Tukarese President visits Dankuk

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Tukarese President visits Dankuk

Postby Polites » Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:25 pm

Tukarese President in Gongmangdo

President Sebastião Fontes Coelho of Tukarali has arrived today to the capital of the Provisional State of Dankuk Gongmangdo, where he met with senior Dankukin officials. The purpose of this visit, which had been planned months earlier, is to establish closer economic and cultural ties between the two nations. Historically Tukarali and Dankuk have had little direct interaction, though there are small Kyo and Draniano communities in Tukarali and there is some shared culture as a result of the Gao-Showa heritage the two nations have in common. Moreover, the house of Aynako, the former royal house of Tukarali, has married into the Dankukin House of Ryeo, effectively making the latter legitimate claimants to the Tukarese throne. Although renewed interest in monarchism has recently surfaced in Dankuk, the House of Ryeo has never actively pursued its claim, and it is unlikely it will do so in the future. Regardless, the governments of the two nations are keen to establish closer ties and to pursue their common cultural heritage.

Tukarese President Sebastião Fontes Coelho meeting with State Councilor Sonu Chun-Ho of Dankuk
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