Permanent Council (CSCO)

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Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:02 pm

Permanent Council of the Collective Security and Cooperation Organization (CSCO)
Article 4 - Administration
Member states shall immediately form a Permanent Council, with an elected or appointed (to be agreed upon collectively by the Permanent Council as dictated by necessity), Secretary-General who shall chair the meetings of the Permanent Council. The Permanent Council shall have ultimate authority within the CSCO and be comprised of heads of state (or heads of government when applicable) or their appointed representatives and shall meet annually or as agreed, to discuss matters of the CSCO. The Permanent Council possesses the authority to create authorities and subsidiary bodies as necessary to carry out the Charter.

Member states shall also immediately form a Defense Council which will be responsible for the coordination of Article 2. The Defense Council will be subordinate to the Permanent Council, the ultimate authority within the CSCO;

Treaty: ... atyid=5143

OOC: Please note that only approved members of the CSCO may participate in the Permanent Council.

Meetings of the Permanent Council
1st Permanent Council meeting (October, 5399) - Haldor, Greater Kordusia, Kingdom of Dorvik
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Re: Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:07 pm

Image Ulrich von Motha-Geyr, State Chancellor of the Kingdom of Dorvik
I would like to welcome representatives from the Kingdom of Hutori and the Kingdom of Dolgava to Haldor and more importantly, the 1st Permanent Council meeting of the new Collective Security and Cooperation Organization. I'm glad we decided to do this during October, when Haldor's snow is just starting to fall and not a few months later when its a slightly colder here. We've dispensed with the niceties and what not during the treaty signing, here we need to get down to business and solve the problems that are facing our nations and our world.

The first topic on the agenda is the location of the headquarters of the CSCO, Dorvik would recommend Benekial, notably in the former residence of the Northern Council. Dorvik would be open to the headquarters of the Defense Council, and we would recommend that Dolgava be given an institution at a later date should another one be generated.
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Re: Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:23 pm

Image Kornelijs Braun, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Dolgava

I would like to thank you Chancellor Urich von Matha-Geyr for graciously inviting us and the Kingdom of Hutori here. As for the site of headquarters of this organization, Dolgava also suggests Benekial to be the ideal location of the headquarters due to not only the fact that it once was the headquarters of the Northern Council but as of now Makon is centrally located between our three countries and makes frankly the most sense in the short term for a great location for the CSCO to be headquartered. Also we also think that Dorvik should headquarter the Defense Council, as it makes the most sense in our eyes. I look forward to hearing the Kingdom of Hutori's opinion on this.

As a quick aside Dolgava is in the process of delegating a specially appointed representative to Permanent Council that will basically do what I am doing at this moment but as a full time representative
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Re: Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:55 pm

Wesley Law, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hutori

Indeed take you Herr Chancellor for organizing this meeting as quickly as possible. My Parliament is in the midst of official ratification of the CSCO Treaty, and I do not expect even token opposition to it. The general headquarters for the CSCO in Bekenial can work. We have innumerable buildings that can house the CSCO, indeed ironically we could use the old Northern Council Headuquarters Building as it stands empty, but instead I think the Department of Foreign Affairs will be able to construct a suitable enough new Headquarters or find one of our numerous government buildings that can house this organization's final headquarters.

We have no objections to Dorvik hosting the the headquarters of the Defense Council, and indeed makes the most sense as Dorvik has the most current experience of commanding multinational units and coordination. While Winter Lion and Leviathan Tide are sweeping away the dust, Dorvik remains the most powerful nation militarily between us, and should certainly take the lead. At such a time when we require a third headquarters building I would have no objection to Dolgava hosting them.

Having taken care of the initial logistics, what is the next major matter of business?
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Re: Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:19 pm

Image Ulrich von Motha-Geyr, State Chancellor of the Kingdom of Dorvik
The next issue that I believe that we should tackle is the more "cooperative" part of our organization. It is of no doubt that the Dorvish economy stands among the larger of the three of our economies but that should not be the case forever and we'd like to see the rise of the Hutorian and Dolgavan economies as soon as possible. A lot of individual efforts have gone into developing free trade across our borders but I think that this organization can do more.

With that being said, I would recommend the formation of a joint development bank, most would cite the Dorvish as unimaginative and dull, something that I do not share the same opinion of but nevertheless it is said. I think even the "CSCO Development Bank" is rather bland, someone had suggested the "Northern Development Bank" and while I like that, I'm sure that will make the backroom chats go wild in our less-than-friendly neighbors. I'm open to suggestions for the name but I think that the development of a joint development bank would set us on the path for success.
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Re: Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:36 pm

Image Kornelijs Braun, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Dolgava

I am glad that you brought this up. Dolgava is continuing to dig itself out of a hole that former governmens created and having something such as a joint development bank would be more than welcome for Dolgava, I cannot speak for the Hutorian delegation but Dolgava welcomes this with open arms.
As for a name I think the Northern Development Bamk sounds perfect. For now the CSCO is mainly based in the North and that name makes alot of sense to me at least. As for the unfriendly nations. Franky they can whine as much as they want but they are getting a class on how real friendships work and not those that backstab their "supposed" friends... I will not burden you all with that any longer however.
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Re: Permanent Council (CSCO)

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:02 am

Image Elzbieta Velickiene, Representative of the Kingdom of Dolgava to the Permanent Council of the Collective Security and Cooperation Organization

Firstly I would like to recognize the steps being taken by the Kingdom of Kazulia and the Kingdom of Davostan and Republic of Nsanlosa as the next members of this esteemed organization. We are seeing everyday more and more countries joins us in our mission to ensure peace and security across Terra.

However today I would like to discuss the ongoing situation in Davostan. We have seen protesters clash with Kundrati which has sent troops to support the Government. The Kundrati embassy I guess burned down and now Beiteynu is issuing warnings. I believe this crisis must involve action from this organization because of Davostan's clear desire to join this organization and for security of Makon. However I will leave it to the Hutorian representative to make their opinions known as they border Davostan and are much more in tune with the ongoing crisis than I am, as it affects them and Makon much more.
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