South Majatra Confrence

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

South Majatra Confrence

Postby kylejenkins27 » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 pm

"I would like to welcome all the leaders here today to the City of Naban. We have chosen to host this confrence here because of the signifigance of this city, Deltaria moved our Capitol to Naban several years ago reduce the risk of the capitol being taken out in a conflict with the MU or more specificaly Jelbania, so you see the city of Naban is one that has been utterly remade in the wake of the standoff surronding the MU. We have all gathered here to find some coherency and to reduce tensions in the region, so I would like to first bring up the elephant in the room the Majatran Union. The MU has been a source of great pride and great controversy in the region. Some nations have cheered at the Pan-Majatranist movement while others such as my own and Cobura as well as others throughout Terra have rallied against it. The stand off between the MU and those against them has led to a rise of militarism and authoritarinsm in the region. The costly arms buildup that is still continued by Jelbania serves no purpose but to spread fear and increase the destruction should conflict arise. This standoff has lasted to long, Deltaria seeks compromise to mend the wounds that years of conflict have dealt the region. We must end the attacks against one another, prosperity in the region is in everyones best intrest and prosperity does not involve war and costly arms races."

Frank Todd
Governor of Deltaria

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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby MrBean111 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:46 pm

From the Office of His Imperial Majesty's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
His Imperial Majesty is delighted to hear that there is currently an effort to put an end to the violence in South Majatra region. In the past 100 years conflict has consumed this part of the world and it is time for peace. Even though we were already invited, His Imperial Majesty's Government respectfully requests that this conference formally grant the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria observer status with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Arthur Johannesson being our representative.

We thank you for your time and look forward to accomplishing progress in this most august conference,

Mortimer Guckenberger
His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby kylejenkins27 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:13 pm

The request from the gentleman from Hulstria is granted.

Frank Todd
Governor of Deltaria
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby Hugh Green » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:39 am

Joan MacNeill, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson for the Social Congress, the largest political group in the Republic of Cobura

I cannot speak for the current government of Cobura, nor for any future government, in that respect. However, I would suggest that we commit here and now to all lowering our defence spending by 25% over the next ten years.
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby KD21 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:51 pm

John Proctor, Foreign Affairs Minister, United Jakania

At present Jakania is unwilling to reduce defence spending. Indrala still maintains a military base in our country, and until we negotiate its removal we will require funding should any conflict arise.
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby kylejenkins27 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:03 pm

"The Whig party of Deltaria will support reductions in defense over time however the amount of reductions we will support should be entirely based on Jelbania and the MU memberstates also agreeing to reductions of arms. For us to support any arms reduction on the part of Deltaria Jelbania most reduce their own arms."

Frank Todd
Governor of Deltaria
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby MrBean111 » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:25 pm

Perhaps instead of total demilitarization, the nations could agree to a non-aggression pact and free-trade agreement. An organization can be formed to keep the peace and act as meditators should any conflict or tensions brew. Nations would have to agree I believe to reduce some arms (military bases can still be operational) or even disable some of their nuclear stockpile. As we know Kafuristan years ago was subject to a nuclear attack that killed scores; let us prevent a scenario like that.

Arthur Johannesson
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The Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby zlopado » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:55 am

I, unlike my colleague, can speak for the government of Cobura. We strongly oppose any reduction in defense spending. Simply put, we don't trust our neighbors. How do we know that we won't lower defense and cut the military, only to see some sneaky movement on the part of the Pan-Majatranists? This is a risk we simply cannot take. Should the Pan-Majatranists impair their own military first, we would be more amenable to cutting Coburan spending.

We would not endorse a free-trade agreement, but we would agree to a non-aggression pact, as well as a peacekeeping organization. I do, however, have some serious questions about this group. How would we keep this organization from becoming the same sort of sovereignty-threatening beast as the Majatran Union?

Eric Rivers,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Cobura
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby kylejenkins27 » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:38 pm

"Minister Rivers, you speak the very words I think. The Whigs shall not support a Free Trade Agreement with MU memberstates for they have a shared currency, however we will agree to a non agression pact and I myself would support nuclear reduction only if Jelbania and the MU memberstates also agree to a reduction of arms. I also support some peace-keeping body yet fear any organization has the potential to become just as the MU is, perhaps we could use this confrence as a peace keeping body. We shall already have a confrence one a decade so long as their needed and if tensions should rise in the region we could always call an emergency summit.

Currently all of what we speak of doing is pointless, not a single MU memberstate ratified the regional peace agreement and none have yet to arrive at this confrence. Their failure to participate in diplomacy is a clear rejection on their part of regional peace and stability. Perhaps this should be addressed."

Frank Todd
Governor of the Federal Republic of Deltaria
Chairman of the Whig Party
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Re: South Majatra Confrence

Postby MrBean111 » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:54 pm

Mr. Todd brings up a good proposal; a conference a decade, if needed, to review and discuss the events of the regions including any issues that wish to be brought up that need resolving. In a non-aggression pact there could be a provision that allows for this conference to happen every decade.

Arthur Johannesson
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria
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