Selucia: Conference of Auroria (5509)

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Selucia: Conference of Auroria (5509)

Postby dannypk » Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:56 pm

Conference of Auroria

Conference to mediate and stabilise the relations between the nations of Beiteynu and Kundrati.

First meeting

Location: Empyrean Temple, Auroria, Selucia.
Time: 9th March 5509
Participants: President of Kundrati, Barhulianir Manusulsky; Head of the Medinat Department, Mr. Juhd Shutajb.
Hosts: Princeps Lucius Cantius Camillus; Cōnsul Gnaeus Curius Castorius.

Purpose of the first meeting: discussing the goals of the conference, presenting the issues that must be addressed and discussing them.

- Part 1 (morning): discussing the goals of the conference (what do we seek to gain from it, how we want it to proceed, deals and other expectations, etc).
- Part 2 (afternoon): addressing the issues between beiteynu and kundrati (and any other relevant topic) and discussing them with the selucian hosts moderating and participating when relevant and necessary.

The Selucian state will pay for any important expenses (such as food and transport).
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:35 pm

Juhd Shutajb, Head of the Medinat Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Homeland State of Beiteynu

The Yeudi Homeland stands eager to discuss reparations with the Kundratijans. Let's put the past behind us, but in order to do so, it is imperative that Kundrati brings forward the necessary assurances on the relevant 3 fronts: diplomacy, economy and security.

OOC: The representative is Vanukean-Yeudi, meaning he has a flair for the dramatic and low tolerance for eloquent words.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby Autokrator15 » Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:18 pm

The Rt. Hon. Charlotte Berrycloth, Former Minister of State for Majatran Affairs, now Imperial High Representative and Chief Negotiactor for this Conference, Holy Luthori Empire

The Imperial representative ms. Berrycloth looks over her notes after sipping some of her proper Luthorian tea with some milk. The notes from the Foreign Office specify the talking points for the Empire. Though a proudfull woman, she is afterall a high Tory, she thinks to herself that she has to choose her words carefully. Relations are tense afterall. Though in her heart she is very pro-Beiteynu, as most devout Hosian Luthorians are, and having lost family members who served aboard Yeudi ships, she also understands the need for Luthori and Beiteynu to get past the conflict with Kundrati, ''one cant stay mad forever afterall?' she thinks. ''One makes peace with ones enemies, thats why its called making peace'' she thought. Kundrati can be a very handy neigbhour and lucrative economy to bolster the Luthorian economic growth.

After putting away her notes in her small bag she rises to make her remarks and introductions on behalf of the Empire:

I thank our honoruable host for these most important talks, the Empire is glad to be a part of these talks and hopes to find a fitting resolution to this most painfull and unfortunate conflict. We are eagre to assist in finding a path forward, in healing the relations and the restoration of trust, trade and cordial relations. To that effect we are here, mostly on the invitation of the Kundrati Union, but also we hope by with the acceptance of our Yeudi friends, whose suffering at the hands of the brutal war haunts us to this day. Luthori hopes to heal the wounds we have with Kundrati by aiding the process of closure and healing with Beiteynu and Kundrati. We look forward to these conversations.

OOC: Charlotte is quite the diplomat but also a High Tory, she is rich, religious, nationalistic and proud. She also dislikes the Whig traitors for leaving the party but that is besides the point in this conversation, just fun character building.
Last edited by Autokrator15 on Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Tue Jul 09, 2024 10:12 pm

OOC note here: Charlotte Berrycloth is no longer the Minister of State for Majatran Affairs, as in the last government formation, she was replaced by Millard Anderston Wayard Young (Millard A. Young) in that post, but was confirmed as the main Luthorian negociator in this deal.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby hyraemous » Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:42 pm

The President of Kundrati and his entourage arrive in Aurora and take residence at a nearby hotel near the venue of the conference. As for any comments the President and his entourage had, they refused to comment.

Kundrati's goals are to reconcile with Beiteynu while ensuring that nobody is embarrassed by the outcome or what's expected in the aftermath of the conference. The President is somewhat diplomatic and somewhat willing to fight (verbally) for what he wishes.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby dannypk » Thu Jul 11, 2024 5:48 pm

Princeps Lucius Cantius of Selucia

As all the attendees arrive to Auroria, the Princeps receives them one by one in the Empyrean Temple and proceed to sit down in the large table of the meeting room. Once everyone is ready, the Princeps begins introducing the meeting.

Welcome, nations of Beiteynu, Kundrati, and Luthori. First of all, I would like to thank you for agreeing to hold this meeting and try to reconcile, something that benefits us all in this table, as well as for agreeing to let us mediate. You have already been communicated the details, including the plans, of this meeting. However, I would like to repeat it, in case of anyone in here having doubts.

Today is a first meeting of, if necessary, more meetings. And that makes it the most important: if everything goes ideally today, then it'll be the first and only meeting we'll need to hold. We believe that, in order to make sure the reconciliation progresses properly, we proposed that, apart from discussing our issues, we also signed a temporal treaty that encouraged cooperation and certain dependence between Beiteynu and Kundrati, which hopefully would make them be friendly to each other again. Once a certain amount of time has passed, this treaty would no longer be imposed to you, although you would be completely free to continue it if you wished to. As you might've seen in the schedule, the meeting of today will be divided in two parts, one now in the morning, and another one in the afternoon. In the afternoon we will begin discussing all the issues that have led to a worsening of the relations between Beiteynu and Kundrati (as well as for the rest of nations in this meeting). I will explain that part later today, for now let us concentrate in discussing the first part, in which I would like to hear your opinions on the issue of signing a temporal treaty, and in case of agreeing, discussing its details (such as the content and the time it will be active for).

The Princeps finishes introducing the meeting and waits to hear what the rest of attendees have to say.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jul 13, 2024 9:51 am

Shutajb eats some exquisite grapes, waits for the Kundratijan to speak.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby hyraemous » Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:29 pm

GreekIdiot wrote:Shutajb eats some exquisite grapes, waits for the Kundratijan to speak.

The Kundrati delegation also waits for Beiteynu to speak. However, after some time passes, the President of Kundrati Barhulianir Manusulsky starts to speak to the quiet room.

God and Providence have ensured that we would meet today, for it is Him who ultimately decides the fate of our two fatherlands. We, the most loyal people of His world, gracefully accepted without laying demands on him before this summit. I fear my colleague has already done that to us and to Him. Our colleagues wish for some things in diplomacy, economy, and security to make them feel better. Meanwhile, Beiteynu controls Seleya with Lourenne, and Majatra is the dominion of the Beiteynuese. Kundrati's main courses of trade are in Seleya and Majatra. We already give them enough in economy but they wish for more assurances there.

Of course the reason for all this will grind down to our actions in the Hubris War. Everyone hears that Kasaema betrayed their ally. Everyone forgets what happened during that time. We went to protect our sisters and brothers in Selucia who were facing a maniac that was using ICBMs, something we dearly opposed, and looked like they were going to drag the world down in a wall of fire. Yet it is Kasaema that gets the blame. But ever since then, we have done nothing militarily besides reworking ourselves. We have not intervened once since that war and have not touched Majatra, Seleya, or anywhere else, despite our offer to help in Dovani. So why must Beiteynu demand security assurances from a country that is weaker now than when the Dorvish demanded our subjugation? Are we not weak enough, reliant enough?

Need I remind you that Cildania is now a haven of criminality, a place where sex workers struggle to compete because they become a w[censored]e to a Yeudi businessman very quickly? Need I remind you it was Kundrati's lives that saved Badara, which, without us and perhaps your assistance, would become a haven of fundamentalists wishing to murder us all? You forget that because of that shameful time in the Hubris War.

Now, you wish for us to pay you for peace. Of course. Despite our economy being stagnant and isolated from the rest of Artania because, according to them, we are the wild child that needs to be ignored. I wonder if Beiteynu told the Dual Republic not to accept trade with us, but that is another conspiracy theory my people can discuss. I won't deny we still trade with Luthori and Dundorf, yet our economy is not growing; it is just stagnant. We can eat; yes, God has given us the ability to produce our own food, but from there? People are leaving Kundrati for better places now, and you want reparations? You can blame me for all of this, say it's an internal problem, but while you may say that I am an idiot for not mentioning this or that in foreign affairs, I may tell you are one for not remembering this or that in internal affairs.

We will pay our share and do our share. But you must help us in return too. Scoff at whatever I have to say, sure, as your people before you have done to my people before me, but remember that God always watches. Ultimately, it is He who is only allowed to judge.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:49 pm

hyraemous wrote:[...] must help us in return too. Scoff at whatever I have to say, sure, as your people before you have done to my people before me, but remember that God always watches. Ultimately, it is He who is only allowed to judge.

There's a clatter from Shutajb's corner as he throws the grapes onto the plate, which he pushes away sharply. He rises from his chair violently.

How dare you, Mr. President! How dare you!

We control nothing in Seleya and we have no voice in Majatra because of what your people did to us! The diversion of our navy during a war and the slaughter of the Yeudi People, from a barbarian we once considered an ally and stood with them against their Artanian wannabe hegemons!

Calling us maniacs, the destroyers of Cildania and Selucia when we never laid hands on them!

Not only did your people not aid us, but you murdered us, sank us and frightened us with your maniacal manoeuvring during the war, instead!

How dare you, Mr. President!

Shutajb's secretary politely pulls him back on the chair, smiling awkwardly at the delegations.
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Re: Conference of Auroria

Postby hyraemous » Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:56 pm

GreekIdiot wrote:
hyraemous wrote:[...] must help us in return too. Scoff at whatever I have to say, sure, as your people before you have done to my people before me, but remember that God always watches. Ultimately, it is He who is only allowed to judge.

There's a clatter from Shutajb's corner as he throws the grapes onto the plate, which he pushes away sharply. He rises from his chair violently.

How dare you, Mr. President! How dare you!

We control nothing in Seleya and we have no voice in Majatra because of what your people did to us! The diversion of our navy during a war and the slaughter of the Yeudi People, from a barbarian we once considered an ally and stood with them against their Artanian wannabe hegemons!

Calling us maniacs, the destroyers of Cildania and Selucia when we never laid hands on them!

Not only did your people not aid us, but you murdered us, sank us and frightened us with your maniacal manoeuvring during the war, instead!

How dare you, Mr. President!

Shutajb's secretary politely pulls him back on the chair, smiling at the delegations.

You have only proven thus far that you seek nothing more than vengeance.

[The President laughs.]

It was us that took away your voice in Majatra? I remember that it was you that forbid us from moving forces south of the South Ocean. You halted us from protecting commercial ships heading to Majatra from Artania in the first place, no? Little Kundrati taking away a big, scary Beiteynu's voice in their backyard? Really?

I did not say you destroyed Cildania nor Selucia. But, while you distract yourself there, did you help them? Are they bustling powers who can throw their weight around economically? Militarily?

We, little Kundrati, frightened Beiteynu, the foremost world power west of Seleya?

I suppose this explains why Kundrati citizens were slaughtered in Hanzen for the world to see.
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