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Postby KD2 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:45 pm

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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:41 pm

JLP Analyse Past Elections

Miamo, Sonhata: The Jakanian Labour Party has undergone an in-depth analysis of it's previous election contests in order to better assess its goals, it can be revealed. The Party, formed in 2466, has contested an astonishing 143 elections - its first in 2468. Bar a minor hiatus the Party has played a huge part in Jakanian politics for almost four centuries, bringing a left wing agenda with it. Party officials have looked back at results from 2468 for each of the five regions of Jakania to see were improvements can be made.

Borenu is the nations most westerly region, bordering the Republic of Cobura. In the most recent election [held in 2927] the Party failed to take this region. Borenu has never been the Parties easiest region to deal with, winning it only 53 times. It last won the region in 2916, taking all 50 of the seats there. Since then it has been held by the Parties biggest rivals to power, the Progress Party of Jakania [PPJ]. If the JLP wish to form a majority Government and defeat the current governing coalition between the PPJ and the RRP [Radical Republican Party] it must strengthen its political power in Borenu.

Nilaka is the nations central region, which holds within it the Capital. The JLP have performed only marginally better here than in Borenu, winning it 56 times out of a possible 143. Initially the Party faired poorly in the region, not winning it until 2510 and even then it struggled to make much headway against the then powerful Scientific Libertarian Party. It wasn't until 2582 that the Party could rely on winning the region, doing so until the election of 2605. From 2652 until 2718, the Party had disastrous campaigns in the region, falling into third place in many elections during this time. Since then the Party has found it difficult to hold the region , last winning it in 2908.

Hufata is the nations most southern region, bordering the Independent Wantuni Republic. In recent years, the region has generally supported the JLP - doing so from 2899 to 2916. It can now be classified as a 'swing' region, going between the the JLP and the PPJ. Given the Parties recent success there, it is surprising that the Party failed to make much of an impact previously; winning the region only 47 times. From 2908 to 2916 the Party took over 99% of the votes cast in the region, making it the best performance for the Party in a long time. The Party are currently just four seats behind the PPJ in the region, and should Hufata change hands at the next election the JLP are likely to become the largest Party once more.

Bogendo sits atop Hufata and likewise borders the IWR. This is the Parties worst region to contest elections in, winning it a disappointing 37 times, but has improved slightly in recent years; capturing it at the 2923 and 2927 elections respectively. Winning the most votes in the 2480 election was not the opening of success, as it did not repeat this feat until 2564. The JLP has struggled continuously to gain [then retain] this region, failing to take it from 2652 until 2760 - a gap of over 100 years. The Party currently has a large lead over the PPJ in the region and must do well to hold it.

Sonhata is bordered by Borenu to the west and Nilaka to the east. Sonhata is the JLPs stronghold - in 143 elections the Party has been returned as the largest a massive 93 times. Every leader of the Party, bar one, has been elected from Sonhata and the Parties headquarters are situated in Miamo. The Parties success can be attributed to the left-leaning nature of Sonhata - on the occasions the Party failed to win, more often than not it was another socialist Party that took the region. The Party seldom takes less than 50% of the votes in the region, though recent elections have been closely fought battles. The JLP should not take Sonhata for granted and must continue to deliver policies the people there can support.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:01 pm


An economic inferno has occured in Jakania. Right before the restructuring of the tax system, which now passed with the support of the Jakania Coalition were to occur, a major bubble has burst in the Jakania stock markets.

"There's no doubt that this is going to hurt families all across Jakania, and that we need a government that can enact policies to prevent further recession and even depression." Said the Chief Political Analyst at Jakania News Central. The Progress Party and Radical Republicans have started discussions, and the Finance Minister, Mr Goldfarb (PPJ) has made it absolutely clear that he believes in more government involvement now that recession has occured. He was quoted: "The deficit we're currently running is absolutely insignificant, so, we'll fight for more government investments and tax cuts -to get this economy moving- and we'll deal with the deficit later. It's not like we haven't piled up money from the start; we can fight this recession." There's reason to believe that Mr. Goldfarb and Prime Minister Lincoln is currently fighting over what to do. Where the Progress Party has a more centrist and practical approach, the more libertarian and hence fiscally ultra-conservative Republicans has an entirely different view. Either the PPJ will exercise their power as the largest party, or there will be major confrontatons. For the time being, the coalition has been strong dealing with compromises, and let's hope they put away ideology and help fight to secure jobs.

Stay tuned at the Jakania News Central.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:31 pm

JLP Finance Spokesman Slams Govt.

Miamo, Sonhata: The JLP's Finance spokesman, Patrick Johnson, today slammed the current governing Coalition for leading the nation into a recession. In a scathing attack, he blamed 'wild taxation' and unnecessary spending.

'The so called Progress Party of Jakania has led this nation into a bleak situation. Where is the progress in turning our once prosperous nation into an economic blackspot? The nation is currently in a deficit of 583,802,402,977 JAK; whereas under the JLP our nation was a glimmer of hope to similar nations. Wild taxation brought in by the Finance minister has led to this, along with spending increases in pointless areas such as funding for the Head of Government - which is nothing more than a mere ego trip by the RRP - who have consistently supported the PPJ. Voters must take heed when it comes to casting their ballots in July. Only under a JLP led administration can we return to a profitable society.'

Patrick Johnson, JLP Finance Spokesman
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:55 am


In a recent press conference at the Capitol, the Finance Minister, Mr. Abraham Goldfarb slammed the Labour Party for their wild accusations. He was quoted: "Unncessary spending or "wild taxation", which of course the JLP do not make clear what is, is however not the cause of this recession. It's simply a slump in the consumption; namely a bit of crunch in the aggregate demand. We're now looking into stimulating this demand in order to bring the economy moving again. If the Labour Party believes that more funding for the Head of Government, that now finally are able to process the applications it gets, is the source for this recession, they are in dire need of education; I'm happy to help."


There is no doubt that this recession has made Jakanians feel confused and bitter, which party and who they'll blame will likely come out in the elections which are to occur in June this year. The Finance Minister was clearly angry at the Labour Party, for "..trying to confuse people and lay the blame on us." The Hawk Institute is releasing it's report on the crunch, and we'll likely see a valid hypothesis of where it occured produced by them, but until that time, there are floating ideas and speculations from everywhere. Mr. Goldfarb wanted to vindicate the government's policies a little further during the press conference. "Sure, we're going to get this re-structuring of the tax system thrown at us as a source, but most economists will tell you it happened before that. The bubble burst right before we passed the legislation. Second, I want to mention this jab at the deficit by the Labourites; they voted for cutting the sales taxes, but not cutting spending nor raising the income taxes, so if they got it their way, we'd be looking at close to a 2 trillion JAR deficit!"

The government has taken drastic steps, by lowering income taxes and raising spending in key areas such as science and technology, trade and industry, and more for education now that unemployment is likely to spike and more adults are going to seek further education. "We're taking real steps, and we'd love to work with the Labour Party, but as long as they keep lying to the Jakania people and hindering real growth from occuring, they won't be a valuable partner." The Finance Minister responded to questions on the negotiations.

We'll keep you updated on the recession and the government. Keep yourself updated on the key news to stay informed on the election which occurs in few months.

Stay tuned at the Jakania News Central.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Sat May 01, 2010 8:51 am


In the election that just occured, the Contract with Jakania Coalition (CJC) marked itself as a strong coalition that clearly has popular support by the electorate. Usually, coalitions such as the CJC fail, or get very injured in later elections, but not only did the CJC keep its support; it grew! Currently, the Progress Party alone has a majority of the seats in the Supreme Council.

Nathan Fitzgerald at the election convention.

In an interview at the Coalition's election convention, the Prime Minister was quoted: "Finally, despite the Labour Party's attempts to distort the truth and attribute the recession to us, the voters saw through the deception and voted for what they believe in; a free and strong Jakania without bloated government and high taxes." Nathan Fitzgerald was also among those who cheered the election result. Being just re-elected he made it pretty clear that: "There's no doubt that Jakanian voters believe in sound leadership, they believe in a Jakania that's strong and has freedom for all its citizens. They've rejected left-wing ideology, and now are fighting for a revitalization of our economy and they know we're the ones to do exactly that!" While the crowd in the enormous Borenu Arena, home of the Progress Party, cheered on.. the economy is falling again into a recession. The Chief Political Analyst here at the JNC said: "The economic turmoil we're going through has undoubtedly affected the election, and obviously, despite being in power when it occured, the Jakania Coalition managed to paint the most beautiful picture of hope for the voters."

The Hawk Institute, speculated to be on the side of the Progress Party, has released many reports during the last few months on the issue of the economic downturn. They came to the conclusion that loan-financed bubbles have burst mainly caused by the low interest rates and partly by tight regulation that forced creditors to indebt debitors. Whereas the Labour Party believes in "wild taxation" and funding for the Head of Government department has caused this, our economic analysts do not agree. And, we must declare, what caused the recession is now starting to grow uninteresting. What is interesting for all Jakanians right now is: How do we fix it?

Stay tuned at the Jakania News Central.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby KD2 » Tue May 04, 2010 6:10 pm

Redwood Announced As JUfP Candidate

Miamo, Sonhata: Former Supreme Governor and current JLP Leader Allan Redwood has been confirmed as the Supreme Governor candidate for the Jakanian Union for Progress. The new coalition between the JLP, The Alliance and the SPPoJ have agreed that each Party will have two attempts at winning the most sought after position in Jakanian politics. Fifty-three year old Redwood, who was Supreme Governor from 2923-2927, has been the JLPs candidate in the last two elections but lost out Nathan Fitzgerald of the PPJ. Speaking to a gathered crowd in Nilaka, Redwood addressed the need for change:

'Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me the greatest pleasure to announce the formation of a new coalition; a coalition which can lead this nation out of the abyss the PPJ has led us into. We three Parties, the JLP, the Alliance and the Socialist Peoples Party of Jakania, look to take this Nation forward not back. We have seen in recent months the PPJ get into bed with the newly formed National Socialist Workers Party - in simpler terms, Nazis. Then, following on from pressure by the JUfP, the PPJ unceremoniously dumped their new allies. The fact of the matter is simple; the PPJ cannot be trusted to govern this nation - only the JUfP can sort out the nations problems and we will strive together to better the people of this country! From education to culture, welfare and health, the JUfP offers real change - protecting our working and middle class citizens from the inadequate policies the PPJ have brought to our shores. Only we can return Jakania to its true glory, only we can offer sensible politics, only we can change this nation for the better! Thank you.'

JUfP Supreme Govenor Candidate Allan Redwood
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Tue May 04, 2010 11:02 pm

Who Will be the CJS's Candidate?

-The Undercover Eye reports.

The Contract with Jakania Coalition has fought for their candidates with remarkably deliberate strategies. For its time as an organized power, its won two elections out of two possible. For the current time being, it's in a bit worse shape we at the Eye must concede, but we have belief that the Progress Party with all the other anti-Socialist parties might reawaken and revitalize politics and start a movement against the socialist powers. The Progress Party tried to tame the Nazis in order to keep the socialists in check; now they're looking for other ways out. The PPJ is a power hungry party -like all other parties- that has won the Sup. Governor elections twice and won't give it up now once they've got it.

Patrick Fitzgerald might be the the CJC's candidate for Supreme Governor. He's fought in the Supreme Council as the group of Reps leader. He's been a key player in the "largest economic expansion in modern time" (Hawk Institute). Patrick Fitzgerald is the son of Nathan Fitzgerald, who now holds the crown. He's fought for strong tax cuts across the board, and succeeded largely at that. He's built an enormous rainy day fund which is now being -happily me might add- used in the fighting against this recession. They've now decided the economy might be ready to stand on its own legs, and cut spending and raising taxes tinily to shorten the gap.

Another Fitzgerald might be open to taking the crown, namely Matt. He's been the last part of the trio in the Fitzgerald Family of governing Jakania and the PPJ. He's been in the shadows and controlled policies and people behind the scences. Undoubtedly, he's an extremely interesting man with great influence in Nilaka. He's kept his strings closely to the Radical Republicans, Senior Staff close to the PM quoted: "We see this Fitzgerald guy walk in here often, he goes directly to the PM office without an appointment. Some days we hear big arguments in there, but mostly it's the Fitzgeralder who's raising his voice."

What will happen with the Supreme Governor is a mystery only you, the voters, will decide. But undoubtedly, with the recent revelation of the candidate of the Socialist Bloc -the Jakania Coalition for Progress- namely Mr. Redwood, it's going to be a hard fight for both sides.

The Undercover Eye - Keeps you updated on the news behind the scenes.
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby NSDWP » Wed May 05, 2010 3:15 pm

The National Rally for Jakania held their national convention in Nilaka last weekend

The Nilaka convention square was heavily guarded by police when massive demonstrations were held outside the National Socialists national convention. The 564 delegates from all around the country were gathered to draft a manifesto, elect a Führer and a central committe, elect candidates and spokespersons for the upcoming elections. The first issue on the convention floor was to rename the party from national socialist to the Armed Jakanian National Front.

The party gathered massively behind Marcus von Schenk as their first Führer and candidate for HOG in his adress to the convention he blamed the jews, the negros, the communists and the liberals for the recession that Jakania is now facing. "We need to take to the streets to ensure a strong reich" Schenk told the convention. These statements were followed by massive ovations. Furthermore a narrow vote secured the national socialists their own candidate for head of state. 300 persons voted for Adolf Heidelberger as the party candidate, the retired police officers raged against "the jew mafia in the progress party and the environemental liberal party and the bolcheviks for not standing up for the country in a time of crisis." The diplomat Joachim von Gadelbrann was elected international secretary and the famous country music singer Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Fuglesang were elected secretary general.

The party agreed on the following 5 points as the main issues to front in their upcoming election campaign.

Ensure strong traditional values
Segregate the untermench from our pure race
A stronger national defence
A central government based on "Führerprinsip"
To allow the death penalty to be used on all criminal offenders.

"The parties in parliament dont take the problems with crime seriously" Marcus von Schenk said in his closing adress to the convention.

As heavily armed bodyguards escorted the delegates into safe busses and sent them of to their respective regions. "The National Rally for racial purity and a strong government is stronger than ever before." were General secretary Fuglesangs only comment to the press on the way out
Last edited by NSDWP on Wed May 05, 2010 10:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
The Armed Jakanian National Front

Party führer: Marcus von Schenk
Secretary General:Lauritz Fuglesang
Speaker of the Parliament: Vidkun Stjern
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Re: Jakanian News Network [JNN]

Postby Mr.Conservative » Wed May 05, 2010 3:56 pm


The Jakanian News Central hits spot on the Supreme Governor elections in its latest edition of the Undercover Eye.

Patrick Fitzgerald, PPJ leader in the Sup. Council, is the Contract with Jakania Coalition's Candidate for Supreme Governor. In a recent press conference he said: "We've had these authoritarian, near fascist, in this party, and now with me and my allies, we've been able to kick these out. We're a party for common sense values that fight for our workers and for a free society." He further went on to attack the Nationalists and the Socialists: "There's time that we as a nation say no to extremism on all sides. We will not tolerate socialism or national socialism, they're both twisted ideologies that take away the freedom of the people!" When nationalist demonstrators outside managed to ram in the door and start a small riot, the candidate rose up in fury and screamed at the top of his lungs: "All Jakanians need to stand together and fight these extremists! There's no place for these fanatics in our country - say no!"

Patrick Fizgerald at the press conference

At the PPJ convention, where Mr. Fitzgerald was elected, there was a growing concern over the divisons in the party. Patrick won the support with his uplit speech condemning the nationalists and the corporativists. "We started out as a party for the few and the wealthy, we've grown into a proper center-right party that fights for common sense values that most Jakanians share; we don't want to turn into another fanatical party that takes the street to beat up civilians who don't agree with them. We need to fight for our values and say no to the socialists and say no to the nationalists! Let's throw these authoritarian fascists in our party out the door immediately!"

"Where will the PPJ be if they win the elections, but need support of either the socialists or the nationalists?" one reporter asked at the press conference. Mr. Fitzgerald responded: "First of all, we're going to win the elections. Second, if it, unlikely though, happens - We're going to hope that the less fanatical parties and the center parties are willing to compromise on policies and fight against these fanatical tendencies. We've cleaned up our act and I would have a hard time picking either socialist or nationalists; they're both equally horrendous"

Stay tuned at the Jakania News Central.
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