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Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:19 am
by Mr.Yankees
Emunim wrote:OOC: I posted a vote under the assumption this meeting was taking place in 2755 and so it would still be me in control of foreign affairs, as that seemed to be the precedent set after the business with the two ambassadors from Hobrazia. If we're taking it the date as being when the vote was started (and in my opinion that's probably a better systems so long as it is stuck to from now on) then the Labour Party's vote should be counted.

OOC: Well, it would be kind of a stretch to say the voting started 5 years later. What we are currently doing is working behind schedule. Basically, the meting is supposed to have started in 2755 but we will discuss current matters if they are important. The game time just goes too fast for us to keep up with. Since the first vote was legal when it was posted, it is only realistic to go with that one.

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 6:11 am
by Mr.Yankees
OOC: I think we have given enough time for this.

IC: The voting phase of the selection of the Secretary General has now concluded. The results are the following:

Mr. Henry Cusanus- eight votes
Mr. Stepan Belosnezhek- six votes

The new Secretary General of the United Nations of Terra is Mr. Henry Cusanus. Congratulations Mr. Cusanus! The Secretary General-elect will be sworn in before this session of the General Assembly tomorrow at 10:00am local time.

I ask all the members of the United Nations to stand up and join in me in congratulating Mr. Henry Cusanus for becoming our next Secretary General(*Stands up and starts applauding*).

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 10:45 am
by Opakidabar
No applause from Triguniyan delegation.
Mr Stepan Belosnezhek in following press conference made a statement:
"It is my pleasure to see there are 6 wise nations in the UNT organization!"
- Wouldn't you congratulate the new Secretary-General?
"No, but I congratulate the organization for it will enjoy a lot of political lectures by very good professor in years to come."
- Your future plans?
"Life will tell you. Thank you ladies and gentlemen!"
Stepan Belosnezhek commenting events at Secretary-General elections

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:03 pm
by rep
Mr. Henry Cusanus stood up.

"It is an extremely great honour that I was elected the Secretary General of this prestigious organization. I thank for the trust of the nations who vote me. I hope will not cause disappointment. I also appreciate the opinion of those nations who voted for Mr. Belosnezhek. I hope I will manage to cause a positive surprise for them.
I promise that I will do my best to strengthen the UNT and the cooperation among its members. I know that the moment is happy for me, but this should not influence the working of this assembly. I thank Mr. Kynes for leading the meetings in the absence of a Secretary General, his work is highly appreciated. I will save him from this duty, now.
Honourable Ambassadors, let us work now! The next points on our agenda are the reports from the DICs investigating the Hobrazian Imperium and the United Republics of Lodamun. I would like to ask the chairmen of these committes or a present member to present the results of their valuable work."

Secretary General Henry Cusanus stood down and started to read some partial reports from the two DICs.

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:24 am
by Mr.Yankees
*Mr. Kynes turned on his microphone shortly after the Secretary General finished speaking*

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Lodamun is very concerned with the impartiality and investigation techniques used by some of the members of the DIC. While I realize that this is not the proper place to discuss that, I would like to express Lodamun's dissatisfaction with the investigations. It has even yet to yield any results. Our concern centers mainly on the objectivity of such reports and we ask the members to read between the lines when you hear the some of them are lacking, as previously stated, objectivity.

Lodamun will take these concerns straight to the Security Council to be properly debated.

Thank you."

*Mr. Kynes turned off his microphone, leaned over to one of his assistants and asked for a drink*

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 11:58 am
by YankeeHater
How can Mr. Kynes question the objectivity of reports still unseen?

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:30 pm
by rep
Ladies and Gentlemen! Keep our calm! And wait for the reports to be presented.

I ask the Guards to lead out the last speaker because he is not entitled to be here!

Henry Cusanus,
Secretary General, UNT

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:01 pm
by rep
Veronica Mayday, the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Rutania, stood up with deeply concerned expression

"Honourable Ambassadors,
A significant crowd is protesting in front of the UNT headquarters. They are demanding the reports from the DICs. Both commissions were headed by Vorona, therefore it would be the duty of the Voronan representative to present the reports.

I participated in the work of the DIC Hobrazia, and I have to confess that our work was a failure. Not because we did not find evidences, but the representatives of Kafuristan and Barmenia blocked the activity of investigations. Rutania presented a report to the DIC but it was rejected. Would anybody from this honourable assembly request to present the Rutanian report?

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:25 pm
by Mr.Yankees
With all due respect to Ms. Mayday, we cannot succumb to a few protesters who wish to disrupt our activities. Yes, we wish those reports could be released as soon as possible but it has to be on our time frame, when we, the members of this organization, so desire.

I think it would be most appropriate that the Security Council re-authorizes new investigations with new members. I will personally take this up to the Security Council as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Mark Kynes
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador to the UNT
United Republics of Lodamun

Re: UNT General Assembly Meeting of May 2755

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:04 pm
by rep
I am completely aware that we cannot act under the pressure of some protesters and share the views of Mr. Kynes, I merely took the opportunity of reflecting on the issue.
And I completely support the proposal to start new investigations.

Veronica Mayday