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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:25 pm

Utter Carnage... Thousands Believed Dead As Major Assault Blunted
Eye Witnesses Report Casualties Mounting Up On Both Sides As All-Out Attack On Centre Of The Line Brings Limited Success

Vanukean special forces looked to consolidate their position on the banks of the River Drtéréksrne.

March 4412 - Vanuku has carried out its biggest assault of the 14-month conflict with Deltaria in an attempt to seize well-defended border fortifications in the Katonid Khanate and force a general retreat.

Over the last few months, and in scenes which resemble trench warfare tactics of centuries ago, both sides have resorted to attacks and counter attacks across the heavily defended steppe in southern Jelbania. This has resulted in advances and withdrawals of just metres at a time and left local towns and villages devastated.

However, in a bid to break the deadlock, Vanuku has carried out a huge frontal attack over a 10km area in the vicinity of the devastated town of Frtoékrmjko. It had been reclaimed by Deltaria just a month ago in a bloody battle which led to the destruction of the nearby holy coronation site of the Jelbek Khans - known as the Shrine of the First Khan.

It was accompanied by secondary attacks along the entire front - which follows the course of the River Drtéréksrne - in an attempt to pin down Deltarian forces and prevent them bringing in reinforcements. The assault was preceded by a deadly artillery and aerial bombing operation in which thousands of shells and surface to air ordnance pounded the defenders over an eight hour period. In addition airborne and amphibious commando units were deployed behind the lines and in eastern coastal regions to harass enemy movements and communications and to seize bridges on the Drtéréksrne.

Devastating artillery fire was laid down by the Vanukean military before regular ground forces advanced.

More than 50,000 troops were then ordered on the offensive in the primary attack zone supported by tens of thousands more along the line. Losses as troops crossed what has now become known as the killing zone - the river floodplain between the outer ring of defences occupied by Vanuku and the second fortified sector held by Deltaria - were extremely high, according to eye witnesses.

The Vanukean advance, which made steady progress at first, was then blocked by the Deltarian counterattack tactic which utilises reserves close to the front line and has proved an effective stumbling block in slowing progress. However, the result of such action was that the Deltarians, themselves, suffered high casualties amongst the troops who surged forward in order to give defenders to their rear time to regroup.

Fighting in the Battle for Frtoékrmjko continued for several days with attacks and counter attacks on both sides becoming less effective over time. Experts say the front between the disputed Northern Khaganate and Katonid Khanate border was advanced around half a kilometre and allowed Vanuku to retake the town before before the two sides became bogged down again. In addition, the second and third lines of the Deltarian original three-tier defensive fortification network remains generally intact.

Casualties began to mount up as soldiers on both sides tried to advance through the 'killing zone'.

Despite the situation, Vanukean Defence Minister Colonel Eksandr G. Anzlék remained positive. He said: "The Deltarian force is inferior to ours. Each of these attacks is breaking down their resistance and their morale. The conflict is more attritional than we first anticipated but is not unsurprising given the level of fortifications and defences the Deltarians were allowed to build while they fooled other nations with overtures of peaceful intent.

"Nevertheless, we will prevail. Vanuku's military is honed to go the distance and we will use whatever means necessary to throw back the illegal occupiers and liberate southern Jelbania."

Behind the scenes, it is believed the Kingdom government is desperate to see a quick end to the conflict. This is partly down to the continued expansion of Jeztrid forces in the western tribal areas but also due to speculative reports that Manil II Khagan, the ruler of the Northern Khaganate, is said to be on his deathbed after suffering a series of strokes. His death would lead to a succession crisis in the Vanukean-sponosred Khaganate a situation that the government in Wiel can ill afford.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:41 am

Former Prefect Duke Sigzma Zhtál Dies
Leading Noble Passes Away At Ancestral Home After Suffering Suspected Stroke In His Sleep

Duke Sigzma pictured at his noble house's ancestral seat in Vrzkel.

August 4412 - Duke Sígzma Barnkuksrmko Zhtál, one of the architects of modern-day politics in Vanuku, has died at the age of 82. A statement released by his widow, Duchess Agzé, says that he passed away in his sleep after suffering a suspected stroke.

Duke Sigzma, who founded the Zhtál-Merlkai Jezhrjekai Prta (Z-MJP) in 4387, just as democracy and the monarchy was restored following a military coup, went on to be Prefect of the Grand Council for 12 years. He is best known for lobbying former King, Wrntukai V, over his right to rule as an absolute monarch. It led to a softening of the king's approach to governance and the introduction of a semi-constitutional monarchy in Vanuku.

Despite being the head of the powerful Zhtál-Merlkai noble house, he also had the common touch. He promoted paternalistic conservatism, which allowed him to continue to back the monarch and the hereditary aristocratic system while supporting the poorer parts of society through major health, education and welfare reforms. He was also known as a great compromiser, reflected in the fact his party has remained in coalition government with the Jezhrje Knstatak Prta for the last 21 years.

Following his death, his son Count Brnó Sigzmasrmko Zhtál - who is currently leader of the Z-MJP - inherits his titles, becomes patriarch of the noble house and will formally reside at the ancestral seat in Vrzkel in the far north of Vanuku.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jun 25, 2018 1:17 pm

Carrier Strike Group Heads To New Base in Kalistan As Part of Tripartite Accord
New overseas home gives Vanukean Fourth Fleet Significant Naval Presence throughout Anantonese Ocean

Elements of the Fourth Fleet carrying out its mission of observation in the Anantonese Ocean.

February 4414 - Vanuku's fourth fleet is set to move to its new overseas base in Kalistan over the next few weeks as part of a groundbreaking diplomatic, economic and security accord.

The powerful strike group, which is headed by the super carrier HVMS Kesprka will be housed at the new Bozo River Training Facility on the north east coast of the island state of Ananto, giving it enhanced projection capability throughout the Anantonese Ocean.

Despite being the smallest of Vanuku's super carrier formations, the Fourth Fleet still consists of a substantial carrier air wing (eight squadrons), cruisers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, submarines and associated support craft... and would be the envy of most nation's navies. In recent months it has been carrying out observational operations in the Anantonese Ocean, refuelling and resupplying at sea.

All these tasks will now be carried out much more conveniently at the deep water base in Kalistan making the logistics of carrying out all-year round operations thousands of miles from Vanuku much easier. The fleet will also have access to KALNAPECO refueling facilities at Port Sweedes and Kalistani Naval Shipyard facilities at Port Devon for repair and refitting if required.

Rear Admiral Adlé Jezküs, Commander of the Fourth Fleet, has already met with members of the Kalistani Ministry of Defence to inspect the large section of the base allocated to the fleet and to fine tune requirements. As part of the accord, Vanukean personnel, believed to number around 7,500, including a Marine Corps detachment, will be governed by Kalistani national law for the entire duration of their stay on Kalistani soil.

The deal forms part of the Kaliburg Trlateral Accord - which has been agreed between Vanuku, Kalistan and Selucia. It draws the three nations closer in terms of trade, cultural and education exchange and military co-operation, although all three signatories are keen to stress the treaty is not a formal alliance between the nations.

The signing of the treaty brought to an end Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur successful trip to Kalistan. Before heading back to Wiel he said: "We must congratulate our Kalistani hosts and the Selucian government in working so closely with us in developing this significant treaty. We look forward to the many economic and cultural benefits this will bring and the enhanced diplomatic and security relations that have been forged.

"We also thank the Kalistani government for providing a superb overseas base for our Fourth Fleet. This gives our navy a significant platform from which to carry out all operational missions required many thousands of miles from home."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:13 pm

Defiant Duke Says 'No" To Peace With Deltaria
Despite Growing Calls Within His Party, Zhtál Says Vanuku Must Re-double Its Effort to Win the War

Duke Brnó Zhtál reacted furiously to calls to broker peace with Deltaria, which he says would be a betrayal of Jelbania.

March 4414 - The leader of the Zhtál-Merlkai Jezhrjekai Prta, Duke Brnó Zhtál, has angrily ruled out growing calls from within his party for Vanuku to consider peace with Deltaria. Instead, he has insisted the Kingdom should step up its war effort and use all means within its power to defeat the long-standing enemy.

The two nations have been at war for more than three years over control of the fragmented nation of Jelbania, with neither making any real headway in an attritional land-based campaign. However, following the blood-soaked Battle of Frtoékrmjko which saw tens of thousands of soldiers lose their life on both sides, neither nation has committed to a major advance and the conflict has descended into a tense defensive stand off.

It has led to many peace protests being sparked around the country and with elections less than 12 months away Members of the Grand Council are starting to pick up on the theme as they look to secure their seats in parliament for another six year term.

However, Duke Brnó Zhtál said the coalition government, of which he is a part, should not bow to such pressure and Vanuku must redouble its efforts to win the war quickly and definitively. He said: "Yes, there are some within my party who call for peace and propose bills to undermine the effectiveness of our armed forces. They say to me privately that I should put pressure on the Prefect and call on him to look at peaceful options and end this war.

I always tell them the same thing - never, never, never! Would they have us abandon our fellow Jelbek people to the Thallerist thugs of the south? It seems that is what they are proposing and I tell them that would be the ultimate betrayal.

"Instead, I tell them, Vanuku should stand firm and resolute and continue to wage war against this enemy of all Majatra. If I put pressure on the Prefect it is for one reason and one reason only - that is to impress on him the need to reinvigorate our war effort and take the fight to the enemy again.

"We have all the necessary tools at our disposal. The Prefect has been given full executive powers to use whatever means necessary to completely remove the Deltarian presence from Jelbania. So as a member of his coalition cabinet and the largest party in Vanuku I will continually push that theme and look forward to the total eradication of Deltarian forces."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby November » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:21 pm


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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:27 pm

Strategic Bombing Campaign Launched By Vanuku
Around-The-Clock Aerial Missions and Guided Missile Attacks Aimed at Destroying Deltarian Morale and Key Industrial Sites

One of Vanuku's strategic stealth bombers takes to the air for a mission in Deltarian-held territory.

With the land-based operations having ground to a halt after casualties began to mount up, Vanuku has turned to strategic bombing to whittle away at Deltaria's morale and destroy its economic capability to support its military.

Long-range aerial missions are being carried out around the clock by Vanuku's strategic stealth bomber wings, targeting key industrial sites in the Katonid Khanate and Deltaria, as well as other locations believed to be vital to the war-making effort. Stand-off air-to-surface weaponry is being employed by the bombers to help evade defensive fire from the target areas.

Land and submarine-based cruise missile launches are also commonplace as Vanuku looks to pound the enemy into submission. Tactical bombing missions have also been stepped up to try and cut communications and supply lines in an attempt to isolate the tens of thousands of heavily fortified front line Deltarian troops.

Eyewitnesses from behind the lines say they have had to endure a terror bombing campaign, which has 'flattened' some towns and communities, leaving many thousands of people homeless. However the Vanukean Ministry of Defence have said the reports are pure propaganda and civilian areas have not been specifically targeted.

The total war-style tactic demonstrates that Vanuku is in no mind to negotiate peace with Deltaria as it continues to pursue its primary objective of forcing a general withdrawal of enemy forces from southern Jelbania and the dissolution of the Katonid Khanate.

Defence Minister Colonel Eksandr G. Anzlék said: "While we continue to put pressure on the Deltarian frontline and make inroads into enemy territory in that way, our strategic and tactical bombing operations will limit, and eventually eradicate, the enemy's ability to support and reinforce their front line from the rear. The Deltarian high command will soon be faced with a stark choice: withdraw or become isolated and under-supplied whilst facing a superior opponent.

"We believe this tactic will oblige the enemy to carry out a full withdrawal and ultimately will bring us victory."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:38 pm

Coalition Set to Split Apart as War Takes Its Toll on the Political Front
Z-MJP and JKP set to go separate ways as Duke Zhtál Pushes Himself Forward to Be Prefect

Duke Brnó Zhtál, Leader of the Z-MJP, who looks likely to become Prefect following a rift in the coalition government.

August 4415 - The wearying attritional war with Deltaria looks set to break the historic government coalition that has presided over Vanuku for nearly 25 years. Following national elections earlier this year, which saw the Z-MJP party notch up a narrow overall majority of just nine seats, there has been turmoil in the Grand Council.

Z-MJP Leader Duke Brnó Zhtál has called for the resignation of current Prefect Jlekai Nasir to be replaced by himself in a new-look government. Zhtál stated that it was time for someone else to prosecute the war, which has lingered on for years - someone, he claimed, who could force a victory as soon as possible to silence the growing peace lobby.

However, despite being offered the prominent Interior and Finance ministries in a new coalition government, Nasir's party - the JKP - will not accept as they have been overlooked for the key role of Foreign Minister. Nasir said that without that ministry the JKP would be excluded from international affairs.

It has led to Zhtál visiting the King to seek permission to form a single-party government - breaking the coalition which was first proposed by his late father, Duke Sigzma Zhtál, in 4391. However, he has left the door open for the JKP to put forward a counter-proposal.

The rift couldn't come at a worse time, with reports coming in that the long-running conflict in Jelbania against Deltaria and its allies had claimed up to 200,000 lives - both soldiers and civilians, on the battlefield and through humanitarian crises. The situation has seen the ground campaign grind to a halt and a massive strategic bombing operation launched by Vanuku, which Deltaria has responded to with dogged interceptor tactics and has led to a massive battle for air superiority above the skies of southern Jelbania and northern Deltaria.

Duke Brnó Zhtál refused to comment to Forwards Vanuku about the coalition fall out and his future plans for government but it is believed that he is expected to make a series of policy changes to boost the country's war economy to spark a reinvigorated campaign against the Deltarians.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jun 29, 2018 10:28 am

Vanuku and Zardugal Look To Put Differences Behind Them
Closer Co-operation on the Table As Foreign Minister Ashur Flies to Zardugal

Mr Ashur, right, is greeted by members of the Zardic welcoming party after arriving in Venetio.

February 4416 - Vanukean Foreign Minister Rnúf Ashur has flown to Zardugal for talks aimed at bringing the two neighbouring countries closer together. Following the collapse of the long-standing Sankta Partio de Renaskigo, the Komunisma Partio de Zardugal has taken control of the country and is looking to reshape the constitution.

While the political ideologies of two governments seem miles apart, the preliminary actions of new Zardic head of state, Hosni Ahmad, seem to suggest he wants to draw a line under recent frosty relations with the Kingdom. He also quickly moved to withdraw all Zardic troops from the western tribal areas of Jelbania ending worries that Zardugal was looking to extend its influence in that fragmented nation and interfere in Vanuku's conflict with Deltaria.

Ashur flew into the capital, Venetio, where he was met by Zardic Foreign Minister Anwar Mouffaini before being whisked off for a meeting with President Ahmad.

Speaking to the press after stepping off the plane, Minister Ashur said: "The last 50 years has seen relations somewhat deteriorate with Zardugal for a number of reasons - I am here to put things right.

"President Ahmad has already demonstrated that he has a clear, positive vision for Zardugal - which includes the removal of oppression of certain ethnic minorities, such as the Mallan, and an end to the short-sighted ambition of previous governments to rebuild the Augustan Empire.

"Primarily I am here to listen to what his plans are and to see how we can enhance co-operation between our two nations. I will also be impressing upon him the importance of the Majatran Alliance, of which we are both key members, and to look at options for other joint ventures."
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:39 pm

Troops Enter Western Tribal Areas of Jelbania
Vanuku Advances In a Bid to Counter Deltaria's Presence In Anarchic Territory

Vanukean troops are pictured entering an abandoned village on the border as they cross into the western tribal areas.

March 4416 - Vanuku has opened up a potential new front in its war with Deltaria by sending troops into the untamed and highly-unpredictable western tribal areas of Jelbania.

Deltaria moved into the region from the territory of its ally Katonid Khanate several months ago. It claimed it was in a bid to keep various factions - including the so-called Jeztri Blue Hoard ruled by the self-styled Shlajkai VII - contained.

However, the Vanukean Armed Forces High Command has subsequently deemed this move as a threat to its defences and its own units have now entered the north of the territory with orders to advance towards the Deltarian positions.

Any advance, on either side, will be very difficult. The anarchic area - previously the state of Yamtekstan - is now ruled by a series of petty tribal lords. Infrastructure is at a very low level and the main source of income is the once-rich uranium mines that are now under the control of one warlord or another. It is also difficult to predict how the Jeztri Blue Hoard faction will react to the Vanukean presence, although it is likely they will be seen as the lesser of two evils compared to the hated Katonid Khanate and their Deltarian allies.

Defence Minister Eksandr G. Anzlék said: "Clearly the Deltarian presence in this area, known as the tribal areas, is a threat to the security of Vanukean troops in the Northern Khaganate and could be the precursor to a Deltarian offensive into that state via the western flank. Our troops are positioning themselves to counter that threat and provide us with more options to open up a new front if necessary.

"Obviously we are aware of the current factional situation in the area and are also aware of the inhospitable terrain and poor road links, but we have deployed troops ideally suited to the conditions and we are communicating with the tribal warlords. The general idea is that we can establish a defensive beach head in the tribal areas from which we can expand, or move rapidly, depending on operational requirements."

Meanwhile, further east on the main battle front, tens of thousands of troops remain bogged down facing one another over heavily fortified border defences. The current main focus of the conflict is a battle for aerial superiority over southern Jelbania and northern Deltaria, where Vanuku has also embarked on a huge strategic bombing campaign to wear down the Deltarian's ability to wage the war.
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Re: Wrntu Wrnuke! (Forwards Vanuku!)

Postby Sisyphus » Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:57 pm

Prefect Takes On Dual Role As Defence Minister After Controversial Resignation
Duke Zhtál Now Has More Hands-On Control Of War With Deltaria After Long-serving Minister Forced to Quit

Former Minister of Defence Eksandr G. Anzlék whose role has been taken over by the Prefect.

August 4417 - Prefect Duke Brnó Zhtál has taken personal control of the Defence Ministry as he looks to play a more hands-on role in the war with Deltaria. It comes after the decision by long-serving Defence Minister Eksandr G. Anzlék to step down following controversy over his promotion from Colonel to Lieutenant-General.

Duke Zhtál had requested the promotion of retired Colonel Anzlék to mark his dedication to his duties - however, many politicians were up in arms because they said as a politician he could not also be a serving military officer, so the promotion was unconstitutional.

Addressing the Grand Council, the Prefect said: "I have spoken with the Minister of Defence, Eksandr G. Anzlék, regarding the debate over my decision to promote him to Lieutenant-General. We have decided that the controversy is overshadowing his ability to carry out his duties at this crucial time. Therefore, this morning, I accepted his resignation. It was the honourable thing to do given the circumstances.

"Subsequently, after consultation with the Armed Forces High Command, and in order to take a more hands on role in terms of the war with Deltaria, I have decided to take charge of the Ministry of Defence. In time a suitable candidate will be appointed, but for now it serves our interests for me to take on this integral role."

Many critics have said that Zhtál cynically engineered the situation to suit his own needs. Anzlék was seen as a potential leadership rival to the Duke, whose hardline stance on religion, morality and the military is not liked by all members of his party. It is also believed that Anzlék had clashed with the Prefect over his "win at all costs" attitude, which could put more soldier's lives at risk with no certainty of victory given the current stalemate in Jelbania.
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