We would request however as the current representative for Hobrazia that a close eye is kept on our own nation, we believe that lives may be in danger by a new authoritarian governement. Following this i will probably be removed from my position by this very government for speaking out and being a member of the First Party of Hobrazia which in their eyes is an enemy of the state since they took power.

I hope and pray that peace can be maintained and that needless death in my homeland can be avoided.
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby bucsfan47 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:07 pm

The delegation from Zardugal calls for immediate condemnation of Nova Terra by the UNT.

Proposed: Nova Terra and its affiliates be officially recognized as a terrorist organization. All nations which publicly support Nova Terra (Hobrazia and others to be determined) should face economic sanctions.

Our proof that Nova Terra and its affiliates are terrorists:

Terrorist Attacks Undertaken by Nova Terra and its' proxy Nova Loda:

1. Attack against the URLS Andalay of the Lodamun's 1st Fleet
2. A car bomb was drove into the United Nations building causing extensive damage and killing construction workers. Nova Loda has claimed responsibility.
3. A car bomb has been detonated near the Lodamese legislature. Casualties are unknown. Nova Loda has claimed responsibility.
4. A car bomb has been detonated near the NATO headquarters. Casualties are unknown. Nova Loda has claimed responsibility.
5. A massive explosion occurred at the largest oil import facilities in Lodamun in Port Andalay. The explosion was massive enough to cause over half of the city to lose electricity. Sixteen are reported dead, with other casualties unknown. Nova Loda has claimed responsibility.

We can not allow this type of behavior to go unpunished, we must let people know that this type of behavior will not be accepted by the international community.

Chancellor Bruce Kent
Federation of Zardugal
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby YankeeHater » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:51 pm

Truly the attack upon the UNT by Nova Terra is deserving of condemnation, however so are the actions of the Lodamese government. The terrorist elements responsible for the attacks informed Terra why these attacks took place, because opposition forces are not allowed to challenge government authority via normal means. No proposals (except budgets passed with Liberal votes only) have passed in many years because snap elections are called before measures proposed can be voted upon.

Recent early election motions include:
April 2737
November 2737
August 2738
May 2739
December 2739
June 2740
April 2741
November 2741
May 2742
December 2742
May 2743
December 2743
June 2744

I urge the interntional community to investigate this cause of terrorism in Lodamun - Dictatorship - alongside the growing threat of Lodamese terrorism against this chamber.

Matt Diggory,
Chairman of the United Republics Party (Lodamun)
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Re: General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations of Terra 2740

Postby Darvian » Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:13 pm

It was quite an honor to be the first Secretary General of the U.N. the elderly diplomat from Zardugal thought to himself throughout the preceding. It wouldn't be an easy job, herding the cats but, someone had to do it and if anyone could do it, it was the seasoned diplomat from Majatran.

"On the question of the United Republics of Lodamun, I see no tangible reasons to allow such a measure to go forward or any resolution drafted by this organization. The domestic elections of a signatory nation is not the business of this council when they have been arranged in a fair and timely manner. If the delegation from Lodamun feels that what the current government of Lodamun is doing is in someway a violation of any domestic or international law; I place the burden of proof upon the opposition member of the United Republics of Lodamun. Given that this issue has reached the floor, I ask the opposition party of Lodamun to state whether or not his government has entered into fair negotiations with the members of the opposition?"

"Further on this point and so recognizing the Ambassadors from Rutania and Vorona, this body does have the power to issue economic and diplomatic sanctions against nations. The charter of the United Nations makes this perfectly clear under Article 41. As well Article 42 calls for the use of arms in extraordinary situations. This body as a whole does have the capacity to intervene in the domestic affairs of member-states should such events come to this floor and resolutions be passed that require as such. Any such actions are to be undertaken on a case by case basis pending the review of the Security-Council and in some cases a vote may be required of the General Assembly depending on the situation. This process is outlined within the charter clearly. The floor recognizes the resolution put forward by the Ambassador of Rutania but, such a resolution is already clearly defined in numerous bylaws of the charter of the U.N."

"The Ambassador from Hobrazia is recognized..." The General-Secretary had been aware of the crisis looming in Hobrazia and was not shocked at all to hear it brought up at once. Allowing the First Party of Hobrazia to speak General-Secretary Thamion rose from his chair, no sooner had he did the Ambassador from Zardugal step-forward. The General-Secretary took his seat once more. "On the issue of Hobrazia and Nova Terra, in light of the reports from the Ambassadors from Horbrazia and Zardugal that the issue should be taken before the Security Council of the U.N. In accordance with Article 12 section 1 of the U.N. Charter the issue of Nova Terra and the events in Horbrazia shall be given a full review by the U.N. Security Council. Per the guidelines in this bodies charter, this meeting of the Security Council shall convene to discuss and iron out any considerations in respect to the situations outlined above."

"I shall call for a special session of the Security-Council to convene tomorrow to discuss the questions involving Nova Terra and Horbrazia and any other issues which might come up during this first meeting of the General Assembly. I shall remind all present that it is the right and duty of every Ambassador to contribute evidence or information that may help in serving the functions of this body. While I am about to call for an emergency session of the Security Council does not mean that all issues relating to Hobrazia and Nova Terra are to be silenced. Any further information, reports and requests shall still be heard on the floor. So said, the Security Council shall convene tomorrow in a special session." General-Secretary Thamion seized the gavel in his hand and slammed it down against the rostrum. "The floor is open..."

Edit OOC: YankeeHater, you posted while I was-my questions still remain valid and I will come back to you with the points brought up. I'd urge all Ambassadors here to await for the sake of consistency and continuity. Otherwise my postings as General-Secretary will get confusing as all get-out. Also, it wouldn't hurt for us all to re-read the U.N. charter; as I have been this morning. Yeah it's a long read but, we've got to keep some type of order here and I'm doing my best. Thanks.
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