Cote d'Or Conference of The First International

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Cote d'Or Conference of The First International

Postby PClourennais » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:37 pm


It is with great honour that I welcome you all to Cote d'Or for the second official conference of The First International. This city is the home of the people's revolution, and it is a pleasure to entertain you all here.

The Parti Communiste Lourennais has taken a firm stand, like many others in this organization, in creating a higher standard of living and government for our people. Unfortunately, at present moment the People's Council is unable to sit due to a terrorist attack on our legislature. These terrorists are foreign-supported loyalists, who seek to undo everything our revolution has fought so hard to achieve for the people.

With this in mind, it is obvious that many members of our organization face serious threats for their ideological beliefs. Lourenne is young under communist rule, and The First International has been there for us to ensure the success of our revolution. For this we are forever grateful.

Like our new republic, The First International is still young and faces many challenges. Our goal at this conference is to outline the purpose of this great organization, define how it will go about achieving its goals, and have a clear constitution by the closing ceremonies.

Our people are very excited to be your hosts, we have a series of events planned for your entertainment. It is our belief that The First International not only be a force for fostering our beliefs in the world, but celebrating them.

Before we officially open this conference, I would like to introduce you to a few special members of our party who will be taking part in our events. First I would like to draw your attention to the presiding officer we have chosen for the official conference: Madame Danielle Giroux, who will serve as the speaker. She may be addressed as "Madame la Présidente". I would also like to welcome our entire cabinet, who are holding important meetings preparing this city to become the next capital of Lourenne.

Now I will invite you all to rise for the playing of "The Internationale" to be preformed by the People's Army Orchestra.

Thank you, Now I ask that you please remain standing for the singing out Lourenne's national anthem, to be preformed by Lieutenant Claudette AuCoin


At this point I officially declare this conference open. I will now open the floor for discussion.

Thanks to you all,

Jean-Pierre Fleury,
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:09 pm

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