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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Feb 18, 2016 4:48 pm

Kalistani Republic
Diplomats Return from Indrala

Details evacuation and future status of Kalistani-Indralan Relations

Kaliburg, Ananto District
June 10, 3985

Ambassador Helmer, Ambassador to Indrala, with staff returning to Kalistan

The Kalistani Ambassador to Indrala, Hon. Drake Helmer, returned to Kalistan today along with the remaining members of the Kalistan Embassy following the orderly evacuation and closure of Kalistan's embassy. Ambassador Helmer, who will remain credentialed to Indrala, gave a brief statement:

"Today, I, along with the rest of the diplomatic mission to the Celestial Empire of Great Indrala, completed our evacuation of the Kalistani Embassy at Tian'An. We have ensured that all top secret documents relating to Kalistani Activities within Indrala have been recovered, as well as all cryptography and all hard drives from our computers. We thank the Government of Indrala for their kind treatment of me and my staff, as well as their forbearance as we completed the transfer of our materials to our transport. The police force of the Capital City is to be especially commended for their willingness to suffer the slings and arrows of the Indralan people, who have been whipped into a stiff froth by demagogues in the public space against Kalistan, and who bore tremendous ill will toward my staff and I. The Head of the Kalistani Consulate has assured me that all Kalistani Nationals in the country who wanted to return to Kalistan have done so, and to date, the only Kalistani nationals who remain in the country, which has recently become very dangerous for Kalistanis, are 14 individuals who are completing business transactions which they are contractually bound to complete before returning, and 3 young couples who zealously wish to remain among the Indralans to serve as Missionaries for the Society of the Brethren. Within a week, those 6 individuals will be the only Kalistanis remaining in Indrala, and we call upon the Indralan Government to ensure their safety as they go about their work of conscience.

While we understand the conditions of our departure from Indrala, we would like to take a moment to question the motivation of Indrala in provoking the Nation of Kalistan at sea. Again, we read in their press this repeated charge of countenancing Piracy. It is an old trope, to say the least. Neither I, nor my staff have ever been presented recent evidence of said actions against legitimate Indralan commerce. These notorious claims, which imply Kalistani complicity, if not downright involvement, are unconscionable. It is the policy of the Government of Kalistan, as I have repeatedly made clear to my counterparts in Indrala, to not endorse piratical activity, nor to participate in it, nor to hinder legitimate trade through our waters. What is provocative to Kalistan is the persistence of Indralan warships off our coasts. They have maintained time and again that their ships remain in international waters, while the Law of the Sea Treaty, to which Indrala is not a Party but Kalistan, along with every other nation in Selaya, is, describes fully International Waters as beginning 500 Kilometers from the shore, outside the area of transient jurisdiction. If this is the case, then no waters between Ananto and Dovani is truly "International", and certainly not water which can be clearly seen from Ananto! And yet, we provide evidence to Indrala of their trespass, and they insist, yet again that our closure of the ocean is illegal.

The policy of Kalistan has been one of patient pressure. It has not yielded the results Kalistan has sought. If something is not done, Kalistan must answer these provocations. And it will. We are not prepared to say at the moment what that will involve, but it will be adequate to meet the security crisis Indrala is provoking in Kalistan. This is all. We bear no ill will toward the people of Indrala- we have long viewed them as equals and as brothers and sisters. The actions of Indrala's government, on the other hand are intolerable."

Helmer's statement was followed closely by consultation with the Premier and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:44 am

Kalistani Republic
President Announces Preparations for Kalistani Defense

Society of Brethren denounces Action; Calls for Diplomacy

Kaliburg, Ananto District
March 16, 3986

President Smith-Bennots rallies Kalistani Citizens to the Defense of the Republic

The President of the Republic, fresh off yet another unchallenged re-election, held several rallies across Kalistan last week as she worked to bolster Kalistanis for an attack that she described as "imminent". Reporters caught up with her at her tour's last stop in Kaliburg, where she made the following comments:
People of Ananto- I do not need to repeat, yet again, the situation that Kalistan finds itself in. You all know: you see reports of Indralan provocation nightly on the news. We cannot deny that they are growing bolder by the day. We have very specific intelligence that an Indralan attack is imminent. And so it is incumbent, upon all of us, to meet this attack, when it finally happens, with resolve and dedication. Kalistan's independence and sovereignty is not so easily taken from us. The Indralans must not succeed with their belligerent foreign policy, not towards Kalistan, not towards any nation on the planet.

You must understand the precarious situation that Kalistan is in- Indrala aims to bring the entire east coast of Selaya under their dominance. They aim at northern countries like Mikuni and Trigunia. They are in league with the murderers of our former President, Vanuku, and between the two empires, their will permit no resistance. This is why Kalistan MUST take the position we have taken. We are the last road block between Indrala and world domination. Kalistan is a small nation- We certainly do not match Indrala on the seas. While we could achieve parity with Indrala on defense of our homeland, we do not have the resources to conduct a successful war of attrition against Indrala. We must crush their will to fight from the outset, or we will be doomed.

Kalistan is not a unique country. If Kalistan is wiped off the face of the planet, few will miss us. We may be the number one producer and exporter of mind altering substances in the world, but most countries revile us for this. We may be the home to the Society of the Brethren, but few acknowledge our peculiar sect's existence. Kalistan is not a major world power and have sworn off nuclear, biological and chemical weaponry, we have a middling economy which allows us self-sufficiency, but also we rely on exports for a significant portion of our national economy. But Kalistan is worth fighting for. Because this is our home. This land, the land of our ancestors, the land of our children, this land is ours, and we are not going to give it up without a Fight.

I call on ALL Kalistanis to do their part. Do not let them take what is yours. Stand up to the Dragon. I will be there with you, I will be there with Kalistan. We stand as one.

The President's words were received with silence. When she was done speaking, the crowd erupted chanting the President's alternymic "Bennots! Bennots! Bennots!"

And thus, the President's cult of Personality, already troubling to some in Kalistan, continued to grow.

Not all Kalistanis were so taken by the President's words. Many of the President's erstwhile supporters, who were also members of the Society of the Brethren, launched an official protest movement in the Capital. The protesters, who numbered several thousands declared that they were concerned that the President was abandoning diplomacy. Said Clerk Tallin Milgrim,
"We understand the President's move toward the defense of the Nation. The President is under a different set of pressures than we are, and we believe that her actions are the actions of her conscience. But we, as Brethren, oppose all war. We oppose the offensive maneuvers of Indrala, because they threaten the lives of Kalistanis and Indralans alike. We hold our President in the Light, hoping and praying, that she will find a peaceful solution to the troubles our nation faces. War is not the failure of diplomacy: it is the failure of imagination. And if the President fails in this key test, many Brethren will withdraw their support for her in favor of another candidate who will pursue peace, under all conditions."

Members of the Society of Brethren in Kaliburg sit-down for Peace Yesterday in coordination with a Brethren called General Strike

The Protest was part of a Brethren-called a general strike and sit-down Protest outside the National Assembly in Kaliburg. More than 35,000 Brethren showed up and held the largest Meeting for Worship in Kalistan's history, in the streets of the capital. The President joined the Protest, and did not speak out of the Silence, though other Brethren did take the opportunity to address their support for Peace and their calls for diplomacy to the President.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:49 am

Kalistani Republic
Kalistan claims Responsibility for Destruction of Indralan Ship
Prime Minister Estevez: "More to come!"

Sulari, Suldanor District
September 12, 3986

Premier Estevez, speaking on behalf of the Government of Kalistan, claims responsibility for Destruction of Indralan Corvette

In a daring pre-emptive strike, Kalistan moved to settle its dispute with Indrala. According to reports from official Government sources, a Kalistani Light Armored/Fast Attack ship, loaded with high explosives, was turned into a torpedo and sent against an Indralan Corvette. The driver of the LAFA ship, Ensign Thomas Davis, came under fire near the ship and was forced to bail out before the LAFA reached its target. The whereabouts of the Ensign are unknown at this time, and it is believed he either drowned or was captured by the Indralans. Meanwhile, the LAFA streaked toward the Corvette, and struck her amidship, causing the LAFA to explode and detonate the explosives aboard. The damage was severe enough to ignite the powder stores in the Corvette, leading to a secondary explosion which blew the ship up.

As the Attack was being reported in the Indralan press, the Kalistani Prime Minister, Socialist Juan Carlos Estevez, had assembled a massive crowd of supporters and announced that Kalistan claimed responsibility for the attack. Below was his brief message:

"Kalistanis- We are under attack. For the last time, we have allowed Indrala to breech our national waters. We have warned them time and again that the Anantanese Ocean was closed to their naval vessels. Time and again, they have ignored us and flaunted our sovereignty. And now, we have struck a blow against Indrala. They will not soon forget this! Even now, they are beginning the second stage of their plan to re-capture Kalistan: They have closed the noose on our ports and plan to strangle our great nation. We will not tolerate it. The President has ordered our LAFA packs covering the surface of the Ocean to immediately engage the Indralan menace wherever they may be. We will not stop at military vessels- We aim to destroy all shipping sailing under an Indralan flag on our Ocean. We will not be intimidated by Indralan force at sea. We have demonstrated that we can meet blood for blood, and we will not stop until Indrala recognizes Kalistani sovereignty over the Sea.

"They ask us for an apology: None shall be forthcoming. They ask us for Reparations: They shall never see a cent. They propose we accept vassalage: They will have to vassalize corpses at our military cemeteries. We will never bow to the Dragon. But we will show them what Kalistan is made of! We can assure Indrala, this is only the beginning: As long as we have breath, there is more to come!"

The crowd, which attended the rally openly displaying firearms, was called upon to immediately enlist or join the militia. Of the 10,000 people who were estimated to have joined the rally, the Militia gained an additional 3500, and the Regular forces reported their enlistments up by 5000.

President Smith-Bennots joins the war effort in Ananto

In other news, it is rumored that the President, who has been noticeably absent in national politics for half a year, has joined the Partisans in Ananto, as an Artillery officer, but maintains direct contact with the Government in Kaliburg, to continue to serve in her role as commander in Chief. Already, Kalistani Propagandists are developing propaganda around this fact, encouraging others to join the fight.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:52 pm

Reprinted from
Republican Dispatches- News from the Front
Kalistani Naval units take it to the Dragon

Reports moderate success against Indralan Naval Units

Anantanese Ocean, off Ananto
December 12, 3986

Kalistani LAFA ship, part of the 42nd Kalistani LAFA Pack, off the coast of Ananto, Last Month

Kalistani LAFA forces scored some minor successes against the vastly larger Naval forces of Indrala last month. The successes mostly consisted of quick attacks against naval personnel aboard Indralan ships, and at least one successful strike against the steerage of an Indralan patrol boat. While completely out numbered and outgunned at sea, the quick maneuvering and speedy approach of the small ships give Kalistan a degree of parity at sea, especially as Indralan ships draw closer to the shore. Within about 4 nm of the beach, Kalistani LAFA packs form a fairly lethal strike force against the much larger Indralan ships, who are less maneuverable, and can sustain a lower rate of fire than the LAFAs.

A direct hit from an Indralan gun will, at best, capsize a LAFA, but a seasoned crew can turn the boat back over. At worst, it will destroy the ship and kill everyone aboard. And thus, in the opening weeks of the war, Kalistan has already counted 14 LAFA crew members as casualties, lost at sea. But despite this, the LAFAs are still highly effective at swarming Indralan ships and claiming casualties of their own, including, according to Kalistani Navy source, 8 unconfirmed Indralan navy deaths and one crippled Patrol vessel who was separated from a larger group and then hit hard by a full LAFA pack.

The LAFAs represent Kalistan's best sea defenses at current, as the larger ships in Kalistan's tiny navy have been moved outside of the war zone and hope to avoid conflict until they can mount an adequate defense of the waves. There has been some rumor of possible aggrandizement of the Naval fleet, but at the moment, a Kalistani light aircraft carrier and 6 light cruisers in the war zone are sitting ducks, and so the Naval High Command has decided to send the fleet to a much more pacific zone in international waters west of Mikuni.

Naval spokesmen confirm that all zones of the Anantanese Ocean south of Ananto are active, and have cautioned Kalistani Commerce to not attempt transit through the region.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:22 am

Kalistani Republic
Defense Minister announces Aggrandizement of Navy

Tentatively set to purchase 4 Frigates from Cildania

Eavari, Ananto District
March 4, 3987

The Minister of Defense, Millicent Grognard, announced a tentative agreement with the Government of the Kingdom of Cildania to purchase four decommissioned Frigates (total of 7980 tons displacement) for just over 26.6 Billion KRB (or 850 Million LOD), and is in support of the Kalistani Naval rectification program. Following the passage of the Budget appropriation, which will take up a fifth of the annual budget surplus, Kalistan will work with the government of Cildania to take receipt of the ships and sail them to join the rest of the fleet which is currently operating out of harm's way in the pacific waters between Dankuk and Egelion.

When asked about the implications of the War declaration on the purchase, the Defense Minister stated
"It is no problem: Cildania is not currently at war with Kalistan, nor have they openly declared their allegiance to Indrala. They therefore, are not covered by our declaration, nor have they done anything to demonstrate hostility to Kalistan. When the money is appropriated by the Assembly, we will take receipt of the Frigates and then there will be ample time to discuss relations between our two states. But lets get this deal done, for the good of our national defense, and worry about that bridge when we cross it."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby kylejenkins27 » Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:25 pm

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:31 am

Kalistani Republic
Premier Minister Acknowledges Deltaria's offer for support

Hopes Delatrian ships will weaken Blockade

Kaliburg, Ananto District
September 8, 3987

Premier Estevez, welcoming the Deltarian Detachment to Kalistan, and answering questions about Deltarian suppression of their recent slave revolt

The Indralan Blockade is slowly strangling the Kalistani Republic, but Kalistan got some welcomed news recently. Deltaria has officially declared war on Indrala, and has committed six cruisers and a Battleship to the theater. While experts in Kalistan doubt this will tip the scales against the Indralan Tortoise fleet, the assistance would certainly be welcomed by the LAFA fleet Kalistan is currently fielding. The LAFAs have engaged the Indralan Navy for a year now, with only limited success. While losing a total of 27 LAFA crew members in various strike maneuvers, Kalistan has scored a number of hits on various light military vessels in Kalistani Waters, and has taken a toll on the civilian commercial traffic that Indrala has attempted to protect. Kalistan has sunk one freighter ship, and has crippled another on the high seas: Most of the attacks have come at night, while the ships are at anchor.

The Premier, Juan Carlos Estevez, welcomed the commitment of Deltarian ships to Kalistani waters.
"Well, they have offered us a guarantee. We happen to find their treatment of their slaves rather distasteful, and there will certainly be a time when they will have to answer to the world for the wanton destruction of human life. But at the time, we are not in the position to look a gift horse in the mouth. Upon the Arrival of the Deltarian detachment, we will coordinate our LAFA attacks around their superior fire power, and should see more success on the ocean."

Meanwhile, Kalistan's armed forces continue to dig into positions around the island. Given an apparent focus on naval combat by Indrala, Kalistan's forces have had time to reinforce and resupply their positions on land, and will continue to standby in case a defense of the homeland is necessary. Said Milicent Grognard, Defense Minister, "We are absolutely ready for the Faded Empire should they decide to try anything funny. We have focused defense on the Mainland, given the essential infrastructure which is located there- the Partisans have also taken up fortified positions in Ananto, and will coordinate efforts with the regular Army to defend the Island if that ever becomes necessary." The Militia and the Regular forces are surprisingly absent from the streets of the main cities in Kalistan: One reason is the need to carry on with life despite impending attack by the Indralan fleet.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:17 am

reprinted from
Republican Dispatches: News from the Front
Kalistani Naval Units Destroy Indralan Super Container Vessel

Cause 35 million LODs worth of damage to Indralan Commerce

Anantanese Ocean, West of Ananto
March 8, 3988

The ISCL Sifu, two hours before sinking to the bottom of the Ocean

Kalistani units score their first major success against Indralan shipping, destroying the Indralan Super Container ship, the ISCL Sifu. This mega ship, which normally transports 17500 Containers, was enroute to New Endralon when Kalistani shock forces aboard the 32nd LAFA pack, boarded the ship, took the crew hostage, loaded the ship full of high explosives and detonated the ship. The explosion created a fireball which was seen for 15 miles and breeched the hull in the center of the ship. The ship sunk the following evening, and all containers, a cargo worth 35 million LODs, went down with the ship into the Anantanese Ocean.

Kalistan lost 1 member, a Chief Petty Officer Horace Delbert, of the strike force who was shot to death by a member of the Freight crew, and who was then incapacitated. There were no Indralan casualties- The Kalistanis put the Indralans aboard a life boat and towed them to within sight of the Indralan Navy before releasing them, in accord with Kalistani Law.

Kalistan immediately claimed responsibility for the destruction, and vowed to continue to target Indralan shipping traveling through Kalistani Waters.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:16 pm

reprinted from
Republican Dispatches: News from the Front
War Comes to Kalistan: Indralans invade at Eveari

Ananto Fights Alone

Eveari, Ananto District
December 4, 3988

The remaining Kalistani regulars in port city of Eveari seeking cover as the firefight draws closer to their position

Outnumbered and beleaguered Kalistani Regulars are struggling to maintain control of the Anantanese port city of Eveari today as they are being mercilessly bombarded from both the sea and from the Indralan beachhead inside the city. To date, Kalistan has lost between 500 and 750 patriotic defenders of the City, who struggled, in several pitched battles, to maintain control over the City's main port facilities and electrical generation and desalinization stations. Ultimately, Kalistan was not successful in holding these sites, and they were decisively over run by Invading forces.

Ahead of the fighting, the Governor of the District of Ananto, Socialist Franco King issued the evacuation order for Civilians in Eveari and Dulnerstaad, but the invasion and occupation occurred so quickly that most of the populations of these two cities ended up behind enemy lines before they could flee to the south. The Government of Ananto extended the civilian order to Kaliburg, and seaworthy vessels are being prepared for the evacuate of up to 100,000 civilians from the capital at a moment's notice.

In addition to losing large parts of the city to the Indralan forces, Kalistan has also lost three freighters in the Naval Ship yards that were in conversion process for Naval service. The ships were destroyed by incoming Indralan fire, and the half sunk hulks will remain in the Naval Ship yards until they are cleared. Also lost at the facilities is a small stockpile of naval ordinance and supplies for Kalistani naval units. But the loss of the port was more significant in that it cuts Ananto off from the mainland- Eveari was Ananto's primary port facility, and was the only one which could handle modern super container ships. Any supplies that arrive on the island now will need to come through Kaliburg, and then on smaller ships. These will be more vulnerable to Indralan reprisals like their recent destruction of a KALNAPECO oil platform in the Odufar Sea. The noose is fully tightened around the neck of Ananto, and supply being cut entirely off, the LAFA packs will no longer be able to accomplish much around the Island, and so have been ordered to move to a new theater of operations in the waters off the mainland.

Kalistani positions outside Dulnerstaad, where heavy fighting took the lives of 385 Kalistani Regulars in the last few weeks

It is unclear whether Regulars will be able to hold out in Eveari- Large parts of the city have already been destroyed and the momentum of the Indralans is stunning, even to the defenders. If Eveari falls, there will be little to stop the Indralans from flooding into the entire Bluegrass Valley, and if Dulnerstaad falls, there will be nothing to stop Indrala from targeting Kaliburg itself. To this end, Kalistani regulars have been ordered to fall back to positions in the Blue Grass plain, supporting the defenders with artillery fire and providing a safe rallying point should the defenders be forced to evacuate.

There is no telling how long the battle for the city will continue, but without an expectation of reinforcements, it may only be a matter of time before Indrala succeeds in occupying the entire town and plain, while Kalistan is forced to seek refuge in the Mountains.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Feb 26, 2016 5:42 am

reprinted from
Republican Dispatches: News from the Front
Kalistani Units at Dulnerstaad obliterated

Defense crumbles in the face of overwhelming Force; Indrala cuts deep into Northern Ananto

Kaliburg, Ananto
March 17, 3989

The last remnants of Kalistani Regular forces defending Dulnerstaad are overrun and forced to surrender

The Indralan invasion of Northern Ananto is a complete disaster for Kalistani Defenders. Following a pitched battle for the city of Eveari, which lasted for less than 2 weeks, the Indralan Marines invaded and occupied Dulnerstaad, on Ananto's North West corner. The fighting for the city was intense, but in the end, the Indralan forces killed more than 1200 Kalistani regulars who were charged with defending the city, and captured another 300. Said a civilian witness, who was among the few civilians to escape the city before it was completely captured, "Our forces fought house to house, block to block, but in the end, Indralan rockets made short work of the defenses. We had some of these guys in my house, and they were shooting, and right in front of my kids, this guy was shot dead, and then Jake, my cross the street neighbor, his house blew up, and then the whole block blew up... We were lucky to get out of there alive, but thankfully, my wife and kids, they're safe here in the Capital. We're going to catch a ferry here in a couple days. Hopefully the Indralans let us go before they do to Kaliburg what they did to Dulnerstaad.

Political Map of Occupied Ananto as of March, 3989

As it stands, the Indralan Military has overrun all of the Bluegrass Valley, the Dulnerstaad region, and most of the coastal plains in between. The Conquest is bound to be complete within a couple weeks, and then Indrala will have a firm hold on Kalistan's northern coast. With the capture of Dulnerstaad, the Indralan position in Eveari is deemed consolidated and protected. Meanwhile, whatever regulars avoided capture have been routed into the mountains, and it is reported that they are regrouping among Kalistani Partisan units belonging to the Revolutionary Socialist Militia of Kalistan. RSMoK strong points are also believed to be the location of the President of Kalistan Poppy Smith-Bennots, who has not been seen in the Republic for several years, since the beginning of the conflict with Indrala. If Mountain positions fail, Kaliburg itself could be threatened, but for right now, Indrala is standing down as Anantan civilians evacuate the Island.

Ananto Citizens flood aboard civilian merchant ships, in an attempt to flee the Indralan invasion

Since the invasion began, more than 65,000 Anantan civilians have attempted to leave the island. Last month alone, the sea lanes between the Capital and the Mainland were so packed, several accidents occurred which led to the death of some 2400 civilians. Kalistanis attempting to get off the island, in light of the seemingly unstoppable Indralan juggernaut have overloaded ships and helicopters in their attempts to get loved ones, belongings and themselves off the island, and there is no telling how much longer the Indralan navy will allow the evacuation to continue. More than 35 thousand are still waiting to leave the Island, but many ship captains have made it clear that returning to Ananto is becoming far too dangerous, given Indralan searches for war materiel and supplies, and fewer and fewer ships appear in the port of Kaliburg each day.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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